Hot or Not

you are ten. ten year olds should be having fun. playing outside not worrying about clothes.
I'm sure it's not the end of the world. He/She may even be one of the best things to happen to you.
head girl/10
i know it seems a while off, but have you thought about what you are going to say at graduation yet?
Weird, not seen you around nearly as much as last year. Wonder why.
I like your style.
Fierce // Out of Ten

Hunny for someone so young, you sure are fierce! Fierce mean stylish in my world just letting you know after all you are rather young yet!!
you look rather interesting. like the kind of person it would be enjoyable to that to over coffee.
Spare some coffee? Long days and nights ahead call for coffee.
Different In A Sense OutOfTen
You're not like the usual Slytherin. Not saying if it's a good or bad thing though.​
Slytherin Keeper OutOfTen

We may be opponents on the field, but I like your attitude! You don't seem to let anyone push you down.
It's good to see some genuine tough people around. Sometimes there are just too many spoiled princesses.

That's a good quality to have... Everyone should have a mother figure in their life.
Cap'n Elsa/OutOfTen

What are you? A pirate? Please... At least I didn't eat a big bowl of dork for breakfast.

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