Hmm... Puff's are... well Puffs!

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Loreli Salenger

Well-Known Member
So Loreli is a small, cute, shy puff. She needs friends though; I mean all people need them, right? Though she may also like a love interest, and maybe an enemy who gets annoyed by her stuttering. She is really sweet; and stops stuttering after a while of talking to this said person!

So please, help a little puff! =D

Elijah could be a friend.

He's really into music as will play wherever and whenever he can. He's kind and generous. He's a very happy person who lives a good time and is extremely loyal.
That would work splendidly; Loreli is into music also; maybe that could be the focal point of the friendship.... =D Yay, gotta love replies!

Would you like to start something when the year starts, maybe in the common room.

Anyone else?
Hows about Alex? He's a First Year Slytherin, little bit stubborn, but not like other Slytherins, he's more of a social person. Lol.
Oh yeah i'm sure that would work; as long as he isn't too intimidating they should get along just fine.

Would we want to wait for the school year to begin?
I have little Seth here.
He's your typical boy who wants to be a rock star. He can be a little like irritating at times, but he can be really sweet he wants to be. Friends are most important to him, and he'll go out to please them. He also has a mischievous streak in him, and he enjoys tricking people for fun. But overall, he's a good guy.
I can offer Hillary Crespo. She's nice, a huge music person, an animal person, basically doesn't want anyone to be hurt :p (except for maybe a few people *cough*). How about it?
Too lazy to switch back to that account right now. :p
I have twi Slytherins up for offer. One is libbys lil bro Cedric.. he's very sweet xD and Lykke.. she..isnt. She's horrible xD One for friend, other enemy?
Yes and Yes
@Seth; i would love to have another friend for her! And I adore your playby. Can we wait till school year?
@Katie; OOh yay! I think that they would get along great! Loreli is a huge animal person (She owns a trantula)
@Libby; Of course she's up for another friend! Ooh, and her first enemy; this is going to be really fun!

Like I said; most will wait for the school year, that way it will be easier to not have to cram everything into like a brightstone weekend!
Loreli Salenger said:
@Katie; OOh yay! I think that they would get along great! Loreli is a huge animal person (She owns a trantula)

Like I said; most will wait for the school year, that way it will be easier to not have to cram everything into like a brightstone weekend!
Hillary will most likely be all: "Aww, you little cutie" or something like that if she sees it. :p Okey-dokey, waiting is fine with me. :)
Sounds awesome. I
'll PM all of you when the year starts... Probably I will start; but, if you have a preference for starting just let me know then!
Yep! This will be great; looks like she'll have a busy year!
CAn you tell me a bit about Trey?
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