Hot or Not

Don't you have any other jobs in the magical world?​
Don't you have any other trouble to put your nose in?​
Don't you have someone else to worry about. I'm not you're problem so go find some young girl to flit around after.​

It's a pity you're a mudblood, means we can't be friends. Which is a pity because you're so involved in quidditch.
turning psyco/10
It's true, we're all a little insane. Just some people show it in different ways than others. many people suppress it, but i think a little insanity is normal.
You need to get out more and become a little more interesting.
No one wants to be a boring professor all of the time.
Yo! Bro!OutOfTen
Can I get some free coffee? Kinda need it. *bounces*

Sorry to break it to you, but it won't last. It never does. On second thought, I'm not sorry. It's better for you to learn that now then be heartbroken like I was.
Dark Elite?/10

Sounds pretty silly. You're hot, though, so I'll let it slide.

First off, that was from when I was only twelve, and you may have noticed it said Ex-Dark Elite. And secondly, you're fifteen, and I'm nineteen. I don't plan on going to Azkaban anytime soon just for you. It's pretty cool that you're a Slytherin Chaser though. I used to be Chaser on the Slytherin team.

Hey, I totally didn't mean anything like it. You're not my type. I was simply stating that you're attractive.
That works out pretty well since Slytherin's colours and Green and Silver​
You've got to have a baby sitter 24/7 with everything you do.
You're only 12, why so keen?​
Sports LoverOutOfTen
Keep at it, maybe we'll meet when you're older.
Too niceOutOfTen

You'll soon learn that you just can't be nice to everyone... Sooner or later someone will backstab you in the back.
What's that?

Ever heard the saying curiosity killed the cat? Just keep your nose clean, and you won't be that cat.
Slytherins don't just go insane. Get your life together.​

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