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- 1/2032 (30)
![]() A NEW SEMESTER, A NEW WELCOME By: Leda Layton |
Welcome back to another semester, which of course means another issue of the Hogwarts Monthly! We're here to talk about all the interesting things that happen both inside and outside of classes, pull out all the stops, and leave no stone unturned. This issue we talk about our recent duelling tournament, wheelbarrow race, valentines dance (an excellent article I might add) and hear from a special guest in our spotlight interview and more, so let's delve into our first topic. If you're not part of the Student Defence Association, you may have missed the event that was held outside of school grounds. During the break, Slytherin's Alistair Lancaster put together a casual meeting between those that would due to take part in the duel in the following weeks. Held at The Three Broomsticks, the meeting was a great way of getting the competitors together and to build up a sense of community before they tried to disarm one another in battle. Additionally, if you feel the need to take out some pent out aggression on your classmates, I couldn't recommend this club enough. As someone who did attend this I can tell you first hand the meeting was a success, and had a good turn out of students who seemed to appreciate the meet up as it gave them a chance to talk to their friends. As always, the electives fair opened for the second semester, which means if you're a second year you should have headed to the Great Hall to talk to the professors about your future subjects. I know, I know, you didn't come here to read about more lessons. I understand the events that fly around the school are much more interesting, but, once you've chosen your subjects you can rest assured in the knowledge that you're on the right track, which makes it much easier to chill out at that Quidditch game in your (newly acquired) spare time! There's loads to choose from, and even if you think you know what you're going to take, it's always worth a trip to the hall to check out your future Professors too. So what are you waiting for? Grab a copy of this issue, grab a donut, grab a friend, and go find somewhere to sit comfortably as you journey through this semesters best bits! (And trust me, there are some juicy bits in this issue..) |
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DOWN TO THE WIRE By: Austin Branning |
The second semester meant the business end of the Quidditch season which saw a battle to avoid to avoid the wooden spoon between my own team Hufflepuff and the lions of Gryffindor. The title decider between Slytherin and Ravenclaw was a brutal affair and as usual the season was topped off with a match between the Hogwarts champions and the visiting Beauxbaton team. Hufflepufff v Gryffindor was a relatively tame affair which ended in a personal disappointment. Both teams traded failed attempts at goal before Hufflepuff drew first blood and soon scored again. The early exchanges looked good for Hufflepuff and Gryffindor struggled to even get their hands on the quaffle. Hufflepuff would go onto score again giving a goal each to the three chasers but that was where their luck would end. The Gryffindor chasers would finally show some life in the form of a goal from Jemma Potter and the celebrations from the Gryffindor end would only get louder as Syrus pulled up with the snitch clenched in his fist, allowing Gryffindor to end their season on a high and condemn Hufflepuff to the dreaded wooden spoon. The most anticipated match of the season saw Ravenclaw take on Slytherin in a winner take all showdown that did not disappoint. To use a muggle term, it was a bloodbath. A game that saw Ravenclaw down to bare bones and on the brink of forfeit. It was a low scoring affair, both teams managing a single goal apiece before the snitch was caught but the real drama of the game came on the business end of the bludgers. It was a bad day for the Ravenclaw captain who hit one of his own players and himself (a humorous moment that seemed to becoming less of a rarity) by contrast the Slytherin captain Odette Harper Madison had an extremely productive afternoon at bat (even if some of her own players got in the way). The first of many victims to fall foul to the dreaded three strike rule was Ravenclaw chaser Alexis Kramer (a sour moment for captain Jackson Cade who contributed to her strikes). The next to fall would be Slytherin seeker Leda Layton, a disappointment for the snakes but she wouldn't be the last seeker to bow out. Ravenclaw would go onto lose a chaser, their main seeker and co-captain and the poor girl brought on as a replacement seeker. All in all it was a bad day to be a Ravenclaw as they used up their entire bench and finished the game with five players. Ravenclaw were finally put out of their misery as fill in seeker Sapphire Michaels caught the snitch for Slytherin and won the cup for the snakes. Something I'm sure we're all happy about. The curtain came down on the season in a relatively tame affair as Hogwarts champions Slytherin hosted the visiting Beauxbaton team. Slytherin failed to score a single point and in a game where no one was sent to the hospital wing, the visitors game away with the snitch and the win which seeks a dismal streak for Hogwarts teams against Beauxbaton continue. |
