Hot or Not

Mirror Mirror/ Out of Ten

You seem nice on the surface but then again so did Tom Riddle and look how he turned out :correct:
dangerously hopeful/10
there shouldn't be anything dangerous about being hopeful. a little hope can go a long way.
but you do seem like a nice person, maybe.
I can see that you are very ambitious... Can be a good or Bad Factor...
I've heard the rumors about it! Oh poor you.
We're a very talented group... Yet people hate us for what is in our veins
Sadly we can't change us... That would be giving in & were to strong for that!
at first i thought i wasn't going to be able to, but in the perfect timing my GodUncle showed up and helped me when the Father wasn't around, I wouldn't have survived without him!
Protective is a good Quality, never stop being Protective of the things you love!​
It's never a bad thing to be protective but sometimes people can go overboard
Very True, but Sadly I'm always going to be Over protective of my daughter!
And that's not such a bad thing... Right?
After all she is to young to protect herself, she'll always be my little girl!
But sometimes when you are over protector you can push your loved ones away or else they never learn to protect themselves
I like to think of it as the most powerful of them all, after all is like to see a pure blood try be born with magic from non magical parents, talented we are.

That's a good way to look at it.

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