Hot or Not

You girl are gorgeous. I love your eyes they are stunning.
You Look an awful lot like my God Father, he was one of the best men I knew, he died of a heart attack when I was in my 5th year…​
I envy you, I dislike you, I wish i could have the things you have,
despite that i am still glad Eden has found you safe.
thats awesome. I wish my school would kick me out. then i may be able to go to a magic school and get away from my grandma, and not have to do double classes.
Surfing looks really fun, I've only tried once or twice but that was with small waves.
Never let anyone change your view of the person you love.
Good advice/10
All works out well until the person you are falling for ends up dating someone else. Better advice would be. Love. But do so knowing you are opening yourself up for heartache and heart break even from the most unexpected places.
Aren't you sweet, I'm sure the boys are falling all over you

Guys never used to notice me either, maybe when you're older
<FONT font="Lucida">You'reAdorable./OutofTen
Can we be friends?!
that's nothing to be proud of/outoften
my daughter was an idiot and got herself
expelled there was nothing we could do but kick her out.​
Family is the most important thing in the world, well shucks, i don't know what I'd do if my folks ever kicked me out, or if our family separated. You should treasure your family!

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