SPOTLIGHT INTERVIEW Irene Holland By: Joshua Toubia |
Joshua: Hello, Mrs. Holland. Thanks for meeting me on such short notice, I’ve been really looking forward to this interview for the Hogwarts Monthly but everything else been getting in the way. I hope you don’t mind about the timing and will do better in coordinating meetings in the near future. Irene: (Waves hand with a laugh) Hello, Joshua. Thank you for choosing me for your interview. I understand how things could get in the way. I experience that every day with the twins and being a librarian. Joshua: No problem, I would think there a lot we don’t know about you, Mrs. Holland. Like for example, twins? That must be a lot to handle? But, let’s start with the basics if you don’t mind? Where are you from? Irene: Yes, twins (laughs). I can tell you more about them later on. I am from Timaru, New Zealand. But I mostly grew up in Christchurch with the family. Joshua: Mrs. Holland, you’re a local? Interesting. Does that mean you attended Hogwarts? And if so, what house were you sorted into? What was your favorite subject? Irene: Oh, no. I had my education at Durmstrang Institute. My father was a DADA professor there during that time. We don’t have houses but I still have my favorite subject. DADA and Charms. Joshua: Durmstang, I've heard of that school. Since you're a librarian here, are the schools the same or a lot different from each other? Irene: Educationally, all schools are the same. But personally, each school has its own special magic within its walls. Working in the library for more than a year, I would say there is a secret waiting to be discovered on every shelf. I know it sounds boring (laughs). Joshua: No, not at all. That’s a great way to put it (laughs). And what inspired you to become a librarian? Irene: I would say it was my passion for books. And reading. I once saw myself owning a bookshop. I put it on hold when I trained as an auror in the past but… working in the library… it brought out the bookworm in me. Joshua: Wait, you train as an auror in the past? You have quite a resume, Mrs. Holland (blushes some). Besides assisting students in the library and being a mother of twins, what would you say are your hobbies and interests? Irene: I did train. Fresh out of Durmstrang too (laughs). Hobbies and interests? Let’s see. Cooking. Baking. Laundry (laughs loudly). I’m just kidding. But yeah, I love cooking. Whenever I am free from books, I experiment on new dishes. So there’s that. Joshua: (Chuckles) I wouldn’t have guessed you were an auror once, and cooking can be helpful when you’re raising a family (smiles). Since you are a librarian and are fond of books, what is your favorite genre in books to read? And your all-time favorite book to read? Irene: I guess my hobbies come in handy when taking care of a husband and a set of twins (laughs). I read all genres of books, it’s hard to choose. But if I have to pick one, I’d go for fiction. I know muggles think our life is fiction and that’s what makes it more exciting. It just shows how creative muggle authors are in bringing their imagination to life for their readers. One muggle book series that I keep in the house ever since I got them was the “How to Train Your Dragon” series. Dragons are real to us but to them, they are mythical creatures. I mean, I still find the dragons mythical. That’s what makes fiction books amazing and worthy to read. Joshua: Really (chuckles)? Muggle books are a great read, especially the fiction ones like you said. I might check out that series, thanks to you. What would say is one of your favorite things about Hogwarts or working for Hogwarts? It can be anything. Irene: My favorite thing about Hogwarts? The people. The students. The staff. Down to the house elves and the house ghosts. I see the castle as a place where everyone is at home. Regardless of their blood status, heritage, sexual orientation, and personality, Hogwarts finds a way for people to connect. I witnessed countless friendships built in between two bookshelves. This is what I love about working here. Everybody finds a place where they can discover themselves and I am happy to be part of their lives, one way or another. Joshua: Wow…Mrs. Holland, you have an amazing perspective of the school. Well thank you for letting me interview you, I wish I could stay and ask more questions, but I must resist the temptation. It’s been a great afternoon in getting to know you better. I hope everyone else enjoys reading this interview as much as I enjoyed asking you questions. Thanks again! Irene: Thank you for having me, Joshua. This has been a fun experience for me. I am looking forward to reading your article and seeing you around the library. Thank you so much!! |
Top 10 tips on how to be a better student* By: Leda layton | AGONY AUNT Anonymous ((IC By: Sydney Townsend)) | |||||
