Hufflepuff Practice | Y47 S1

Penelope flew around, looking for the snitch.
Marley did not hit a bludger…
Jomah waved at the keeper with a smile after her encouragement. He caught the quaffle as he thought he’d try again

Yep, he was definitely missing his shots. Maybe he needed to practice more after this.
Penelope was a little sad she didn't see the snitch.
Callie tossed the quaffle back out.
Jonah caught the quaffle. He was starting to think that he and the keeper might be playing catch and he found it a little funny.
He and the keeper were definitely playing catch as he'd failed to score a goal again.
Callie caught the quaffle as the first year tried to score again, and then tossed it back out.
Sofi hit a bludger towards Penelope but her aim was off and the bludger sailed past the seeker instead.
Penelope kept scanning the skies.
Jonah thinks he’ll practice a little more as he caught the quaffle again
Jonah missed the hoops completely.
Penelope suddenly saw a golden glimmer and shot in its direction, grabbing the snitch out of the air.

((Ooc dang it girl save it for the match))
Oz was really impressed by the seekers, and figured he should try a little harder and give the younger chaser time to catch his breath, so he flew in and took up the quaffle.
Jonah cheers as one of the seekers caught the snitch again. He follows one of the older chasers
Peenelope let go of the snitch and kept on flying.
Oz was able to get around Callie once again and score, and he sighed in relief. Maybe he wasn't completely terrible at this whole chaser thing.
Callie was momentarily distracted but did grab the quaffle after Oswald scored and tossed it back into play.
Jonah caught the quaffle as it was thrown back into play, maybe he’ll score this time.
Jonah still hasn’t scored again
Callie tossed the ball back into play after Jonah's attempt at scoring.

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