HP7 Part 1 Movie : Spoilers!

Just say it. I have to agree with things already said....everything xD Loved the 7 Harrys scene, especially when Fleur's part xD When Hermione was reading the story of the three brothers, I liked how it had the visuals to go with it, it was different but very enjoyable ^_^

A part I giggled at was when Hermione was cutting Harry's hair and she realised about the Sword taking in the magic of the basilisk and then that's how it could destroy a horcrux and why Dumbeldore left the sword to Harry etc etc ( :p ) was when Harry felt the back of his head to be sure she hadn't cut him or something :lol:
Overall, it was an amazing movie, loved how it ended and soo can't wait for the next part.
I really liked the film and was glad they somewhat stayed to the books more this time... but they didn't go to Andromeda's house before going to the Burrow, which annoyed me straight off the bat. And Harry was Barney. I wanted to see him voicing a ginger, xD I did giggle pretty much every time Dobby was on the screen. Mundungus... Andy Linden is not the way I pictured Mundungus. At all. I did laugh so hard when Kreacher and Dobby brought him back though. It was really funny. Did anyone else feel Kreacher's face was kind of demented and sagging a little too much? o_O

Now people are going to think Wormtail is alive. And speaking of at the end, my sister (she's 9 and hasn't read the books, but still :tut: ) was confused as to where Harry got the shovel from because she didn't understand whose house it was, haha. But I hated Hermione screaming... it hurt me so much inside. I feel so much for her and love her to death, and it just hurt me so much. Grrrr, Bellatrix (even though she is my favorite character) :lol:

I cried during 20% of the movie because I knew what was coming up... gah... I still really like Half-Blood Prince for some reason, but this one was definitely good for staying with the books, I suppose.

Ooh, Voldy at the end over Dumbledore's grave. :unsure: Scary.
Its a lot to take in after finally seeing it. Normally I don't rush to see Harry Potter movie cause my RL and etc...but this one was good. Really intense (not like HP6) but it was there.

Sad Parts- Hermione casting that spell on her parents and being sketched up by Bellatrix. That was sort really sad and Dobby dying. Poor Dobby :(
Funny-Dobby over talking Keracher :p Harry and Hermione dancing xD he doesn't know how to dance XP Fleur "Don't look at me Bill I'm hideous" part Lolololol
Favorite Parts-The story of Deadly Hallows, Neville calling death eaters LOSER (FACE!), there's a lot more but I'm still trying to recall it all :D overall it was great ^_^
Okay, I just saw the movie, and I could honestly write a paper on how much I loved it.

I was stunned by how much of the story they didn't leave out. Sure, there were little parts that weren't there, but afterward I struggled to remember them. I was already geared up for disappointment. All of the other movies, for time and other reasons, had to cut out and add in a lot of stuff. I almost feel like the DH book was honored with this movie.

While there were parts missing, I don't feel insulted as a fan. It's too bad that they didn't have the relationship between Kreacher and Harry (as Jessye said) and they didn't have Harry saying his goodbyes to the Dursleys. Also, I was waiting to hear Lee Jordan's voice on the wizarding radio!

Some of my favorite parts...
-The seven Harrys: These scenes were just awesome. It felt, to me, like the muggle world was helping them. There were all of these obstacles that the DEs weren't used to because they're so oblivious to the muggle world. Granted, much of Harry's crowd is too, but back to the scene. Magical folk ignore the muggle world and the muggle world ignores them, but it just felt awesome to me. The scene where Harry and Hagrid were on the highway was absolutely fun. And I felt no small amount of glee when Voldy got zapped by the power lines. World: 1, Voldy: 0
-Malfoy Manor: The first scene with all the DEs was okay, but the second in the manor was the best. The fights, Dobby coming to the rescue, and Bellatrix going after Hermione were awesome. I hated/loved Bellatrix carving Mudblood into Hermione's arm. While horrible, it really emphasizes how hateful and terrible the DEs really are. It kind of reminded me of Jews being tattooed during the Holocaust.
-Ministry of Magic: Where the trio is polyjuiced. Another reflection of just how bad things are in the wizarding world. It had a very Nazi Germany feel to it. The propaganda (although that's everywhere in the world,) the police-ish wizards, etc. etc. etc.

