Ilvermorny Quidditch Practice!

Einar couldn't help the light frown towards the keeper and his words, words that had certainly dampened his small momentary good feeling over having scored. He just turned away and reassumed position, watching as the captain took the quaffle and flew with it. He knew he'd be unlikely to help the captain, but he flew not too far to provide any assistance that he could.
Isaak arrived to the hoops, and attempted to make a shot, but it hung too wide to the left. Isaak shrugged his shoulders, and didn't let it get to him. After all, this was just a practice game.
Eli knew he was supposed to be guarding other players, but he wanted to hit a bludger. So when one came even a little bit near one of the chasers, he sped forward and hit it away, even if it hadn't really been in danger of hitting anyone.
Zigzagging his way around the pitch to avoid both players and bludgers flying around him, Noah continued his search for the golden snitch.
Cayleigh watched as the captain missed the shot. The former Slytherin continued to fly around, to make sure that the team was still protected.
AJ was still pretty scared of the bludgers, but as practice progressed he was starting to get a bit frustrated with him. He managed to swing at another as it passed, but it felt more like the bludger hit him than the other way round, baring altering its course as AJ pulled his arm back, momentarily switching his bat to his other hand as he shook his arm out with a hiss.
Einar watched the captain aim for the hoops but miss. For some odd reason it made Einar feel a little nervous. Had the keeper gone easy on him...had it really just been dumb luck that he'd managed it and not that he had some talent. Einar didn't have much time to give it any thought, grabbing the ball as it came back out into play. He knew he had to fly around before being able to try and score again. Einar kept the . ball tight and hoped that luck would stay out of this.
Dominic was just stoked to be here and finally getting to practice. He flew around keeping his eye on the quaffle and keeping a look out for any stray bludgers that were being hit around. He watched as the other two chasers made attempts to get the ball through the hoops. Dominic stayed close to Einar, who caught the quaffle after the captain's failed score, and followed him as he made the look towards the center of the pitch.
Noah was getting a little annoyed with the snitch now. Where the heck was it? Hoping that the other seeker was doing a better job than him, he started circling the pitch again.
The smug look on Adam's face was difficult to miss after the captain failed to score. Yeah, the first attempt was just dumb luck, that was all. He threw the ball back into play, watching that same kid take it again. This time he was ready. He couldn't get away with letting him score twice.​
Noah stopped to watch what was going on below him. If the snitch didn't want to be found he might as well watch the beaters for a moment to see if they weren't aiming for him. Stupid snitch.
Hope continued her search but that tiny golden ball was being difficult. She didn’t let her focus go away and went on with her search
As soon as Einar was once again close enough he went to score, but his growing nervousness made him fumble with the ball, and the keeper caught it. Einar felt frustrated, so his first goal really had been just luck, and now, he was going to just fail at every other occasion, because he was never usually lucky.
Eli moved off course a little to hit a bludger, but he missed. He sighed, flying back closer to his teammates to protect them. He was definitely getting frustrated with the task the captain had given him.
It seemed that everyone was as lucky as he was at the moment. He let out a deep sigh and scanned the skies once more for the snitch. It was still nowhere to be found.
Hope figured she would never see the golden snitch anymore, but than in the corner of her eye she noticed a golden thingy flying fast and she moved to it. She followed it quickly and had no idea where Noah was but this time it was her moment. Hope put her arm to the front and tried to grab it. It was a bit far away but she moved quickly and managed to get it! Hope smiled bright and hold it tight and showed it in the air. '' I GOT IT! WOO!'' Hope than said excited and was glad she and Noah were now even. Hope, wanted to catch it another time but she took a moment to actually be happy about this.
AJ was in hot pursuit of a bludger when commotion from the rest of the team caught his attention. Turning, AJ gave a little cheer when he spotted that Hope had managed to catch the snitch too. It was a good sign that their seekers were working so quick. His cheer was cut short when the bludger he was pursuing quickly banked, zipping past his head, AJ barely managing to duck in time, feeling his hair sway from the force of it passing overhead. Cowed, AJ straightened up, gripping his bat and eying the bludgers warily.
He cheered when Hope managed to catch the snitch. It appeared that their own practice sessions were working. Noah watched the snitch fly off when the other seeker had released it and gave it a minute or so to get as far away from them as possible. Following it with his eyes, Noah pressed forward on his broom and started to chase it around the pitch, determined to catch it a second time. They were even now but maybe they could make a little competition out of it. Zigzagging and swirling through the air to avoid getting hit by bludgers, the Pukwudgie closed in on the golden snitch. He stretched out his arm when he came close to it and once again snatched it out of the air. Slowing his broomstick down and turning around, Noah said, "So do I!" before letting the snitch go.
Dominic watched Einar miss the shot, “Better luck next time! You’re doing great!” he shouted to his younger teammate as he grabbed the quaffle from the keeper and started to make the loop to the halfway point before returning to the south hoop. He kept an eye out for any stray bludgers and got ready to try an make a shot of his own.
Hope continued her search and was so glad she had caught it once but than Noah had done it again. Hope doubted herself for a moment but would continue to search.
Adam smirked to himself as he managed to stop the kids attempt to score, offering him a small, almost mocking shrug in response. He tossed the quaffle back to Dominic, and resumed a comfortable position to lounge on his broom until the older boy could loop back. Couldn't these chasers practice passing to each other for a while or something? It would have saved him a lot of effort.​
Isaak was very impressed with how the seekers were going. He gave them an encouraging whoop, before flying near to Dominic in case he needed some assistance.
Noah was instantly in a better mood what with having caught the snitch a second time. At least he was showing the captain that he was a worthy alternate.
Rule 2a

Isaak soon had the quaffle in his hands after a pass, and headed toward the goals. Isaak arrived and hurled the quaffle, which soared into the middle hoop. Isaak pumped his fist in the air, glad he managed that shot.
Einar caught the ball again once it was thrown back out. He tucked it under his arm and began to loop back around. He would just have to work to get better at this game, show these players that he was worth bringing onto the team.

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