Open Ice princes

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Clara McCarthy

🧁 Flourish and Blott's worker, Cupcake princes 🧁
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 8 Inch Unyielding Rosewood Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
15 (13 October, 2049.)
Although there was a masquerade ball, Clara had decided to put on her favorite costume. Today, the hair was adorned with curling strands of hair wandering around the mint, which moved and smelled at every step. She was today an ice princess with a pleasant scent or something on her side - glitter of white and green tones on her face, an airy white dress on her back, which was also sprinkled with crystals and glitter. Today Clara came to the party shiny as usual. That's how she was - it just seemed like everyday life had changed.

Today was a very good day - in general, the last few months were an almost continuous series of good days, because it just seemed that anything could make her smile. She was happy. She spent the summer with her best friend and brother. She couldn't just enjoy the troll figures. who adorned her room. She walked slowly toward the table
After his ghost costume from last year, Lucas was excited to try something different. His costume this year wasn't very scary, but it was cute and funny, which he was happy about. Dressed as a penguin in a costume that was a little hot and stifling, Lucas headed into the great hall to take in all the festivities He had forgotten how awesome it all was, and he was eager to get into the fun. Last year he'd spoken to Elliot at this feast, but that was a bit of a sad memory now that he had been rejected from the Quidditch team even after he had practiced with the older boy. Lucas tried not to think about that, instead focusing on the amazing party going on. He spotted Clara, and headed over to her, waving at her with one of his flippers. "Hi Clara, what are you dressed as?" He asked her, not realizing she might not know who he was with his face covered.
-Hi, Lucas!- Clara was finished eathing and then started talk woth him. -I'm ice princess! You look nice, don't yoy have a little hot in there?- She asked Lucas and hoped that he won't be sad at here. Clara just wanted know.
Lucas took the head off his costume, revealing a somewhat sweaty face with his hair sticking up in many directions. He grinned a little sheepishly. "Yeah, it's a bit hot." He admitted, wiping his face with one of his flippers. "An ice princess is cool, though. Are you pretending you have ice powers?" He asked her, always down for a game of pretense.
She giggled a little bit when Lucas wiping his face with one of his flippers. That was so cute. -Yes, ice princess have s powers. She can freeze time and make snow everywhere. I see her movie Shark boy and lava girl! She is amaizing!- Clara smiled and take some snuck and eat -What you wanna do?- Clara asked Lucas and hoped mayby he will be some ideas. She again take skme chips and eated.
Lucas listened with interest as Clara described the powers the ice princess had, though he didn't know the movie she was referring to. He grinned. "Freeze time? That's so cool." He said eagerly. "That would be very useful when I'm late with my homework." He added with a small laugh. He shrugged as Clara asked what he wanted to do, holding the head of his penguin costume under his arm so he could look around more freely. "We could look at the tent?" He asked, gesturing to the tent with fun-house mirrors and other spooky things.
Clara enyoi realy talk with Lucas. She also wanted do something fan the ball and take some apple and start eat. -Yes, i agree!- She laughded a little bit when he says homework. Clara always was finished her homework in time and then get to proffessor. -Mayby i can help? I finished homework in time!- She told him. -Yes and take some apple?- Clara loved apples with sprinkles ans caramel and she hopes that Lucas would be agreed.
Nikko didn’t really have a costume for this year and just decided to wear his school robes and say he was a student. He knew it was a lame costume but he really hadn’t thought of anything better. He had spent most of the day convinced he wouldn’t go but remembered the snacks from last year and he figured he should at least go for a little while. The party seemed to be in full swing as he arrived and spotted a Clara who he hadn’t spoken to much since they met on the train. She was wearing a truly impressive costume and was talking to a boy in a giant penguin costume. “Hey Clara.” Nikko said a bit awkwardly as he approached the table to inspect the snacks. “Oh, I’m Nikko by the way.” he said to the boy. “Sorry to interrupt. Great costumes by the way.” he added and gestured to both of their outfits.
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