Open Ice Princess

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Beatrice Grey

"Bea" | Older Twin | American
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 15 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
11 (05/2051)
Beatrice had definitely not asked her mom to take one of her former figure skating outfits and add a long skirt so she could wear it to the Yule Ball... except she had. Beatrice desperately missed skating. She wanted to skate and work and go to the Olympics one day, but with only being able to train in the summer and during their holiday breaks, it seemed like that dream was quickly fading away. But when she heard there may be the ability to ice skate at the Yule Ball, Beatrice perked up.

The Ravenclaw entered the hall with Maggie, somewhat amazed by how beautiful it was but very quickly drawn to the rink, dragging her sister across the floor. She put on some skates and glided onto the ice. They weren't her skates so it took a second to make her feet feel steady before she started skating around people on the ice with a big smile on her face, probably the biggest smile since she arrived at Hogwarts. Bea wasn't going to do any jumps or anything because there were so many people around. But she did lift up on her legs into an arabesque and skated around the edge of the rink until she came back to Maggie still putting on her skates. "Isn't it great?!"
Maggie was excited to go to a fancy party. They had quite a few each year at home, and it had felt a little empty this semester without something to go to. Maggie had worn a blue dress from a wedding before they came to school, since only Beatrice had seen her in it, and tried to keep up with her sister. She didn't understand how the girl had put her skates on so fast and tried to put them on. It was a little awkward in her long dress. She smiled when Beatrice finally made her way back and finished tightening up the laces. "It is, but I don't think anyone else here is having as much fun as you," she laughed, tiptoeing over to the ice. She didn't have nearly as much ice skating experience as Bea, but she could handle herself. She took hold of Bea's hand as they skated slowly in a circle with other students. "I'm glad they have something like this and not just music to dance to."
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