There were plenty of scenes I could talk about, but I've got a nice headache right now, so I should wrap things up.

Also, when the movie started, I about squealed when I heard Bill Nighy's voice. I was like :o :o :o THAT IS SO NOT BILL NIGHY. And it was! I was very pleased, I had no idea he was going to be in the movie. I :wub: him and he played his small part very well.

And I DID cry when Dobby died. The right side of my face is still stained with salt. XD

Also, I noticed something today. This whole series is supposed to be set in the nineties, right? So shouldn't the characters be wearing different clothing and having funky haircuts? :lol:

Another thing. The tale of the three brothers- unexpected, but it rocked. It worked very well.
I don't think I read a single comment on here that I didn't agree with.

There were, of course, the little things that were left our or changed that annoyed me slightly (such as Harry not posing as the Weasley's cousin at the wedding, Voldemort not appearing at the end of Godric's Hollow, Dumbledore's wand is supposed to be white, Kreacher's story not being explained-- poor creature will be forever misunderstood by non-readers<< pun ;D-- etc.), but overall, I was amazed. It was so well done. I almost died of joy.

Dobby is definitely different in this one. Personality wise, he's perfect. Looks and voice-- noticably different, but not bad.
I think they should have done more with Grimmauld Place and Sirius's room, but it was still satisfactory.
Hermione/Bellatrix torture scene-- literally sent shivers down my spine. PERFECT. And the mudblood thing? Awesome. Although it did look like Bellatrix was biting her for a moment, there. :b
I wish they would've done a little more with the Potter Watch radio station, but it was still okay.
I loved the Severn Harrys scene! Fleur was so funny. ^.^
Mundungus looks completely different than I had imagined, but I think he's perfect.
The Tale of the Three Brothers= AWESOME! I LOVED the style of that scene! Very creative!
Draco was amazing, even with the little on-screen time he had. Tom Felton is really an amazing actor, as are all the actors/actresses in the movies.
I totally cried when Hedwig and Dobby died. My friend and I both walked out of the theater crying.
Fred and George= As amazing as always.
I started cracking up when Ron came back and started telling Harry and Hermione about how he was sleeping in a pub and the whole reason why he came back. He's sucha loser sometimes.
Was it just me or did Rupert Grint become a giant? His chest seemed to expand about 3 times the size that it was in HP6. o_O
Harry and Hermione dancing-- <333
I loved the scene when Harry, Hermione, and Ron polyjuiced as Ministry workers. Especially when Ron transformed back into himself. x]

One of my favorite parts:
"Come, daddy. Harry doesn't really want to talk to us right now. He's just too polite to say something."-- <3Luna
"I was sleeping in a pub..."-- Ron xD

I'd better stop. If I keep going, I might die of excitement. :woot:
Okay, so having saw the movie twice now, it's time to post my thoughts on the movie.

Overall, I thought it was the best one to date. Okay, so they left little things out, most of which have been mentioned in previous posts, but that aside, everything implemented into the film was awesome! It's shown how much Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson have matured over the years, showing themselves to be fine, young actors. I was eagerly anticipating the introduction of Rufus Scrimgeour in the seventh film and once I heard Bill Nighy had been cast, I thought it twas a choice well made and I thought that despite Bill Nighy's small part in the film, he played it well. At the start, I was trying pinpoint what the heck was his accent. I think it's a Scottish brogue accent (?) But for me, Dobby stole the show. Okay, I found him annoying in the Chamber of Secrets and in the Deathly Hallows book, his death didn't sadden me, but in the film I got misty eyed, I'll admit it. If you didn't, you're either lying or cold hearted (just kidding!), but seriously, Dobby was awesome! I also thought Ralph Fiennes, played a cold and cruel Voldemort exceptionally well, which really highlighted he was the perfect part to play Voldemort. I was pleasantly surprised by the movie in a couple of ways. First one, it was described as a road movie, and so I was expecting it too be tediously slow and generally boring in many scenes, however I only found a couple of scenes stretched, and were close to becoming boring. Another surprise, was the portrayal of the Three Brothers story. It was unique, unexpected and overall a neat addition to the film!

