
Maddiie Holland

Al. Hufflepuff | Werewolf
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
"Hello out there" (echos back)
"Can you here me now!!" (echos back)
Running towards the lake to see if any merds would come out.{but wasn't hollering at them}
She felt she yelled out to herself, it would be a bit of s stress realiver to her soul.
Crystal was out for a stoll around the lake when she heard distant yelling. She couldn't make out what was being said because of the echos. It had been silent before these sounds. She decided to investigate and set out for where she thought the sound was coming from.
Getting closer, she saw a Hufflepuff second year she hadn't actually met before but knew was called Maddiie.
"Hello there!" she said when she was right behind her. "Can I ask what your doing?"
She kept staring at the distance hoping
to see anything coming towards her.
Nada she thought than looked down at the pure blue water.
Just as she kept her intense look a girl Maddiie had recognize
on her team had been trying to talk to her.
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't hear what you just said."
"I was just wondering why your yelling?" said Crystal with a smile. "I heard you all the way out there." she added pointing somewhere to her right.
"To be honest, trying to releases some stress."
Maddiie had looked back at the water, and hoping to see if they are really in there.
Crystal laughed and said,"Great way!"
Getting curious at what Maddiie was looking at she peered into the water too."Lose something in there?"she asked trying to spot a ring or an earing in the water.
"No I want to believe there are merds an here,
but I haven't seen any come out and scared the kids."
Maddiie felt the water temperature, it was chilled from
the winter weather.
Ginny had been sleeping on the lawn when she had been reading a book and she heard someone screaming. She woke up and looked for the culprit. She saw Maddiie and Crystal and decided to go speak to them. 'Hi Maddiie, crystal,' she called jogging over to them with her book in her hand. 'Whatcha doing?'
"Apparently trying to attract merpeople with a delicate tone of voice!" joked Crystal and turned around to face Ginny."But I don't think it'll work,"she added thought fully,"thier supposed to live way at the bottom."
Looking into the lake again she said,"I can't see anything past two feet, can you?"
Maddiie laughed.
"Well Grantley not,
I wonder if this school would have a Wizard tournament's."
Maddiie looked an deeper remembering the last time she was
caught by an octopus, out of all things she smirked at the idea.
"Hey Ginny what are you up too." after smirking facing Ginny.
Crystal thought about the idea of a wizard tournament. "Even if they do have a tournament, we don't have enough knowledge to compete, do we?" she said sadly.
'Well I was having a nice sleep till your yelling woke me up and now i just can't be bothered to do any more reading. I've never seen any merpeople when i've been swimming to the bottom.,' said ginny jokingly at the start. 'What is the Wizard Tournament?'she asked.
"Not sure either." agreeing with Crystal.
"Wizard Tournament is an even that take place here, not sure of it thought. Different wizard and witches from three school compete for some kind of trophy. Hey anyone up to go in or not? Daring the two other girls.
"In this weather!"exclaimed Crystal,"Are you nuts?" she looked at Maddiie doubtful about her seriousness.
"Well It was a suggestion of a dare, but I wouldn't mind getting in. But I think of the possibility of getting me an trouble. " Maddiie sounded a bit confused herself.
"I don't think there's a possibility of getting into trouble,"stated Crystal,"but I do think there's a very strong possibility of you turning into a block of ice if you do!" she laughed and added,"Not to mention the fact that you would end up with the worst cold at Christmas!"
Maddiie laughed. "You are right about that, but seriously what if we do have the tournament and someone had to do such a task.O badly that person would feel an such cold weather."
"Well if we do, I'll be sure not to volenteer!(Sp?)"Crystal said raising her hands in a 'thats not my bag!' kind of way! "I am not the worlds strongest swimmer." she explained.
'I'll go in with you Maddiie. i love swimming in this weather.' said ginny supporting her freind. she didn't want an argument again. 'By the way crystal. if you are going in, i would always save you,' said ginny jokingly. ;-)
Maddiie smiled. "Oh no I was just joking" she joked with Ginny.
"I'm not much of a swimmer myself." thinking back to octopus.
"Oh! your that good a swimmer?"Crystal asked Ginny. She always admired people who could do things she couldn't.
'Oh, oops.' said ginny going red and giggling at herself. After she had stopped gigling she ansered Crysatl's question. 'Well, I wouldn't say i'm that good a swimmer but i can swim in cold water.' said ginny.
"Are you ready for a dare?" Maddiie raised her eye brow.
Maddiie took off her school robes until she was only wearing her pj's.
She dipped and the water and shiver a bit, but just not to back down
she did a cannon ball and fell with a splash.
brr cold, cold she thought to herself.

"Come in the water fine" she smiled at them knowing it was not.
'I thought you said you were joking?' said Ginny jokingly herself and she took her shoes off and dived into the water. She swam under the water and did a couple of somersaults to warm herself up before she poped to the surface behing Maddiie. She pushed the water in front of her away and splashed maddiie with it. 'Come on in Crystal. The water's great,' she said smiling and luaghing a bit.
Crystal's jaw dropped when she saw the two girls actually jump in. But now that they were in there, she couldn't not go in.
She took off most of her clothes and was left with just a T-shirt and pants on. A shiver ran up her spine as a chilling wind came.
Crystal walked to the water edge and dipped her foot in and yanked it straight out again.OH GOD! Thats freezing!She wished she could have yelled that out loud but didn't want to look like a total wimp.
So she shut her eyes, said a little prayer and jumped.
"Oh my god!" this time she did say it out loud. She could barely try to swim in the freezing water and it took her a while to reach the other two.
"C-c-can we-e g-get out n-now?"She asked Maddiie through chattering teeth.

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