Closed Hiding

Casper Kinnek

Artist- Growing- Found
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 17 Inch Swishy Wenge Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
6/24/2038 (22)
Casper had never been more embarrassed in his life. Furious, tears pricking his eyes and his ears burning, he rushed down to the gardens, hurrying to his last little hide away. He tossed his sketchbook, his papers scattering over the ground, and dropped down onto the ground. He hung his head between his knees, tangling both hands in his hair. He cried quietly, unsure if he was hurt or mad or both. They had bet on him? He could barely handle this relationship as it was. He was on edge when Linden wasn't holding him. He was stupid and scared and pathetic and he knew it, and it tore him up knowing that everyone else knew it, too. That was it then, Casper was just never going to come out of the gardens again. He could stay here forever, hidden in his little getaway. The tree above him had long branches, full of gorgeous leaves and large bushes and flowers surrounded him everywhere.
There were some things best not knowing, and some questions better not asked. and lin regretted asking tara about the bets as soon as he had seen caspers expression. but words were powerful things and once they were out in the open they could not be undone.
Linden rushed his way out of the hall after cas. a couple of measly snacks in his hands not the lunch he had been hoping for but he had quite lost his appetite after what had happened with tara and cas was his priority. he followed his man out of the hall catching a glimse of him crossing the lawn towards the garden through the doors. he set off after him weaving his way though the crowd of people in the entrance hall. was there always this many people in the hall. once he was outside he managed to pick up speed running across the grass stopping only to pick up the scattering of pages that cas had dropped. by the time he was onh his feet again cas had gone. he made his way out towards where he had last seen him. looking around for signs of the man. though he seemed to have quite literally vanished. he would have suspected operation except he knew it couldn't be done in the grounds and he hadn't heard a telltale crack.
he heard a quiet little scuffling to one side just ahead of him and saw a small gap between two branches. he crouched down and saw casper in a mini glade between the branches. and sitting in the middle of it curled up in a ball was casper. so this is where he goes to hide he thought wondering if he should let him keep his secret place. but he was here now and he couldn't walk away from him. he cleared his throat slightly. "hey casper, can i come in?" he whispered not knowing what he would do if cas said no.
Cas nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard Lindens voice. He scrubbed at his face with his sleeve, automatically turning away from Linden to curl up more against the tree, trying to hide how pitiful he probably looked. "Okay..." He managed, his voice cracking. He cleared his throat, scrubbing at his face again and trying to pull himself together.
Linden cursed himself as he saw casper jump. heh adnt meant to startle him. but despite the shuffling away he was glad that cas let him into his safe space, at least that was that this seemed to be. he crawled in placing the few stray pages on top of the sketch book and the food next to it glad that the pouring rain from the other day had cleared up. he didn't say anything as he shuffled to sit next to his man, not commenting on the tears streaming down his face and his distraught expression. instead he just put his arms around him and holding him close to his chest gently rubbing his back. "I'm sorry cas" he whispered into his messy hair.
Cas crumbled when Linden pulled him in, burying his face in the man's neck. He couldn't help himself, crying quietly and clutching at Lindens shirt. "God I'm so stupid," he finally managed, his voice full of self loathing. "You should just- find someone better," he whispered brokenly, but despite his harsh words he was burrowed into Linden with no immediate plans to bother moving away.
Linden held cas closer feeling the hot spread of tears soaking into his shirt. just holding cas and letting him gry. there were times for words but other times cas just needed to be held. one hand continuing to stroke his back the other stroking his hair in the way he knew Casper liked. "Cas you are not stupid" he said holding him in closer. "and do you really think there is anyone better than you. I know you. and love you for all of you, your ups and downs, your good and bad." he said. "I am afraid you are stuck with me now and are not going to get rid of me that easily" he said letting cas cling onto him and holding him protectively.
Cas let out a breathless laugh, nuzzling into Linden. "You just like taking in broken things," he countered, but pressed a shaky kiss under Lindens jaw. "You know, I've figured it out." Cas sighed softly, sniffling and not bothering to move away. "Why we work more than you and Lucas did." He offered softly, relaxing into Linden. It was a weird combination. He felt awful, but he felt better nestled in against the other Hufflepuff.
linden smiled and lightly headbutted cas as he said that he just liked taking in broken things. maybe that was true. but he didn't think of Casper as a broken thing, as something that needed fixing. he was someone who needed loving exactly as he was. he felt goosebumps on his skin as cas kissed his jaw. did cas know how much he loved being kissed there? or was it just coincidence? caspers next words seemed to answer his question. he had figured it out. "have you now" he replied until his man stated what he had figured out. "Oh, and why is that?" he asked curiously as to what casper had deduced as to why they worked so well.
Casper had managed to calm down a bit. He stayed snuggled against Linden, not wanting to move. "Lucas is too independent for you." He murmured. "You're very hands on, affectionate and giving. You like to go all out. Lucas couldn't handle how involved you are." Cas smiled shyly, and shifted just a bit to peek up at him. "Fortunately I'm content to just live in your lap." He joked lightly.
Linden was a little confused as cas started to talk saying Lucas was too independent for him. He thought himself rather independent himself so why was luc too independent. But as cas clarified he smiled. you might ne onto something he said Shifting slightly as cas continued to talk so he was against the tree trunk before putting his hands around his waist ”wel what are you doing sitting on the floor? Come here he said guiding him onto his lap.
