🌹 Rose Giving I want you till the Yellow end...Chloe

Eugene Nestor

passionate; musician
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Renata <3
Knotted 13" Sturdy Pear Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
09/2041 (19)
It had been easier to figure who the next person was, though not in his house he had learnt a good number of the quidditch players in all of the houses. He was immedaitely to the pitch, having been right next to it to begin with. He saw a few people in the air, but he wasn't sure if any were her. "CHLOE THOMPSON?!" he shouted as loud as his voice would carry. Hopefully someone would hear him.
Seeing as she had only had people she knew to deliver roses to Chloë had somehow managed to be done pretty quickly, which left her some time to head up and take a break. Sure, she had one rose left but it was for one of her friends so she figured she'd run into him sooner or later. No use in looking for him. Instead, she'd taken out her broom and headed over to the pitch to get some laps in. Always happy to spend some extra time in the air. Chloë had just done a single lap when she heard somebody shout what sounded like her name. Being up in the air she wasn't sure it was, but she still headed down to check. "Hi! Were you looking for Chloë?" She asked the kid who had seemed to be shouting as she hovered a little bit above the ground.
Eugene looked towards the older girl who seemed to hear the shouting. He smiled at her, "Yeah, Chloe Thompson, I have a rose for her," he said, with a bright smile, he was almost sure that the girl in front of him was her, but he wasn't certain.
Chloë nodded when the boy confirmed she had heard his shouts correctly. "That'd be me." She replied with a smile, although she figured her coming down at the possible mention of her name might've already been an indication of that.
Eugene took the rose and then was able to locate the note and held them both out to the older girl. He was able to reach up to her with some ease though she wasn't on the ground still. He wished he could be as cool looking and at ease looking on a broom as she was. He smiled a little nervously, both hoping she liked the rose and note, and also wanting nothing more than to ask a hundred questions about flying.

Dear Chloe,

Thanks for being such an good friend. I am gratefull for your friendship and your good advice.
Forever Team Chasersquad.

Chloë leaned forward on her broom a little to take the rose and the note from the boy. "Thanks." She nodded before sitting up a bit straighter again to read the note. She smiled as she did, grateful for the friendship they had. "Are your deliveries going okay?" Chloë asked when she put the note away and looked at the boy again, simultaneously trying to figure out what to do with the rose if she were to continue flying laps. She could probably just hold it though, if she was fine with a quaffle a rose shouldn't even be a problem.
Eugene was surprised when she kept speaking to him, he half expected her to just immediately fly into the air and ignore him. He held his thumbs up and grinned, "They're going great! The next person I have to find is Jenna Jusantrea, who should be easy since I know she's a hufflepuff," he told the girl excitedly.
Chloë let out a soft laugh at the boy's excitement over his deliveries. She had always liked the rose deliveries herself, so it was nice to see the younger students enjoying them as well. "That's good!" She smiled. "I figure if you call out her name loud enough she'll come to you, she's attentive like that." Chloë said jokingly, knowing that even when you knew who to look for actually finding them could still be hard with all of the deliveries going on.
Eugene nodded, shouting the name had certainly worked here. "I will do!" he told her, "I won't keep you any longer!" He gave her a last excited wave, "Happy Valentine's Day!" he added before heading in the opposite direction to go find his next person.

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