I should have posted this earlier.

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Minoas Stratis

Animagus | Mercenary | Spell Inventor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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Sexual Orientation
Olive Wood 15" Core of Aethonan Feather
30 (07/2007)
Hello guys :)

I should begin with an apology to everyone with I'm currently roleplaying. The reason why I get so slow with my replies is that it's really a torture to sit in front of a laptop while it is 35 to 40 degrees of Celsius and especially when my laptop has decided to turn into a radiator of its own after some time of use. I hate that I have to slow down my plots with some of you but it is better than being forced to reply under such an unbearable condition (I love summer. Just when I'm at a beach).

This statement in the brackets takes me to the next scale of this post. I decided to go on vacations instead of roasting at the city so today I'm boarding on a ferry heading to a few Greek islands. My first stop will be the island of Chios. I have a few friends there from high school and I want to be there and celebrate a friend's name day on Saturday. I'm going to stay there for a few days before travelling to the island of Icaria. My family has a house there and (thank god) there's also a wifi connection (yay!). Last but not least, Santorini will be the last destination of this one month trip, where I'm going to visit a friend from the army.

While at Chios and Icaria I'll be having internet connection, I won't be extremely active. I'll keep up with dueling because I want to support it and I'll be posting my character's classes as well. I'll try my best to reply now and then to plots when I'll have time (I count on this at my stay at my family's house. Friends will mostly keep me away from the internet. I'll be signing in at least once in a day so I'll be reading your pms for sure and last but not least, I'll be having a tablet with me. I don't know how many of you do manage to write replies on a tablet but I'm sensing I might going to have some trouble there.

Bottom line is that August is going mostly to be an unproductive month (in terms of roleplaying and plotting). Discussing about future plots via pms will be easy but not really doing them until September. I'm wishing you all a nice rest of your summer (if you have summer where you are) and I'll be lurking around from time to time. Pm me if you need to talk or anything. I'll be on at least once per day for a while (I'm not giving up on dueling :devious: )

See you around.

Enjoy your holidays!!
You just got back for a holiday!!! :o

Have fun on your travels, Liam!

P.s. only 35 degrees? That's beautiful weather! We've been averaging about 5 degrees lately! I want your Summer! Can i have it please?!

~Teigan xD
Wow Liam. That sounds like an awesome holiday. Enjoy and take plenty of pictures. And oh 35-40 degrees. I miss that weather. Only today I was driving along the beach and wanting to go for a swim in the sea. Anyway. When you get back be prepared. It will likely be ic December and we will have plots to discuss.but most of all enjoy your holiday.
Minoas Stratis said:
I'll be on at least once per day for a while (I'm not giving up on dueling :devious: )
Oh it is on like Donkey Kong my friend! :DE:
Anyway, do enjoy your trip, take plenty of photos for us to enjoy and stay safe!
While you're at it, do try to send over some of your weather - it would be much appreciated. :p
Wow. This sounds like it'll be a lot of fun. Enjoy!!
Have fun Liam, but can i just say that 35 degrees is way, way, way too hot for anybody. I don't envy you - not in the slightest :devious:

Oh and btw, i do all my replies from an iPad mini, so it isn't too hard to write on a tablet :)
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