1. So you want to be a better student? This means you need better grades. Once you’ve established a suitable quiet area in the library, make sure you’ve come equipped with Decoy Detonators to let loose in the corridor outside. This will stop any other pesky distracting students from coming in and disrupting your important learning time. 2. No one wants to see their friends or housemates getting hurt! Quidditch can be one of the most brutal things out there for any student witch or wizard. Therefore, why not take the chest of quidditch balls out of the shed before a match and hide it in a really good place no adult will ever go looking in. Remember, a cancelled match is better than a broken arm! 3. Just because you’re doing well in class doesn’t mean your friend is as good as you! Strengthen your friendship and their chances of passing their exams by allowing your classmates to copy your homework. Be aware you shouldn’t let a Professor see you do this, or they’ll get annoyed with you. They love grading homework and you’ll deny them that opportunity if they realise they have duplicate essays. 4. Additionally, Professors love to learn just as much as good students do. Don’t be afraid to tell your Professors where they are going wrong in class, and how they can make their classes much more interesting. You might be surprised how easy it is to get them to spice things up! 5. Nobody likes waste, so don’t waste your money! Ask your parents for more money instead so you can buy more things for yourself to get you through your hard classes. A few sweets from Honeyjukes or toys from Dervish and Bange’s can really bring a lesson to life, and help you feel more awake, especially during your exam years. 6. Work hard, play hard. It’s never a good idea to work so hard that you forget to have fun too. Make sure you have fun for at least four hours every day before doing your essays to combat stress. 7. Do you like to be cooped up inside? Of course not! And nor do your pets! Let your animals out in the dormitories - your snowy owl needs space to spread her wings or she will get grumpy and cause distractions. Owls are also nocturnal creatures, so it’s best to let them out to play at night. 8. If your a club leader, there’s a sneaky way of telling who in your group has the most common sense and research skills. Don’t tell your members where your meetings are, but let them figure it out on their own to determine the smartest and most deserving members in your club. You need to work to stand out! 9. Find a seventh year and ask to “borrow” their textbooks so you don’t have to buy your own. It’s sounds obvious but many seventh years don’t need their equipment once they’ve graduated, and if you borrow their books before they’ve taken their exams, they’ll be able to train their memory and be the best in their class too. 10. And finally, it’s hungry work being the best student. Luckily for you, you have a large sack at your disposal so you should make the most of it. Take your pillow case down to the Great Hall at dinner and stock up on snacks, so you and your housemates can’t use the excuse of hunger to not better yourselves. Which is your favourite, and would you have any of your own to add? *obviously, this is for entertainment purposes only ![]() |
CLUBS AND EVENTS By: Nell Wright |
As the school year comes to a close and we're all busy either cramming for exams or planning those winter holidays (or both!) Now seems like a perfect time to look back on the excitement of the year, and once again I'm here to give you the rundown on what all our clubs got up to this semester! If you were on the fence about which of the clubs at Hogwarts is right for you, read on and go into next year's clubs fair with a plan! Over the holidays the Student Defense Association had a casual meetup, ahead of a truly spectacular (and frankly, terrifying!) dueling tournament you can read all about elsewhere in this paper. Although Hogwarts Monthly and Accio have had quiet semesters, rest assured there's been plenty of work going on behind the scenes here, and I have no doubt amongst the yearbook staff as well! The Wild Patch is gearing up to put on Hogwarts' annual Pride celebration shortly, and of course there's been no shortage of action in the gardens. That brings us to the last two clubs, Heta Omega and the Brotherhood of MAGIC. Starting off with the event I was able to attend, Heta Omega decided to celebrate the second semester with a fun party, with balloons, snacks, and plenty of party games! As always I don't exactly understand what these two clubs are for, but you can't argue with something that's that much fun! According to Brotherhood members, they got together to do some lego building, which must have been a fun throwback for people who grew up with muggle toys, and an interesting new discovery for those who didn't! School life can get samey-samey over time if all you ever do is go to classes, so if you've been looking for a way to break up the monotony there's no reason not to come see one of the leaders of these exciting clubs next year at the Club Fair, and hopefully now you'll have a better idea of which one or two might suit you! (I joined every club so that you don't have to.) I hope to see you all at meetings next year! |
