Open How Dull

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Seamus Reid

Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 10 1/2" Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2043 (18)
Seamus came to the school events, despite knowing that they were always as dull as the one before it. He just had nothing better to do with his time, and didn't mind being a little bored at events. The slytherin was dressed in his usual suit, and knowing that he was going to have a dull night, filled with nice enough snacks, overly loud music and maybe a thought about dancing. However, for now, he was just in the hall, lingering towards the snack table with nothing better to do.
While Celia much preferred the Yule Ball to the Valentine's Dance — it was more formal and the decorations weren't as kitschy — she had no intention of skipping the dance this year. She'd missed it last year, and while she didn't think anyone was paying that close attention to her social calendar, she'd rather avoid any unflattering assumptions. Besides, she wasn't going to pass up a chance to dress up and judge people.

Celia hadn't yet found her friends, so she decided to stop by the snack table. On her way there, she passed Seamus standing alone, looking bored out of his mind. She wondered if he was waiting for someone. "You look like you're having a blast," Celia said dryly as she stopped at a nearby fruit platter and began to load a plate with strawberries.
Seamus glanced Celia, and smiled a little. She looked nice, but that wasn't that surprising. ”I am having the best time,” he replied with a bored tone, but with just a hint of a smile on his face. He glanced back at her and gave a little gesture to what she was wearing. ”You clean up nice, though I expect no less,” he said. ”Will you be dancing tonight?” he asked, not waiting to outright ask her if she had a date, that felt too forward. They weren't exactly friends..
Celia was much more used to receiving eyerolls from Seamus, so she was a little surprised to see what looked like a faint smile cross his lips. "I'm sure life's just going to be downhill from here," she said, matching his tone. Celia wasn't sure if she should be insulted by his comment since in her mind, she always looked nice. But she supposed he mostly saw her at practices and games, when she was sweaty and decked in Quidditch gear. In the end, she decided to just accept the compliment. "Thanks," she said with a smile. "You look nice too."

Celia considered his question, trying to figure out whether he meant dancing in general or slow dancing with a partner. With Seamus, it could go either way. He had never struck her as particularly social, and she wouldn't be surprised if he was the kind of person who spent most dances on the sidelines, even during the more upbeat songs that didn't require a partner. "Depends on who ends up asking me," she said with a shrug before taking a bite of a strawberry. Her gaze drifted to the dance floor before returning back to Seamus. "What about you? Are you planning on dancing?"
Seamus laughed lightly at her comment, it was a short laugh, but a laugh. ”Oh, I bet,” he replied. ”I mean, just look at the professors,” he motioned to the vague professors who were watching over this dance. He couldn't imagine being a professor, being stuck at this school year after year after year. He glanced at Celia, a little surprised that she returned the compliment, though hid any surprise at the fact no one had actually just asked her to the dance. ”Depends on whom I end up asking, I guess,” he replied with a little smirk, just turning what she'd said back to her. He gave it a beat of silence before offering out his hand. ”Would you like to dance?” fully ready for any rejection.
Celia glanced at the professors, smirking at Seamus' comment. "If I ever end up like that, please just launch a bludger straight towards my head." Stuck at a boarding school, spending your Valentine's Day supervising a bunch of teenagers — was there anything more pathetic? Celia raised her eyebrows a little when Seamus turned her answer back to her. She was about to ask him who he was hoping to dance with when he asked her. Celia was quiet for a moment, wondering if this was a joke, a continuation of their conversation. Deciding to call his bluff, she set the plate aside and took his hand. "Sure," Celia said, giving him a slightly challenging look as she waited to see what he would do next.
Seamus nodded in agreement. "Ditto," he said. He could imagine staying here, remaining at this school when you didn't need to. But the moment and the jokes were moved on from, and instead he had his hand out in offer for Celia to dance. He was thinking that she was likely to say no, and preparing himself for the rejection, but she agreed to it. She took his hand. He glanced at it and then gave a little smile as he looked back at her. "Okay," he said, and went to lead her to the dance floor, putting down what he'd been holding to do so.
Celia wasn't completely sure where this was going, but as Seamus smiled at her, she decided she was curious enough to find out. She allowed him to lead her to the dance floor, and once there, she kept her hand in his and placed her other hand on his shoulder so that they could dance. The music was nice enough, and Celia was glad Professor Alcott-Ward had gotten rid of those ridiculous floating harps that Professor Alicastell had been so fond of. "I didn't think you could dance," she commented, which was perhaps not the nicest thing to say. But her tone was free of its usual judgmental edge, and there was an amused glint in her eye as a slight smirk played on her lips.
Seamus began dancing with Celia, he wasn't really going to count what he was doing as dancing. he was mostly swaying in time with Celia. "I don't think this counts as dancing," Seamus replied with a little smirk. "So you're probably still right about me," Seamus didn't think he was a good dancer, but thought that this was about as good as he could dance, and it really wasn't all that much.
Celia couldn't say she was surprised when it turned out that Seamus' definition of dancing was swaying back and forth. "Probably not," she agreed. She thought she could probably guide him across the dance floor if she wanted but decided to just match his movements. At least there was less of a chance of him stepping on her toes if they kept things simple. "I'm right about most things," Celia said a little smugly.
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