So to summarise, I was not expecting it! I was bracing myself for some disappointment, but found myself liking almost every second of it! A big round of applause to Steve Kloves, for an excellent script and a pat on the back for David Yates, for directing the best Harry Potter film to date!

However, the bad thing about the film was... it makes the wait for the next instalment almost unbearable! Seriously I cannot wait for it... especially in 3D. 15th July- See you there!
So Iv'e read alot of good comments about the movie. Everyone seems to have enjoyed it. So this is why I waited for so long before posting my thoughts.

I saw the movie on the Tuesday after it came out. And I have to say that I was not overly impressed with it at all. Having grown up woth Harry Potter, I guess you could say that I know the characters inside and out, I know almost every aspect of the book and I wasn't really impressed with how they portrayed some of the characters in the movie.

The begining for example really annoyed me. I didn't like it at all. Scrimgeour was not at all how I expected him to be, and I honestly thought they could have found someone better to have portrayed him then Bill Nighy, although that could have been my personal opinion as I'm not a fan of his work in anything other then Underworld.
Then there was the part with Snape. The way they tried to make it fit the storyline yet still change it to make Snape appear more dangerous-- this annoyed me to lengths that I dont even care to explain.
As I was fairly disappointed with the movie I wont bother going into detail, but there was about I think 90% of the movie that I actually wanted to scream because I was that upset. I had been expecting something alittle disappointing and then when it lived down my expectations I came out of the theatre feeling utterly lousy and drawn out. Although there were a few scenes that I liked the movie was pretty much shitty in my opinion.
I can understand that the majority of you all liked it, but that is just the way I feel. I can DEFINATLEY wait until the next one comes out because my expectations are not high for this one.
Another thing was that they left certain people out. Like Charlie for instance. He should have been at the wedding and was he? No, he was nto there, and they didn't do anything that I thought was worthy of mentioning for any good reason.

One of the most disappointing scenes in the movie was the fact that they made Voldemort almost look like a softie. He just didn't have that glare in his eyes that made people scared of him. Usually I was slightly spooked when I saw him, but this time I could have almost laughed when I saw him. He was weak and soft. They have completely destroyed my respect for Voldemort. It was almost like he was just sitting down having a cup of tea with a couple of mates. He did not have the strength or power that he should be having.
Another thing was that they made Harry look like a complete and utter idiot. He was almost cocky in a way which is not at all how I beleieve Harry would act. He was overconfident and seemed to nearly glide through it all with out a care in the world. He didn't seem like he was as torn as he should have been.

So anyway thats my opinion. Please dont take this as a reason to not see the movie, its just how I saw it.
So I saw it tonight again and I don't know if someone already mentioned but I knew something was bugging me from when they went to London after the wedding and were sitting in the cafe...they didn't explain about the taboo on Voldermorts name. Now I can't remember if it happens later and correct me if I'm wrong but, didn't Ron explain it after he came back? :erm: I hope I'm getting things confused and it does happen later because I feel that's a pretty big part to leave out
Patricia Styx said:
So I saw it tonight again and I don't know if someone already mentioned but I knew something was bugging me from when they went to London after the wedding and were sitting in the cafe...they didn't explain about the taboo on Voldermorts name. Now I can't remember if it happens later and correct me if I'm wrong but, didn't Ron explain it after he came back? :erm: I hope I'm getting things confused and it does happen later because I feel that's a pretty big part to leave out

