Closed I Dance Better

Seamus Reid

Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 10 1/2" Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2043 (18)
Seamus had regretted not asking Celia to the yuleball, he had just not found the courage to. He didn't think she'd say yes and he had just...not wanted to put himself out there. But the regret spurred him on. That and the fact that he had still gone to the dance, and seen her there. Seamus was however leaving it a little to the last minute, and was betting a little on her hopefully not having been asked by anyone else. The slytherin also wasn't sure about asking after practice, when likely the failures of everyone else was still fresh, but Celia was busy and this wouldn't take much of her time. He waited until she was done and leaving the changing rooms. "Hey," he greeted moving to be beside her. "You got a second?" he asked.
Celia was not feeling very hopeful about the Ravenclaw game. Practices lately had been a disaster, and the most frustrating part was Celia couldn't figure out why. The only players who seemed to be having any success were the chasers, and they weren't going to be any use to her next game. She almost wondered if she should be coaching them to act as additional seekers or even human bludgers to help their chances. If she only got to play one game during her last year, she was going to scream.

The answer was clearly more challenging practices, and Celia was already planning the next one as she left the changing rooms. However, her thoughts ground to a halt when she spotted Seamus, and she slowed down at his question. "Sure," she said, a little wary. She assumed this was about Quidditch, and after that practice, it was hard to imagine this was something positive. "What's up?"
Seamus gave a slightly tight smile at her greeting. He was really unsure as to if this was a good idea. But he didn't want to regret not having done it twice. "I was wondering, if you wanted to go to the Valentine's Day Dance with me?" Seamus gave a little smile as he asked. Equal parts nervous and excited. If he was reject it would be quite the blow to him and his confidence but he knew that he'd get over it. It would've been worse to not ask her.
Seamus almost seemed tense, and Celia braced herself for bad news. She wasn't sure what she was going to do if he told her he wasn't going to be able to play in the next game or something. So it took her a few seconds to register what he was actually saying. "Oh," she said, feeling mildly disoriented. Last semester, she'd thought that Seamus might like her. But then the Yule Ball had passed without him asking her, leaving her to assume that she'd misinterpreted whatever it was that was in between them.

And now he wanted to go to the Valentine's Day Dance with her. Celia could practically feel the butterflies reviving themselves. Her expression softened, and she smiled. "Yes, I'd love to." It would be easy enough to leave it at that, but there was something Celia needed to know — and she didn't want to spend any more time second-guessing things. "Is this going to be a date or are you asking me as a friend?" she asked after a moment's pause. She would be fine with either, but she was certainly hoping for one over the other.
Seamus was pretty surprised when after a moment she just agreed. He didn't know why he thought he might need to convince her, or something like that, but he just smiled in response. The question that followed caught him off guard, but he didn't miss a beat in answering. "As a date,". He wasn't this was the right answer, but it was why he'd asked her. He liked her, as more than a friend. "I'd say as my valentine, but I thought you that might find that a bit strong," he then added lightly, trying to move into being a little playful, and perhaps not remaining in his awkward state.
Seamus didn't hesitate with his answer, and Celia's smile widened. "Okay," she said, conscious of not wanting to appear too eager, even if this was exactly what she'd been hoping for. Seamus, however, seemed to have no such qualms. She snorted at his comment. "Not strong so much as incredibly cheesy. Completely at odds with your stoic image," she said, eyes glittering with amusement. When she'd first come across Seamus standing off to the side at school events, she had assumed it was because he thought he was too cool for everything. But it seemed there was a softer side to him, one that Celia suspected most people never saw. She liked that she got to see it.
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