I love Harry Potter

Napoleon Hawke

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Hello everyone, how are you? I'm Verity, I have roleplayed before and although I'm a girl, I'm roleplaying a boy because I find it more fun and most forums have an abundance of girls and almost no males. I'm actually English so the whole "set in New Zealand" is probably going to confuse me but it's nice to see a site like this with a niche. Err yeah not to sure what else to write now, I never usually do these welcome threads.

Be seeing you soon x

P.S. I can't make banners so if anyone wants to help me out on that front it will be very much appreciated.
You're with family, then. :p (Loving Harry Potter. ;) )

Welcome to HNZ, Verity! :) I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to PM me.
You're definitely right about RP forums not having enough guys... ever. Oh well~ Such is our world.

If you're looking for graphics, you can request some in this forum here.
A good place to learn all about HNZ is the Site Documnetation.

As to getting used to the setting being New Zealand - it's no bother. :p For a while, the seasons on the site were modelled after the northern hemisphere. (Christmas/December being in the "Winter" etc.) I'm from Canada, myself, so when we corrected that it took some adjusting for me, too.

I hope to see you around the board, and enjoy your stay! :D
Hi there! I am Kaitlyn, from the States.
I RP mostly males, have about 30 or 40 of them haha, but I am a Global Moderator (Hadan Hensel) but role-playing right now as Azerail, reason why I am on the account.

Welcome to our site!
I hope to see you around!

~ Sir Kaitlyn
Heey! I'm Olivia, from New Zealand. Welcome to HNZ! :D

I only RP Olive, nowadays, but back when I used to live on here I had maybe 20 characters (7/8 of which were guys). I actually fail miserably at writing from the personality of a boy soo :r

Have tonnes of fun, I'm hoping to see you round (when I actually next make an appearance... *returns to cupboard hiding place*

- Olivia
Hello and welcome to HNZ!

I am Eden. Most times you will see m on Eden Koshiba but I am starting to take Daisie out of her tower. Don't worry about the seasons and such I still haven't figured it out. So happy that you found this place. You will find that the people on this site are very friendly.

Hope to RP with you or even just talk OOC.

Welcome to HNZ! :hug:

I'm Jessye! I have a lot of characters on here but my name is in the OOC name section so you'll know it's mean! You will have such an awesome time here! I'd love to roleplay with you some time or another! So don't be afraid to shoot me a PM anytime!

Hoping to see you around the board!
- Jessye
Welcome to HNZ! I do hope you enjoy your time on our site. I'm Cyndi, one of the admin, and I'm from the U.S. I enjoy RPing as guys too. I think I'm at 10 characters now (an even split between males and females) but I always seem to have more muse with my guy characters. ^_^ If you have any questions, Feel free to ask. Otherwise, I'll see you around :)
Hey there, welcome to HNZ ^_^ I'm Donna, one of the global admin, and I'm from NZ, so I was pretty stoked when I found this site hehe! Good on you for having a male character, I can never seem to rp them correctly, so I stick to my females :p
Enjoy yourself! ^_^
Welcome to Hogwarts New Zealand, Verity! [Awesome name! Reminds me of victory. I dunno why. :r ]

So, I guess you'll be enjoying it around the board since almost all the time, the admins and global moderators are active, so don't you worry! See you around!

Artemis xx

P.S. And by the way, I love your playby. Logan Lerman is awesome. :woot:
Hello there! I'm Alyssa! Welcome to HNZ! :)
I think we're same, because I have an another account here and that character is a boy, Edward Bridge.
I hope you enjoy around the board and in case you need a help, the admins and the global moderators are ready to help.
If you need somebody to RP with you, PM me to RP with you :) .

Thank you for all the messages everyone, I already love this site and I haven't even started yet!!!

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