Yes! I knew there was something else strange about it! You're right. Ron was supposed to explain the taboo when he came back. So, unfortunately, you're right on track. They did leave that out. :erm:
Roze Castro said:
Patricia Styx said:
So I saw it tonight again and I don't know if someone already mentioned but I knew something was bugging me from when they went to London after the wedding and were sitting in the cafe...they didn't explain about the taboo on Voldermorts name. Now I can't remember if it happens later and correct me if I'm wrong but, didn't Ron explain it after he came back? :erm: I hope I'm getting things confused and it does happen later because I feel that's a pretty big part to leave out

Yes! I knew there was something else strange about it! You're right. Ron was supposed to explain the taboo when he came back. So, unfortunately, you're right on track. They did leave that out. :erm:
Damn :o Urgh that's going to bug me now :glare:
I completely forgot about the taboo! xD That was nifty, though! D: Why'd they take it outtt?
Haha I'm awesome because I remembered it :cool: xD But it was in the cafe when the DEs came out of 'nowhere' I was like 'taboo' D: I don't know why they took it out, it would have been good to have though :erm:
They may decide to implement it in Part 2: All we can do is wait!
Koboshi Aiko said:
So Iv'e read alot of good comments about the movie. Everyone seems to have enjoyed it. So this is why I waited for so long before posting my thoughts.

I saw the movie on the Tuesday after it came out. And I have to say that I was not overly impressed with it at all. Having grown up woth Harry Potter, I guess you could say that I know the characters inside and out, I know almost every aspect of the book and I wasn't really impressed with how they portrayed some of the characters in the movie.

The begining for example really annoyed me. I didn't like it at all. Scrimgeour was not at all how I expected him to be, and I honestly thought they could have found someone better to have portrayed him then Bill Nighy, although that could have been my personal opinion as I'm not a fan of his work in anything other then Underworld.
Then there was the part with Snape. The way they tried to make it fit the storyline yet still change it to make Snape appear more dangerous-- this annoyed me to lengths that I dont even care to explain.
As I was fairly disappointed with the movie I wont bother going into detail, but there was about I think 90% of the movie that I actually wanted to scream because I was that upset. I had been expecting something alittle disappointing and then when it lived down my expectations I came out of the theatre feeling utterly lousy and drawn out. Although there were a few scenes that I liked the movie was pretty much shitty in my opinion.
I can understand that the majority of you all liked it, but that is just the way I feel. I can DEFINATLEY wait until the next one comes out because my expectations are not high for this one.
Another thing was that they left certain people out. Like Charlie for instance. He should have been at the wedding and was he? No, he was nto there, and they didn't do anything that I thought was worthy of mentioning for any good reason.

One of the most disappointing scenes in the movie was the fact that they made Voldemort almost look like a softie. He just didn't have that glare in his eyes that made people scared of him. Usually I was slightly spooked when I saw him, but this time I could have almost laughed when I saw him. He was weak and soft. They have completely destroyed my respect for Voldemort. It was almost like he was just sitting down having a cup of tea with a couple of mates. He did not have the strength or power that he should be having.
Another thing was that they made Harry look like a complete and utter idiot. He was almost cocky in a way which is not at all how I beleieve Harry would act. He was overconfident and seemed to nearly glide through it all with out a care in the world. He didn't seem like he was as torn as he should have been.

So anyway thats my opinion. Please dont take this as a reason to not see the movie, its just how I saw it.
I kinda felt that way to, to be honest. I just thought HP6 was more scarier than 7th but I still like it regardless.

What I wished, and I wished they hadn't left out was that talk with his Aunt. I really really really really wanted to see that part out of most! I mean I haven't read the book since 07? I believe and I never read it again, because its was to sad for me :p (I know I'm a baby but my sister-in-law refuses to finish it still and I'm wtf? xD) but yeah that's what I wanted to see, at least the Dudley say goodbye and say what they had to say!

Next time I'll be seeing it when it comes out on DVD, I can wait longer to talk about it more if I reread the book.

But the reason why I meantion cause some parts of the story is base off J.K Rowling experience with trouble growing up and I know this because my step-mother watched her on Ophra and yes she said it! She had a trouble upbringing just like Harry and lost her mother too as well.

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