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I would like to take moment to talk about one of the most exciting dances of the year, the one with way too many hugs and roses, but one that seems to delight so many people in this school. The Valentines Dance. I don't really care about it myself but after attending this year to see the couples and the outfits, there is certainly a lot to report back, so here goes! Between not bringing a teacher as a date, and by extension, not bringing your boyfriend, there were definitely some interesting couples around the hall. Fourth years Miss Cullen and Mr Maxwell were seen dancing at the occasion, and even if they did seem like a strange pairing, at least they were more or less in time to the music. Sixth year Slytherin Nora was spotted hanging out with Seventh year Gryffindor Spencer, although you could have been mistaken for thinking they were enemies instead of dates after poor Spencer Owens was slapped in the face. Perhaps the nerves of wearing such a bold dress had gotten to his lady friend? They weren't the only ones with nerves though, baby Hufflepuffs Lily Lockwood and Mihail Styx, and experienced Hufflepuffs April Ward and Norton Gillespie were also two couples that were learning the ropes of romance. Hogwarts Monthly's very own Caro Taylor was also doing the rounds (when not engaged with a certain Ravenclaw Cade) for photos, so if you didn't get a chance to see her then I'm afraid you've probably been left out the year book. Moving on swiftly to outfits, because apparently people like to hear if they have good dress sense, here are some notable mentions. Emilia Manning attended in what appeared to be an office work outfit, not quite sure why but at least she and Derek had a nice evening together. Amaya Michaels looked bold with her silk bin bag, whereas her Slytherin cousin Sapphire Michaels wore the most fitted red dress I think I've ever seen at this event. Personally, I hope she isn't trying to get back with Mervyn for her own sake. Seventh year Harley Tsuji looked very outgoing in her blue outfit, which actually looked to be quite comfortable, while her date Hayley Elridge wore what seemed to be two dresses in one. I can't decide whether Slytherin Chaser Luna got confused when getting ready, as she seemed to have more straps than actual dress, but it looked flattering nevertheless. Ava Lockwood wore a dress that would have been more suitable for a four year olds picnic than a dance, but there's worse choices out there I suppose. Diana Holland (who for the record is a traitor towards the Slytherin Quidditch team, all because of a boy..) pulled off her grandmothers curtains quite well in a casual maxi dress, One other notable mention is Professor Le Fey, who would have looked delightful, but unfortunately couldn't be looked at for more than three seconds without burning somebodies eyeballs with her neon red tights. I think it's safe to say though, that the best dressed (at least to me) would have to go to fourth year Hufflepuff, Analei Louw, who actually wore an appropriate and pretty blue evening gown, even making sure it matched with her date Edmunds house colours. Good job. Now of course, everyone wants to hear exactly what went down between two professors this year. You would have been blind not to notice that a certain Defence Against Against the Dark Arts professor proposed to the Transfiguration professor (sorry Professor Summers, not you,) although do we really think it was the most romantic gesture? Before you get too touched by the proposition, it was clear that Professor Styx didn't feel like getting down on one knee this time round, but he did manage to pull out a big fancy red ring which you can clearly see on the ladies finger if you look hard enough. While Professor Burke didn't outright say yes, (at least from what we could hear) I think it's safe to say there will be a twinkle in the dungeons soon enough. |
ROSE GIVING By: Cyzarine Haden |
Every year the wild patch grow roses, dozens and dozens of roses, in pink, yellow and red. They get easily preserved with magic, allowed them to last far longer while maintaining their soft touch. Then with the aid of the beautiful Rose Holland and the handsome Kauri Tipene, these roses get little notes from anyone and everyone, and are handed out to students. Spreading love, friendship and positivity all across the school. The rose giving is the most beautiful time of the year here at Hogwarts, it beats Halloween, yuletide and valentines. It brings out the beauty of the flowers and the beauty of everyone in the school. Every person who hands out a flower, every person who receives one, every person who uses the day to show their appreciation for those around them, who show how amazing love can be when expressed so openly. The rose giving is a wonderful time of year, and you cannot convince me otherwise! Receiving roses is a wonderful experience and here are my top three sorts of flowers that one can receive: 3. An anonymous rose of any colour. Roses without a signed note or without a note, present a whole different kind of challenge, on top of being a lovely gesture there’s the mystery of finding out who exactly might’ve sent it. Sometimes it can be obvious, an inside joke written in the note, or the expectation of a rose to be received. It’s all written in the wonderful subtext, but sometimes it’s not obvious and who you might think it was or could be has already sent another rose with a signed note. It’s a level of mystery that can feel frustrating since you cannot thank the sender, but is usually a note that allows the person to feel love and appreciated in a way that they might not have before and allows the sender to send a note they might not have been brave enough otherwise. 