Hot or Not

First Year OutOfTen
Have fun! Hogwarts is amazing!

Oh my gosh! How cool!
First Year OutOfTen
If you like flowers and stuff you should join the wild patch!

Yeahhh fight the system!!!

Short // OutofTen

How's the weather down there? #cheeseyjoke
Head Boy OutOfTen
Do Slytherin proud.
How do you look good while
winking?! I just look like
I'm squinting.

Seriously. Why.

What I would give to be like that. Studying is so hard for me!
Firsty// 10

There's a lot to learn right?
Clueless // OutofTen

Must suck to be you.

Just my kind of person!
My brothers are reckless. Some works wonders, others it ruins.
Make sure you know which you are.
Aerial silk preformed OutOfTen
That sounds so interesting, where did you learn to do that? How did you end up doing that?

Perpetual Smile // OutofTen

What for? You trying to look like a fool? If that's the case, keep at it, you're doing splendid.
Some people like smiling, you should try it some time. It might just make you feel better!

You're a hero!!! People aspire to be like you when they're older. Good job at being you! :p
Slytherin // Out of Ten

So far my expirience with Slytherin hasn't been great, but you seem fairly nice!

That's barbaric! You are a human not a piece of furniture!!! :)
Rule breaker//OutofTen

Whatever it is I want in.
Talkative OutOfTen
I hope we never meet.

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