Hot or Not

it sure as hell brightens up the room.

I'm not sure I believe in heroes anymore...​
Hell, you need to party more. Stop with the crying.​

She's a nice girl, and you look nice enough-why bother being insulting? Just relax.

You're a babe and all, but man, you need to take things in your stride more, by the looks of things.

Explain so, Mr. Strong Jawline. How do I overreact?

Oh, you. But reacting to bad times by acting up's only going to make your life worse, take it from me. When life gets you down, pull yourself back up and try even harder to succeed, show life who's boss.

Get mad! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons!
Et tu, Brute? / 10

You go on an adventure with a woman and she stabs you right in the back. Women, I tell ya. (I'm much better on the Quidditch pitch, I swear!)
nice to know we have one decent chaser/10
also, do you have anything planned for the yule ball? maybe we could meet up there. seing as we bump into each other everywhere else.
Dance Partner / 10

It would be my honour. You'd better not let me fall on the dance floor. :p
You really seem to know how to party. But how cocky you are, I don't want to know.​
<FONT font="Lucida">MountainTroll./OutofTen
When did they start letting trolls into the school?!

You probably know how pretty you are, but why be mean to someone who's done nothing to you?

I hear so much about you, and trust me that's not a compliment. So why don't you just calm down and stop being so annoying?

A Second Year doesn't like me? o_O How truly soul destroying.
It's sad that you and Thorne just drifted apart or something.​
<FONT font="Lucida">LovelyFace./OutofTen
That pretty face of yours is a real piece of artwork too.
Finding yourselfOutOfTen

What does that exactly mean?

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