Hot or Not

I just like to call myself that
You've got to shine! Don't be shy, what could you possibly by shy about!
Good friend and sister
Well maybe someone needs to shake it into her, and besides if they're mean to you she can simply give them a little zap with her wand :p
Beater/ Out of Ten

Is it fun taking your anger out on a bludger?
I've been doing it for years, mainly on my younger cousins/outoften
I'm sure you know how annoying boys are

Not that there is anything wrong with blondes. I just don't like the colour.
Maybe we should meet, so that I can tell if you really are a lady of class.
<COLOR color="#000">Durmstrang/outoften.
What is that school like? I've only heard a little bit about it.​

It must be difficult, being treated like a baby by your older siblings, but having to be a rolemodel for the younger ones.
<COLOR color="#000">Iguess/outoften
I hardly see them these days, so I've almost forgotten what it's like.
PS. You have the most awesome hair!​

That's horrible, no-one should forget what it,s like to have family :(
Hogwarts is very un-musical yet there are so many musical students!!!
Maybe we need to hook up some speakers... but ofcourse the Muggle-Magic issue... Oh the drama!​

You seem to always be there to help me :)
There was a girl in my grade with eyes like that, she was a part of the Goth Gang... You don't seem like that kind of person though P:)
Not many people approve of a Teen Mum.
You seem to have a very good heart if you say that <3​
Oh my gosh, I would want to play as a professional Quidditch player. But as a Keeper.
Keepers are very important, maybe one day i will play with you on the same team... or opposing. Hope to see you on the pitch one day, just watch out for my bludgers... I have a vicious swing​
thats my favourite position t play. though I don't play now i have left school. Watch out for my girlfriend though she is an amazing chaser.

You could model if you weren't Quidditch :D


Too bad my sister wants to keel you at the moment. She'll get over it though

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