2. A yellow rose of friendship. Friendship is a wonderful and magical bound between people, while partners and loves can fade over time, where they can be a mess and frustrating, a platonic love of friendship can be the nicest declaration to receive. To know that friends, people you likely love and appreciate, love and appreciate you too. In my opinion, we don’t say I love you enough to our friends, we don’t show them enough that they are worthy of knowing how great we find them. Friends are the sort of people you can rely on, they are a large factor in our lives and to be without can be difficult. Yellow roses of friendship are an easy way, once a year, to remind those around you about how much you appreciate them. 1. A rose which has a first declaration of love. The first time saying the words ‘I love you’ to a significant other must be a hugely daunting thing, after all, there are so many things which can happen after, if they say it back, if they actually mean it, or if there’s too much pressure. A rose, with a declaration of love can make things easier, let the other person know exactly how you feel without ever once saying it. Without ever once having to say the words. It can make that first occasion so much easier. It can allow them to think over the words and make it easier to decide on a response. Declaring love with a beautiful rose too can only be wonderful. Roses are a wonderful way to spread love and appreciation for all the people within your life. They allow us to know how great our friends find us, they allow us to let other people know how great we find them. And they are just a nice way to make someone’s day a little brighter. I hope that one day, every single student, professor and staff worker receives a beautiful rose on rose giving, because everyone deserves to feel the appreciation of those around them. Everyone deserves to feel loved. |
This semester saw another year of Hogwart New Zealand’s duelling tournament, a competition first years are still tragically not permitted to participate in. At least it was a marginally interesting way for a first year to kill some time and take notes for next year. Round one began with 15 bouts across years 2-7, most duels consisting frankly of some rather pedestrian spells choices and even worse banter. Highlights from round one include Dominique Malone, who brought proceedings to a screaming halt when she lost her duel to Mazikeen Roe with a rather gruesome furnuclus hex. HopefullyzMs Malone subscribes that all publicity is good publicity, as those boils were certainly quite memorable. Things also heated up with Yvette Maxwell, who was eliminated from the tournament after attacking her opponent, Arvel Ayers, twice. While I do not condone Ms Maxwell’s actions, you can’t not applaud her candor and ambition, especially for trying something so bold in front of the Headmistress. Wrapping up round one was a match between 7th years Jerara Tapsell and Tristan Collins, which proved to be a truly exciting display of magic, both students exchanging petty hexes and terrifying curses in turn. Ultimately, Mr Tapsell was able to gain the upper hand with his non-verbal casting, showing he is head boy for a reason after all. Round Two began with some truly terrible exchanges from the 2nd years. I had thought Round one was ridiculous, but the match between Jasper Night and Blake Irons was truly something else. But Night and Irons were easily topped by the 4th year match between Willow Cullen and Diana Holland, where Ms Cullen was so busy explaining an obscure insult she forgot to cast a spell. Some advice to Ms Cullen, if you have to explain it, it’s not a good comeback. It was no surprise the duel for 6th year champion was a lively one when it involved Phoebe Holland and SDA president Alistair Lancaster. Both students seemed to actually have a mind for interesting strategy, particularly Ms Holland showing no mercy even to her own hair, which she unflinchingly sheared mid-duel after a well aimed hair-lengthening charm from Mr Lancaster. This round also saw an exciting showdown between our two head people, October Alcott and Jerara Tapsell. Mr Tapsell once again pulling no punches in his spell choices, but this time it was Ms Alcott, our head girl, showing she was more quick on her feet and pulling off a defeat with a cleverly aimed Levicorpus spell for the 7th year title. After 24 duels and 33 students participating, the final matches