Hot or Not

Just an Echo?OutOfTen
Thank goodness.
Better keep and eye out for you so.
head girl/10
I had better make sure you are looking the other way before I have fun.
actually come to think about it, i don't care what i get caught doing, that risk is half the fun.
Rebel out of ten.

Why would you want to rebel so much? I can understand rebelling against Professors and subjects, but rebelling against everything? Wouldn't you want to fit in with the crowd, and end up being popular?
Well I don't know about you. Did RHI give you the spotlight or something? Not that I hate Hufflepuffs in any way.

Go back where you came from.
lets see what you can make?
((If it was fully ic there would be a lot of people not knowing anything about the other, for example it would be unlikely that Adoh would even know who kate is let alone know she was muggle born, I always thought it was IC voice but using OOC information))
Fiery One // Out of Ten

you seem like a wild one though if I were a slytherin I guess I would think that I owned the world​

It'd be nice to have someone like you around :) I miss my real mother. How silly, for someone my age.

OOCOut of Character:
Yes, actual woodwork XD
It will only be: Eric... /out of ten

I used to think like that too... But life has a way of ripping out a heart. I hope it doesn't happen to you as well.
You are very young, so you will find the one for you.
Unless that one friendzones you, then it just sucks.
I'm sure you're a nice person, but you scare me.
Let me be blunt; put on some pounds.​
<SIZE size="75">Durmstrang,eh?/10

<FONT font="Georgia">That sounds interesting. I've never met someone from Durmstrang before...​
<FONT font="Lucida">Busybody./OutofTen
You seem like the type of person who'd always be busy with something.

We were never close, but you always seemed so nice. Even though I envied you for it, you deserved Head Girl.​
Quidditch CaptainOutOfTen
Quidditch is what I cover most. We may meet one day.

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