I'd catch a grenade for you

Michael was in a world of his own when Elise came and sat next to him. "Babe what ever takes your fancy." he told her. He didnt really care what they done aslong as they were together he didnt really care.
Elise nodded and stood up. " Well I'm going to go for a walk, just to clear my mind out." Elise said edging closer to the door. " I'll be back later, plan something to do." She laughed before she walked out of the room, taking her walk.
Michael sprung up and made sure Elise was gone he quickly rung his mate juan paul. "Dude help needed.…… right need something to do with Elise …… yep sure mate i owe ya one." he hung up and made sure he had the kit in her car ready for the outing. Just then the door whent. It was a bunch of kids selling husky puppies. Michael brought one and paid the kids and brought the dog inside.
Walking really did help settle Elise's mind. She liked walking and just having some time to herself, just to really plan out her life and see where she was going. Elise was feeling that someone was watching her, so she decided to walk back to her house. She quickly walked in and closed the door. " Oh puppy, she's so cute." Elise said petting her. " Michael, I think that there's someone watching me." She looked up at him.
Michael listened to Elise. He was hoping it wasnt the guy he thinks it is otherwise thed both be in icu. "stay here lock the doors using magic ill nock three time so you know its me." he said to her. He suited up ready to injure some one. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted some one out the front. He grabbed his trusty bow and whent after them. He pulled his bow a full draw length and let the arrow fly into the guys leg and watched him hit the floor as the arrow hit him. He ran up and grabbed the guy and dragged him back to Elise and the dog. He rapped on the door three time's. He threw the guy in as elise opened the door. "there you go Elise there's your stalker." he told her
Elise took the puppy and hid in the kitchen. She ran to answer the door for Michael. The brunette screamed as the hurt man was on the floor. She ran back to the puppy and took herself and the dog and went her car and locked them in it.
Michael ripped the arrow out of the guy and rolled him over. "who the hell do you think you are following my wife around hmm." he asked him. This whent on for an hour. Michael was nice and let the guy go. He quickly washed up. He whent to the car and rapped on the window. "he wont bother you again if he knows whats good for him." he told her
Elise opened the door and ran into Michael's arms with the puppy, " I was a bit scared there." She laughed as she held the puppy. " What should we name her? I like Ruby." Elise laughed.
"As soon as i saw you run i knew you were scared." he told her "yeah thats a cool name reminds me of my mum." he told her. He suddenly rememberd the activity he was gonna do. "Car keys please Elise we are going for a drive. Come on ruby." he said taking the keys of Elise.
Elise gave Michael the car keys and went over to the otherside with Ruby. " Where are we going hun?" She asked happily.
Michael ignored Elise as he backed out of the drive. He drive to his Favourite place after he got kicked out of school. It was a place on top of the hills where you could see most of the area. "here we are." he said grabbing a picnic basket. He laid a blanket out and signalled for Elise to sit down he put the dog on a leash and tied her to a tree.
Elise sighed as they drove along. " Oh picnic, nice." She said as she walked out of the car. The brunette walked and sat right beside Michael. " Nice up here." She said as she looked up at Michael.
"This was my favourite place after leaving school." he told her looking down to her. His eyes met hers. "Do you know how beautiful you are." he said to her
Elise nodded, it was a really nice place. She was sad that she hadn't found this place earlier. " Michael." She said poking him laughing. " Do you know how cute you are?" She looked up at him. " Can't forget about you either Ruby, your a cutie too." Elise laughed.
"Only what i have been told." he said to her "And how could we forget ruby." he said rolling the dog over and tickleing her tummy. He opened the picnic basket and found a sausage for Ruby.
Elise laughed, " Your car should be ready any day now." She nodded. Elise stood up and walked around a little bit, taking in the view. " What now Michael?" She said looking at him.
"you choose i have a tent in the back if you wanna stay out here." he said. "I have enough food for a couple of days dog and human. As well as fresh clothes." he told her. He hoped that shed wanna stay this place was hard to get to. So thed be safe to use magic.
Elise nodded, she would like that. Elise put her arms around Michaels neck. " That sounds wonderful." Elise said happily.
"Well its gonna be great there is loads i can teach about wildlife." he told her. He kissed her. He then floored he and started tickling her. All the while with ruby playing a long to.
Elise laughed as Michael and Ruby played along with her. " Sounds like fun." She wrapped her arms around him.
He waved his wand and the tent put it self up in seconds. Michael walled over to Ruby and untied her from the tree. "Come on lets get inside its getting late." he said as the night started to fall. When he walked in it was as big as a normal sized muggle flat.
Elise nodded as she grabbed some things from the car and locked it. " Why was that guy following me?" She asked bluntly.
"He was hired to get information on you." He told her. He knew what he had to do to get rid of these guys. But he wouldnt think Elise would agree. "I know how to get rid of them but you wont like it." he told her.
" What do they want from me?" She asked, Elise was quite confused. " Tell me." She said standing beside him.
"Ok there are a couple in the woods i saw them earlier." he told her "Were this ring and ill be able to find you. I want you to make sure that they snatch you. Ok." he said giving her the ring and directing her towards were the men were. "Be brave my love." he said kissing her. "Ill see you later!" he shouted after her now all he had to do was wait for her screem.

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