Hot or Not

I like surprising people/10

Just don't tell anyone... I do have a reputation to keep after all... But I nearly was in your shoes, because of all the pressure put on me.

You look nice, but aparently you are very mean. Why?

I have a reputation to keep... How nice it'd be to be as naive and innocent as you... Even when I was your age, I wasn't like that unfortunately... Enjoy it while it lasts.

It's easy to be nice, you just have to start caring about others feelings before your own.

I love your accent!
You're so sweet/10

And naive... Sweetie, if I wasn't a Slytherin 100%, something terrible could happen to me... I am in the dangerous house after all...

Let it all out, there is no shame in crying when it's needed.
You're so nice/10

I really wish I knew more people like you... Or at least have a friend like you...

My mummy taught me that Hufflepuffs are weak... Plus you're muggle-born, and she told me that they should stay in the muggle world because they're not worthy to learn magic... She then told me that we'll be taking over the world, and once we do, I'll make sure you're not in it anymore! Then she'd be pleased with me.
Did anyone tell you that I didn't choose to be magical?I was born with it and nobody can change that.And Hufflepuffs are not,I've been through a lot of stuff in my life.It's not really your fault you think like this though
you seem very nice/10
I think my sister mentioned you she didn't seem that keen but then she was having a shocking bit of news. my other sister seems to really like you.
You seemed nice when I met you but now I'm not so sure if we like the same guy.
I hope we could be friends for edens sake no matter what happens...

Your child is really adorable. I'm sure she'll grow up as beautiful and successful as you are. :))

<COLOR color="#000">notreallyoutoften
durmstrang is never fun. but at least i'm not alone.

You said earlier that you like Pumpkin Pies though you're not obsessed with them. Does that mean you like Pumpkin Juice also?

Quick, quick, quick. xD


Every magical school must be fun, right?

Though, are you just using the name to mock me? Or are you just being friendly?

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