Home sweet Home

Kate Archer

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Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Kate walked out of the hospital and into the cool air.She was so happy to be out.She had been stuck inside that hospital for nearly four weeks,she would probably never be able to get the smell of that hospital out her her nose.The hospital didn't smell bad and in fact it was a very nice,clean hospital but Kate didn't like hospitals or their smells and she had been stuck in one for the past three weeks and she hadn't been able to move from her bed because she had been under intensive care.The operation had been a success and there was nothing in her adrenaline glands anymore.For the past three weeks,she had had no panic attacks,she had slept soundly and her heart rate was back to normal.She was as thin as ever now but she had been able to eat all the food given so hopefully she would be on the right track soon.The hospital had definitely been an experience she did not want to repeat.The doctors had said she was doing perfect and after a few weeks everything should be up and running.She would be able to return to Hogwarts and she had asked the doctors would she be able to play sports and they said yes,so she would be going for the Hufflepuff team again.She had loved playing last year and she wanted to do so again.She wondered who would be the co-captions this year.She really wanted to win the match this year.She wondered who would be the new prefects too.She wondered who Stefan was doing.Since his Dad was now gone she worried about how he was doing.It was his first holiday with out the man who he had lived with all his life.Even though he hadn't been in any way a good father,she wondered how he was feeling.

Kate made her way over to the limo.She didn't understand why they needed one and a driver.Her parents would of been able to collect her in one normal car.Oh well,there was nothing she could do about it.Her brother and sisters were at home,her parents had come to collect her.They had gathered up the cards,most of the balloons were deflated and the flowers were wilted.So she was just left with the cards,she was going to keep them.She was sentimental like that.She was now in the car and their were driving through London.It was almost weird being back in the outside world.She had the window up so she could feel the wind and have the sun shine on her face.It was a lovely warm day.It was after all the middle of July,she had missed most of June and the first week and a half of July.She was looking forward to jumping into the pool.She only had a smallish scar around her ribs.It was a pinkish color.Kate didn't mind it though.During the ride she feel asleep and awoke to her mother gently poking her.She woke up and looked at her huge house. "Home sweet Home" she thought.It had been nearly five years since she had moved her.She hadn't liked it at first but now she loved it.It would never replace her home in Ireland but it was almost perfect.She walked slowly up to her house and walked in.She took a deep breath and smiled.Smelled like home.
Sara was in the library, trying to read, but failing miserably. Jake. Jake. Jake. That was all she could think about, and when she wasn't thinking about him, she was thinking about Kate. She was okay, but the last time they'd seen her, she'd looked so thin. Sara just prayed that the article in that stupid magazine wouldn't prompt Kate to stop eating again. She'd been voted "Drama Queen" in the school superlatives, which wasn't going to go down well. It wasn't true either, Kate had just had a lot of bad luck recently. Sara herself was quite happy with her superlative. She'd been voted "Most School Spirited." She was glad to think that all the work they'd been putting in in Glee Club, and Quidditch had been acknowledged. She shut her book-The Path Of Daggers by Robert Jordan; she wasn't getting anywhere anyway, and she took in her surroundings. She was seated in a cently curving armchair, it was soft and deep, and comfortable. It was one of Sara's favourite places to be. The library smelled of books, Sara loved that smell, and a merry fire was burning in the range, which she warmed her feet by-she was barefoot. It was quite a nice day, but the servants always kept the fire here lit, so the room wouldn't become musty and damage the books. She'd helped ith the diner earlier, which was a roast, to mark her sister's return. Everyone was glad he was well. Sara herself, wasn't sure of ehr feelings toward Kate. Of course, she was delighted that she was okay, that she was coming home and that things were working out for her and Stefan, but still.. Her and Kate had drifted apart through neither of their faults, but it had happened. She didn't know how to act around her anymore, and found it much easier to stay aay from her. She saw things in her sister now, that she'd never seen before.