were wrapped and we have our duelling champions for this year. For 2nd year, Jasper Night, 3rd year, Elias Styx, 4th year, Diana Holland, 5th year, Charlie Madison, 6th year, Alistair Lancaster, and finally 7th year, October Alcott. Well done to all competitors and thank you to the SDA and our proctors, Professors Styx and Alicastell. | Students and staff alike gathered on the great lawn this year to spectate the wheelbarrow race, a tradition at Hogwarts for one reason or another. Both students and staff were also competing in the race, which one has to question. Is it fair to have adults race children, and really any surprise that adults seem to win most of the time? Ah well, it's all in the name of good fun, in theory anyway. This year's wheelbarrow race was a more exciting and thrilling event than usual, though, as whichever professors were organizing it seemed to have taken it as a chance to practice their sadistic streak. Running around while holding someone else's ankles is apparently not humiliating enough, as during this race some obstacles were introduced. Professor Pendleton opened the event by trying to bribe students to beat Professor Summers. One has to wonder if it occurred to him that he could compete himself, if he wanted to beat the other professor so badly. That would have added some fun to the mix. Professor Summers and Professor Ateara competed together, and with her long legs it was no wonder the Transfiguration professor chose her for this particular race. The other Professor duo consisted of Professor Josephs and Professor Alcott-Ward. Considering the most physical thing Professor Alcott-Ward seems to do is carry around books, it was a curious sight. Professor Josephs looked more ready to compete in this race than him, but that's not a difficult task. Second year students Blake Irons and Tyler Lee formed a team, as did Elliot Briar and Kace Corelli. Jasper Night paired up with a younger student named Aiden Briggs, and two Gryffindor firsties named Jarica and Solomon also competed together. The amount of young students in this race was rather surprising, until you remember all the older students have realized by now that competing in this probably isn't worth it, and that watching it from the sidelines is a much better deal in the long run. Though Leda Layton and Gideon Zelinsky were the exception to that, being the only students above second year who had decided to compete. The obstacles were very entertaining, provided you were watching the race and not competing in it. Gnomes caused a lot of shrieking and running around from the competitors, and after that Vex appeared to pour slime on everyone. Those who managed to slip and slide in the right direction without breaking any bones soon came face to face with the finish line. To the surprise of absolutely no one, Professor Summers and Professor Ateara won the race. In second place came Elliot Briar with Kace Corelli, with Jasper Night and Aiden Briggs in third place. One has to wonder if next time this competition is hosted, the Professors will have realized that winning against a bunch of eleven or twelve year old kids isn't really all that impressive. But maybe they need small victories where they can find them. |
"If you could only cast one spell for the rest of your life, which spell would it be? |
![]() Aegerine Night Ravenclaw First Year "I suppose I would have to select Lumos; it has the widest applications for exploring the darkness and providing light to read by." | ![]() Aonghas Fergusson Hufflepuff Second Year "Stupefy. You'd always be able to defend yourself," | ![]() Luna Urquhart-Cade Slytherin Third Year "My spell would be stupefy, there are a lot of spells I like using but I could get by without most of them but I'd always need the ability to stun people who are annoying me" | ![]() Jemma Potter Gryffindor Fourth Year "Wait, I'd still be able to fly right? I guess if I could only cast one spell for the rest of my life, it would have to be scourgify. I hate cleaning." |
![]() Shane Ackley Hufflepuff Fifth Year "One spell huh? Hmm...probably Scourgify, so I'd never have to clean anything by hand, leave way more time for other more enjoyable things." | ![]() Ravenclaw Sixth Year "Silencio. Stupid people shouldn't be heard." | ![]() Syrus Stilinski Gryffindor Seventh Year "I gotta go with accio. Accio jeans, accio shoes, accio jacket and I'm ready for the day. You can't go wrong with a summoning charm." | ![]() Professor Aeon Summers Transfiguration Years 1-4 "For me I think it would have to be Animare or Piortotum Locomotor. Giving the gift of life to things without it is one of the most beautiful aspects of Transfiguration that I couldn't go without." |
Editor's Note: Thank you for reading this issue of Hogwarts Monthly. This wraps up my second year as editor for the paper. I couldn't do it without all the help I've gotten from the members of Hogwarts Monthly, thanks to everyone who contributed. If you, the reader, have any suggestions or ideas for the paper, please don't hesitate to send me (Sophie Wilson) a message. Unless it's a stupid idea, then don't. Editor: Sophie Wilson |