Hufflepuff Practice | Y47 S1

Chase Campbell

⚡beater + captain⚡
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 14 Inch Flexible Aspen Wand with Fairy Wing Core
09/2045 (16)

Chase could barely believe how badly last year had gone and he felt like that had scared off any potential new team members. In his mind, the small amount of students that had turned up at try outs were a direct result of that rather than the fact that all of their starter positions were already filled. People didn't want to play for a team that had lost as terribly as they had last year. He didn't blame his team, ofcourse, that would be even worse leadership. No, they had done well. Put in the effort. He had failed. It had been the cherry on an already dreadful year. Still, here he was. Back on the pitch getting everything ready for practice. If he wanted better results this year he couldn't be a debby downer. He needed to dig deep and be supportive. Motivational even, although he wondered whether he was capable of that. "Right. Welcome back." Chase greeted his team when everyone had arrived on the pitch. "And welcome to our new players." He quickly added, nodding towards Sofi and Jonah. "I don't know how you guys feel about last year but I say let's just forget it, yeah? Learn from our mistakes. Do better. We've got this." He tried to sound encouraging. "Should anyone have any questions I'm here, otherwise let's get to it." Chase finished, giving them all a second to get on their brooms before releasing the balls and throwing the quaffle up into the air.

[ No arrivals necessary, let's dive right in! ]
Penelope knew she had to do better this year, last year had been awful. She took to the air as soon as the captain started the practice and started looking around for the snitch.
Callie went to the hoops, ready to protect them from any chasers.
Bailey was disappointed they hadn't done better as a team the previous year, even if she hadn't played a single minute, that hadn't mattered because it had been expected. She arrived at the first practice session of the year and got onto her broom immediately beginning the search for the snitch.
When everyone was up in the air Chase joined them and looked for a bludger.
Even though Sofi hadn't initially tried out for beater, the hufflepuff was happy that she had made the team at all, and as an alt. Now she could spend time practicing without so much pressure on her when it came to the matches. She picked up her weighty bat that felt weird to hold while flying, and on first try whacked a bludger straight at the seeker.

@Penelope Marshall
Penelope hadn't expected to be hit by a bludger so quickly, and she grunted in pain. She made sure to shoot the young beater a pained smile, not wanting her to feel bad for just doing what she was supposed to do. But as she glanced in her direction, Penelope saw a flash of gold. She turned and flew right at it without thinking, reaching for it and grinning as she caught the snitch. "Yes!" She called, holding it up for a moment before letting it go again.
Bailey was glad to see Penelope catch the snitch, once it was released again she went about trying to find it so she could do the same.
Callie continued to guard the hoops.
Sofi felt so guilt as the bludger she hit collided with the seeker, then relief when she saw the same seeker catch the snitch moments later. "Well done," she said softly, her voice barely audible.
Callie continued to guard the hoops.
Sofi raised her bat to hit another bludger, but it was moving so fast that she dodged out of its path instead.
Bailey continued to look for the snitch but so far had no luck.
Marley quickly flew up into the air and started looking for a bludger to hit.
Callie continued to guard the hoops.
Sofi took a deep breath and tried not to be afraid when her next opportunity came along. She swung her bat, aiming for the other seeker, but her aim was bad and she hit the keeper instead. Oh Merlin this was awful, Sofi hated hurting people.

@Callie Cardoso
Penelope couldn't help noticing the new beater was doing very well, though she seemed unhappy about it. Penelope could understand, she wouldn't want to be a beater herself. She gave her a small smile as she flew past her.
Marley did not hit a bludger
Bailey still hadn't seen the snitch.
Penelope flew around, looking for the snitch.
Callie groaned as she was hit with a bludger and continued to guard the hoops.
Sofi did not manage to hit a bludger at anyone and honestly she was quite glad about that.
Marley continued looking for a bludger to hit
Jonah took to the air a quaffle in hand, but the keeper blocked it solidly, and he went around to try his hand again.
Sofi was avoiding bludgers, everyone would be okay if she didn't hit them with bludgers.

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