hot chocolate with marshmallows

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
the middle of winter and Evera was feeling cold. she headed down to kitchens to get a cup of hot chocolate. and she was given a large flask. she headed up to the professors common room and took a seat by the fire shivering slightly, maybe she was catching cold, she hoped not. the divination professor picked up few cups from the shelf as she had a feeling she would seen have company. before she filled one of them with some of the hot drink adding one pink and one white marshmallow. she took a sip feeling the warmth and sweetness fill her. she had had an interesting holiday, helping her sister organise a wedding. she was happy for Lilith though she wondered when it would be her time, maybe never. and surprisingly she didn't mind so much, morgan had never married and she was happy and the only guy she had loved head left her broken something she had promised to herself never to be. she leaned back in her chair before taking a sip of the drink and picking up a magazine from the table next to her. she flipped through it quickly there wasn't much in there that interested her. however she slowed when she got to the recipes. there was a nice sounding recipe for a vegetarian lasagne that she thought ruby would like. she got up and managed to find a quill in a draw along with some parchment and ink. as neatly as she could she copied it down. she would send it it beuxbatton with her next letter to her adopted sister. she slipped it into the pocket of her hoodie for safe keeping. as she leaned back again in the seat continuing through the magazine, making the most of the afternoon of peace before the busyness that was classes began.
Being a slightly cold day, Abby reminded herself that she had to "rug up". She was used to the warmer climate of Egypt and had only been back in New Zealand for a few days after being on a Honey moon in Italy. She smiled down at her Wedding Ring. It had taken a lot of work to get to this point, alot of discussion and sacrifice. But eventually, finally the wedding had happened and Abby couldn't be happier. Her own child, Emily had been the flower girl and she was so pleased that they had been able to get Emily into the dress even if she did not want to be in it. She shook her head and left her office, packing up the work she had been fixing up for this year. If she was not mistaken she would be teaching third years first. That should be interesting, judging by the particular student she had last time. She shuddered to think would she would do if she had another Troxa Matthias, or Hades Lutrov II that wouldn't be very nice either. She closed her door and pushed her wand into her pocket ensuring it could not slip out and fall to the ground, wouldn't want anyone stepping on it and breaking it.

Making her way to the Professor's common room, Abby thought about the long way away she was from her son and daughter. They meant everything to her. She looked at her hands and thought about playing games on the beach with the twins. Emily and Nathaniel were the most beautiful children. Of course she was perhaps being biased but she could tell her babies would grow up into fine young adults. She smiled as she walked into the Professor's common room and nodded at the Professor already occupying it. She didn't know her very well. But she knew from the meetings that her name was Elvera and that she was the Divination Professor. Not a very highly appreciated subject at her alumni of Beauxbatons. Though it seemed to be doing well here. She picked up the already out cup and filled it with hot chocolate. Where as she usually had coffee, she had been feeling more drawn to hot chocolate lately. She placed a few marshmellows into the cup and walked back to where Elvera was sitting. She smiled and tucked her feet under her and placed her hands around the steaming cup. Taking a sip she savoured the chocolatey taste it left in her mouth. Damn castles could be cold in winter. She always wished they had heaters of muggle design. Of course they only used fires, but fires did little in a big castle. "Cold enough for you Elvera?" She asked shaking her head at the lame conversation starter. She would have thought she could have done better.
Elvera heard the door open and saw one of the professors enter the common room. she smiled at her whilst the older lady poured herself a cup of chocolate. Elvera had been right, she did have company. "Hello Abby" she said as the lady took a seat. she took a mouthful of the hot liquid from her cup. she hadn't really spoken to many of the other professors despite having been teaching t the school for two years now,to begin with she hadn't socialised much with the professors as she had still seen them as her professors but now she had got used to her roll as one herself. she chuckled when the lady asked if it was cold enough for her. "You would have thought that coming from england and all I would be used to it. but unfortunately I think i am used to new zealand now. and it is supper cold today, at least it gives us the prefect excuse to sit by the fire with a hot chocolate." she said smiling. "How were your holidays?" she asked. curious as to what he colleagues did when not at the school. she just worked in her other job to give her mother some time off in the shop and when she hadn't been working she had been with her sister who had just gotten engaged, part of her wondered when she would meet someone, and part of her was glad that she hadn't and she was free from the heartbreak love would cause, but seeing Lilith's face every time she thought about Praneil her fiance made her wonder if it was worth it.
OOCOut of Character:
sorry if it is kind of lame
OOCOut of Character:
It's fine, don't worry about it :)
Abby smiled at Elvera and flicked her hair over her shoulder. She didn't really know her all that well, and she sort of felt bad for that, but she had been so busy in her first year getting the feel of everything that she hadn't had the time. Now she was further settled in, she would have time to spare and make a few friends amongst the staff. She had already met both Cyndi and Takuya as well as Ava and Natalie. Though it was only for a few minutes and that hadn't exactly been in a good mood. Well Natalie was, but the others? Not so much. It was a shame really. Abby laughed lightly as Elvera mention the fire and hot chocolate. Oh yes. The prefect excuse. The best excuse there was. She nodded. "Yes, quite so. I do like my hot chocolate every now and then. Makes things more interesting." She as she took another sip and blew on it to cool it slightly. Her holidays had been wonderful. Getting married and the honeymoon were both highlights as well. "My holiday was wonderful Elvera, thank you for asking. I actually got married, if you can believe it, and then we honeymooned in Italy. It was wonderful. Emily and Nathanial really enjoyed themselves." She told Elvera, holding her hand out for the woman to see the beautiful ring she now wore. She hadn't know that marriage could be this great. It was so much better. "What about you? What did you do in the Holidays?Anything amazing to recount?" Being a Divination Professor Abby wondered if there had been anything interesting that she had done.
OOCOut of Character:
sorry it has taken me so long i have been busy and had limited muse

Elvera smiled at Abby when she said that she sometimes had hot chocolate just to have a change She was the same usually a tea drinker, but this afternoon it was just the perfect weather for a hot chocolate. she curled up in her seat as drank a few more mouthfuls of the sweet milky drink. as she did so she felt a slight pain in her stomach, nothing to bad but like a sudden cramp. she moved her hand their and a few moments late it went as quickly as it had come. she leaned forward and out her cup on the table. just then the other professor announced that she had gotten married over the break. Elvera smiled warmly, "Congratulations Abby" she said despite her sometimes gothic clothing, and serious manor she really was a lot more friendly and accepting of people than she looked. "a honeymoon in italy sounds delightful too. but if you don't mind me asking who are emily and Nathaniel?" she said trying to remember if the lady had children, or if they were friends or family. another couple maybe? she really didn't know.
when asked about her holidays elvers smiled slightly and shook her head. "I am afraid it is no where near as exiting as yours. I actually worked through most of it. I co-own one of the shops in makatu mall and I work there one or two shifts a week and over the break to give my mother a break" she said. Morgan did need a break sometimes. she was running the business, looking after one child babysitting another a lot, and keeping the house (though admittedly over the break ruby and sapphire had taken the housekeeping over and had done an amazing job).

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