Light was streaming in the window, and she heard a car approaching, the gravel crunching beneath the tyres. She walked over to the window, her stride elegant, and the gap only took her a few steps. She'd learnt a lot about elegance in the past few years. She perched in the window seat, her feet to one side, and supporting herself on one arm. It was the limo, and she could see her Mother's brownish locks through the dark indow. She silently rose from the seat, and moved to the door, only pausing slightly at the doorknob. She really hoped this went well, she didn't know what medication Kate was on, and wether she'd react well to getting home, and to the journey there. She quickly ran down the stairs, making sure not to make too much noise, it would echo in this large house. The door was wide, and she could see Kate's thin frame, barely blocking any of the light that streamed in the door. "Hey." Sara greeted, a small smile on her lips, she wasn't exactly sure whether she was talking to her sister or an invalid.
Kate walked into the house.Her parents followed her in.She was feeling much better then what she had in the first few weeks.She was still weak and tired but she was much better.She was going to attempt to gain back all her weight.She had gotten over the magazine,it was still bothering her that she didn't know who had wrote it out and how they had known things that only she had known.She had been voted drama queen and to be honest she wasn't that surprised.She had after all been called one in the magazine article and a lot of people had seemed to agree with it,so it hadn't been surprising that she had been voted.She didn't understand why Stefan had.He hadn't acted out about any of it and he was one of the most series and modest people she knew.She was going to be facing a stressful year next year and she needed to be in tip top shape.She had been looking over some of her school books in the hospital,since she didn't really have anything else to do.They had of course been covered be muggle books but she had studied then none the less.

She looked up and focused on the world around her when she heard her sisters voice.Things were almost alright between them.Kate never really knew what to say,she usually kept to herself. "Hey"She said a weak smile.She need to sit down or she was going to fall.She slowly made her way into the sitting room,which was closest.She slowly set herself down on the comfy couch.She breathed out slowly when she sat down. "Congratulations on the superlative"She said after a few minutes.She had been getting her breath back.Even though it was a warm day outside,she was dressed in a heavy comfy tracksuit.Her immune system wasn't exactly at it's best.She was prone to getting sick.The fire was lighting and she was only warmed slightly by it. "So what have you been up to since I left?"She asked
stefan was on his way to surprising kate. he knew that this wouldnt be a good idea normlly but he just couldnt help it. using his bike he pedlled quickly along the country lane that the moon residunce was situated on. he gave a quick loook at his watch and saw that it was nearly 12.
as he aprochaed the house he started to slow down. he hadnt been here since he and michael had moved out. he knew that he would always be welcome atthe moon household but he always felt like he was intrudeing. he sat outside oposite the gates till he was ready to go in.
"Hi its stefan glass for kate." he said into he intercom. he jumped onto his bike and cycled up to the front door. he left his bike next to a window and opened the front door. he walked slowly as he aproched kate. "Hey kate. how are you?" he said as he hugged her.
Sara wasn't very shocked by Kate's weight loss, she'd lost a lot last year, and Sara had almost become accustomed to it. As long as those stupid comments about being a branch didn't get to her, everything would be fine. Sara shifted uneasily from foot to foot, flicked her hair out of her face, by tossing her head. She felt concious of herself around Kate, so much had changed between them. She felt like there was a huge gap in her family it didn't really affect her. She had plenty of people that she cared about, but she knew it got to her parents. "You must be glad to be out." she smiled, she didn't like hospitals, or doctors. It wasn't exactly her favourite place to be, and she didn't think it was anyone's idea of fun. She followed Kate into the sitting room, the curtains were closed. It was dreary and dark in there. She walked over to the window, and opened the velvet curtains, they were planning on re-decorating this room soon, it was still pretty old-fashioned, though most of the mansion had been re-done by now. Light flooded in through the large manor windows. "Is that okay?" she asked, she'd close the curtains if the light was hurting Kate's eyes. "Thanks-I was pretty surprised by it." she replied, smiling-she was proud of it. "That magazine was terrible Kate-no one believes what they wrote, about either of you. Especially Stefan, I mean..talking about his bruises like that..." she added, no one thought it was true, no one with a brain anyway.

