I'd catch a grenade for you

Elise Finnigan

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Elise walked back into the house quietly.. well as quietly as she could with three inch heels that even a couple blocks away could hear. The brunette looked at the mail, only her family letters and a few bills that she would take care of later. Elise was so tired from today; she was all around town promoting her dance studio, and almost had enough students to start her classes. She was quite curious as to where Michael was, so she pulled out her phone and texted him. " Where are you?" She sent as she sat down on the couch.
When michael awoke. He saw Elise go out. He guessed it was for her dance class. She needed more student's. As he was getting dressed he recived a text from his boss saying that he was needed as soon as possible. He quickly grabbed his fire arm and suit jacket and made his way to the truck. He found a envolope on his seat telling him time place and who he was protecting today. Like useual he stopped by the office to get the others then all five cars and trucks made their way to the airport. When he got there he flashed his id and got waved through. His personal mobile whent off it was Elise. "i am at the airport. At work" he text her.
The brunette felt somewhat alone in her house. She was thinking that maybe it was time to get a pet to keep her company when Michael was out. She nearly shrieked when she heard her mobile go off, she totally forgot that she had sent a text. Elise read the text and sighed a bit; she did miss seeing her husband, but he did have to work. " See you later." She texted simply to him.
Michael was driving pretty fast even if it was raining. He wanted to get home as soon as possible. Micheal hit the last turn befor home too quickly and rolled the car over. He was extremly hurt he could tell because it hurt to breath and move his left arm. Using his right hand he text elise "i rolled the truck at the end of the road get help." he pressed send just in time as he blacked out
Elise nearly screamed when she got the next text. The first thing she did was called the hospital to get an ambulance and to let them know that they will be arriving. The brunette could hear sirens down her street, so the brunette quickly jumped into her car and drove to the hospital. Elise went into the hospital and went to emergency.
Michael awoke again in the emergency room. He looked at him self and suddenly rememberd what had happened. He just burst into tears knowing that he could of hurt some one. When he finished crying the doctor told him that he would be in icu for a while as he had to have a number of operations. He thanked the doctor for telling him. Michael saw Elise for the first time since he awoke. "Elise I love you!" he told her
Elise shook her head, what was Michael thinking of when he was speeding in the rain? Elise sighed as the nurse said that she was able to see Michael. The brunette went to his side. " I'm glad that your ok, but what the f*ck we're you thinking of speeding in the rain!" She yelled at him. " Michael, you could've gotten yourself killed, or killed others, and I don't think that I could live my life without you." Elise sighed.
He listened to Elise's rant about speeding. "I wasnt speeding atleast my dial said 30. Elise please belive me check the dial it will be fixed on what it showed me." he told her as thats what he rememberd. He hated hospitals. He propped himself up in bed and pulled elise close then he kissed her.
Elise sighed. " Doesn't matter, you should've been going even slower seeing as it's raining, what would I do the rest of my life without you?" She asked score kissing him back.
"i know but i wanted to see you." he said to her. "I dont know what you would do." he asked her. Shed get everything hed made sure of that.
Elise sighed, " Next time think of yourself before me, ok?" She asked giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Where are you sleeping here or back at home?" he asked her. A nurse walked in suddenly "Elise leave us for a minuete please." he said to her. He didnt want her to see how much pain the operation brought him. "You can go. I dont need any medicenes!" He told the nurse. "Elise come and talk to the nurse privatley while i sleep." he said to her "prromise youll be here when i wake?" he asked her as he drifted off
Elise sighed and nodded, " I'll stay here." She said before she walked out of the room. Elise scratched her head as she returned back into the room. " Yeah, I'll be here when you wake up too." The brunette nodded.
When Michael awoke he reliased they had hooked him up to a medicene drip. So he ripped it out of his arm. When he relised Elise wasnt there. He thought shed promised to stay. Then all of a sudden his door burst open. Out of habit he reached for his side arm. Then remembering that he was in Hospital. He put the vase down. It was Elise luckly. Otherwise he would of kicked their ass if they were not her or hospital staff.
Elise decided to get some coffee while she waited for Michael to wake up. She nearly dropped her coffee and food as she saw Michael raging, " Woah, calm down." The brunette said as she closed the door. Elise noticed that Michael's are was bleeding, she went over to get gauze. She put gauze on it and looked at Michael. " They said that your truck will be ok to pick up tomorrow." She sighed as she dabbed at his new wound.
Michael was a bit more Relaxed now that Elise was here. He hadnt noticed till she started dabbing his arm that he was bleeding. He was glad about the truck being ready for when he got out. "Thank you Elise." he said after she was finished. He started to kiss her when the
nurse walked in. She had a go at him about the medicene feed but he put it as polite as possible and told her to p*** off.
Elise nodded and through the garbage out. " Do you know when you can come home?" She asked happily. " I haven't seen you at all since our wedding." She said unhappily. " I miss you." Elise said rubbing his cheek.
"hopefully tomorrow i just gotta speak to the doc." he said holding her hands in his. Just then the Doctor walked in and comfirmend that he could go when ever he wanted. He thanked the Doctor. "Right lets go." he said to Elise already pulling his gown off he quickly got dressed. He couldnt wait to see his home again. "Can i drive? I promise to be careful!" he asked Elise.
Elise was happy that Michael could leave at the moment, hospitals did truly freak her out a bit. " Please don't crash this car." She laughed as she handed over her keys to Michael.
Michael took the keys off elise. "Dont worry i wont." he said as he got in. As he went to pull round the corner he stoped. "I cant drive any futher." he said as he got out of the car and sat down on the pavement. He could see his skid marks where his truck couldnt get enough grip. He just sat there and broke down in tears.
Elise couldn't believe that Michael had stopped the car, he didn't seemed to depressed before he came out of the car. "Michael, Hun, don't worry love; it's ok." She said sitting right next to him and putting her arm around him. " The good thing is that your still alive and you didn't hurt anyone." Elise said as she stood up. " Lets go love, I'll drive us back home. " She said, it was about to start raining, so she wanted to go home.
Micheal got up and got in the passenger side of the car. When they got home Michael got out and whent and curled up in a ball on the range. He didnt eat or sleep at all for the next few hours he just stayed there curled up. When he came to his senses michael whent down stairs to find Elise. He could hear music. Of course she was starting her dance class today. He whent and watched Elise Dance. When she called a break. He whent up to her and kissed her. "Im sorry for worrying you like i did." he told her.
Elise sighed, she was really worried about Michael. The brunette didn't know what she would do if he continued to be like this. Elise was starting her class today, and it was a full class. She had to make another class two more days a week. Elise was really happy about that though. " Michael, you scared the cr*p out of me, and that adds to the days that I haven't seen you." She said sadly.
"Elise i am really sorry." he told her "What do you want me to do im happy to help?" he asked her. He needed to keep busy. This was so that his mind didnt wander to the crash. He quickly kissed her on the cheek as her class walked back in. He stood at the back ready for anything she wanted him to do
Elise nodded, she knew that Michael was sorry. " No it's ok, we're just about done here." Elise looked at her clock. " Just a stretch and class is over." She said happy to her class. " Let's bend over and stretch our toes, stretch our hips and we're done class." She clapped. " See you all Thursday." Elise waved as she went over and sat right beside Michael. " What do you want to do?" She looked at him.

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