"Um..studying mostly, and reading. I did a bit of riding, and some quidditch practice, but I' pretty worried about the OWLs, Daniel says it's a really hard year." she answered, coming over to the main part of the room, and taking the seat opposite Kate. "Cookie has a special dinner planned for you." she grinned, using the cook's nickname, her real name was Anna, but she liked Cookie. "I don't know where Star and Ryan are, I've been in the library since this morning." she commented, glancing out the window. "Stefan and Michael have conveniently disappeared also, quite conveniently. They're possibly avoiding helping with bags." she commented, wryly. It was completely untrue of course. Especially for Stefan-he was completely obsessed with Kate. "How are you feeling?" she asked, settling herself into the chair, with her feet tucked underneath her. Suddenly, Stefan appeared. She grinned as she watched him hug Kate, he was completely lovestruck by Kate. If only he knew about Stefan, he might be able to move on. "Nice to see you too." she joked, smiling at the younger boy-she liked Stefan, he was a sweet boy. "Take a seat Stefan. Where is everyone do you know?" she gestured to a eat nnear the fire.,
Kate smiled "Yeah,I hate hospitals"she said shuddering.Half from the cold and from the thought of the hospital.She would hopefully never have to set foot in a hospital again.She couldn't understand how people could work there.Maybe saving lives was a reason but Kate wouldn't be able to cope with it.She would go made with all the smell of sickness.Kate nodded,it had surprised her eyes a little.She was squinting a little but nothing too bad.She looked around at the room and she hoped it would be getting re-decorated.Kate shook her head.She didn't fully believe that,she had got a lot of looks and whispering.Some people wouldn't be sure but plenty of people believed it.To be honest Kate was over it by now,let them think what they want to think.Why does their opinion matter?Stefan was another matter,she hated the way they made fun of the bruises and guessing about his family situation at home.She didn't think the writer would appreciate if a story like that came out about him/her.

"I'm not looking forward to it"She said leaning against the back off the couch.She really hoped she would feel good enough to try out for the team.She hoped she had got on.Last year had been her first match but she had played pretty good.She was annoyed they hadn't won but she was ready for this year and she was determined to win. "That's great,I'm actually starving"She said.She hadn't interacted with any off the staff in ages.She had always stayed in her room ever since last year.She really had to get back into the swing of things.She was fifteen now,two more years and she would be finished school.A scary thought but the truth none the less. She had been wondering where the twins were too,maybe she would meet them later. Kate laughed,but it was weak and she stopped.She hated th sound of being weak.Kate took in a breath.Kate looked up when a familiar voice entered the room. "Hey Stefan"She said smiling,hugging him back.He was looking better compared to earlier on in the year."So how have you been?"she asked
stefan chuckled as sara said hi. "Hello to you aswell sara." he said sitting in a chair by the couch. "honestly sara i dont know. i didnt regonise whoever answerd the intercom." he told her. "Yeah ive been alright kate. but ive been better." he said knowing that she knew about his bruises.
he moved his sleve up when he realised he still hadnt told them that michael had quit his job at the castle. "Guys im sorry to tell you but michael has left his job at hogwarts." he quickly put his slevedown when he realised that he still had bandages on from michael.
Sara grinned at Kate's response, she understood completely. "They're not exactly the nicest of places." she replied, she'd never liked hospital, though since she was relatively healthy, she'd never had to spend much time in one, just for a few broken bones in Quidditch practice and such. She liked the school Nurse-Madame Finnigan. She was Irish, so they had a lot to talk about. She noticed the way Kate shook her head; "Everyone who matters knows it's not true." she added, in a weak attempt to cheer her up. She barely knew her sister anymore, and she didn't know how to help. She settled herself more comfortably into the chair, tracing the pattern of the couch with her fingertips. It was velvet-ish material, almost like the curtains, and made in a swirling pattern. She loved the feel of the softness in her fingers, the elegance of this piece of furniture enthralled her. She hoped they'd keep it when the room was redone.

"I know, I feel like I'm getting nothing done, even when I am working, and quidditch is going to be a nightmare this year." she replied, running a hand through her loose hair. She had a shower this morning, so rather than being frizzy, it curtained her face in soft, wavy curls. She looked like she'd spent the morning on a beach, with her hair that way. She curled her toes at the thought, the soft material tickling her toes. he laughed slightly as Kate said she was starving; "It's good then, because it looks as though she's cooking for about fifty people." she answered, smiling. She smiled at tefan's response. "It's weird, I thought they'd be here by now." she commented, glancing out the window, by raising herself in the seat. She looked back at Stefan, and as he raised his sleeve, she noticed some bruises, and her spine straightened in alarm. What was it with boys called Stefan and always being covered in bruises? she pretended not to notice because from experience-she knew that boys weren't that into talking about themselves. "That's such a shame, though from what was going on the last time I saw him-I'm not surprised." she realised that neither of them had been there and explained. "I last met him, when all those posters were put up about Briar around the school-that was disgraceful." She didn't inhibit herself here, they both knew how annoyed she could get about things like this, and though in public she reigned in her temper-though it was hard-she was becoming better at it. She found it much easier to hold her tongue when it didn't matter now.

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