Cas couldn't help a shaky laugh, shifting to sit on Lindens lap. He settled in easily, his fingers tracing absent patterns on Lindens chest. He leaned his head against the mans neck, sighing softly. "I'm sorry," he apologized gently. "I just... I feel so worthless." He grimaced. "I can barely exist on my own. I'm still... terrified of this half the time, I didn't... it's just humiliating that basically everyone I know saw how pathetic I am and took bets on my varying degrees of stupidity..." He admitted quietly, clutching at Lindens shirt and shutting his eyes.
Linden smiled as Casper moved to sit on his lap. And he leaned his head against him enjoying the warm fresh smell of him. and the feeling of his fingers through his shirt. despite the lumpy ground and the rough bark of the tree behind him he was so comfortable here he would not complain if told he would never be able to move. "what the hell are you apologising for? you have nothing to be sorry about" he said. tightening his grip on Casper holding him against him and stroking his back. "Casper. you are not worthless or pathetic. you have so much value. to the world. to me" he paused. for a second. "I just... Merlin, I just wish I could somehow let you see yourself the way that I see you." he said.
He shook his head at the comments on the bets. "no they were not betting on how stupid you were. It was mostly how ignorant and opaque I am" he said.
Casper hummed softly, blushing at Lindens words. He nuzzled impossibly closer into the man's neck. "You're not ignorant," he replied softly. "I never said anything... I'm the one that's been pinging for forever," he sighed, grimacing. "Sometimes I still worry I'm going to wake up and it's just been some... Really weirdly vivid dream."
Linden smiled as cas blushed"I mean it, you are one of the kindest and most generous people i know, you give everyone you meet so much love and attention, I am flattered I get most of it, and all those kids in the arts club look up to you so much. I see it when I am in there studying, Marnie, Sky, Renata, Eugene, Jordie and the rest. they all love you, and you have had more impact on all of them than I think you realise" he said continuing what he was going to say even though cas hadn't asked him. "I am, well was. and I was going my best to make it clear that I didn't want anything more than friendship until I wasn't and you were just respecting that" he said feeling Caspers nose tickle against his neck as he spoke. he tried his best not to laugh at what Casper said next but a small chuckle came out. it wasn't that what cas had said was funny but because he was already so committed and he knew what he was going to say in response. "Did you want me to pinch you to prove you are not asleep" he said. looking at cas with a cheeky smile on his face.
Casper blushed deeply as Linden spoke, left a bit speechless as the man showered him in compliments. He hid in Lindens neck, humming softly. "Linden," he whined softly. He curled up tighter in the other Hufflepuffs lap. Cas grumbled, his cheeks burning. Linden was too sweet sometimes. He pressed a soft kiss to Lins neck, sighing softly. "No. I couldn't think up all the pretty words you like to use." He grumbled, clutching at the other mans shirt.
Linden say Caspers face go red. And bit back a smile. Oh how he loved making cas blush. It was quickly becoming one of his new favourite hobbies. casper, baby he whispered into Caspers ear as he felt the soft brunch of lips on his neck. the words are just words. You are the one who decides that they are pretty. If I was then to make them pretty it would be a disaster[/b he said.
Casper kept his face tucked away in Lindens neck, biting his lip and shivering when Linden breathed into his ear. "You’re mean," he countered sullenly, keeping hidden. It was hard to doubt anything when they were lik this. Maybe that was the solution, then. Just make Linden cuddle him for the rest of their relationship.
Linden smiled as cas called him mean. and you are adorable he replied chuckling before kissing him on his temple. ”oh buttercup. That wasnt even close to mean he teased. A too lol a little unsure on how much teasing he could get away with with cas as he Still seemed to doubt them. Instead he just held him close and played with his hair. that is exciting news about your apartment. he said he hadn’t really had time to look at the pictures properly before as the conversation with Tara had but an end to it. can I see the pictures again? He asked.
Cas relaxed further against Linden, humming happily as the man played with his hair. He hummed happily. "I love it when you play with my hair," he murmured, becoming almost sluggish in his contentment. He smiled softly at the compliment. "Sure, it's all in my sketchbook," He managed, making no effort to reach for it. He was comfortable, too comfortable to try and move.
Linden held cas against him as he relaxed I know you do. You always have he said continuing to play with his hair. It was something that he had found relaxed cas when he was worked up or upset.
he looked at the sketch pad sitting in the floor with a couple of sandwiches on top and cast a hover charm on it bringing it towards him. He opened the book and looked at cas as he saw the picture on the page. Not the apartment but a sketch of him sitting in the arts room studying. There was something about it that seemed whimsical despite how mundane the activity was cas, that’s, wow. he said his face warming up with a blush.
Cas didn't realize right away what Linden was looking at, and just hummed softly. "I like the loft," he commented, content nuzzling against Linden. He was warm, and his earthy scent was relaxing. "What cologne do you use?" Cas asked, thinking he'd need to get a bottle for after graduation. For when he started missing Linden too much.
Right the loft. That was that he was meant to be looking at. Not Caspers other work. And not get distracted by how cas was snuggling against his neck. collogne. I don’t know what it’s called it’s in a white bottle on my draws. But I didn’t put any on today”He said. As he shuffled through the pages trying to focus on what he was looking for. Finally he found one of the loft. alright casopiller. What are you going to do with it? he asked. Knowing cas he would have some creative vision for the space.
Casper pouted a bit when Linden said he wasn't wearing any cologne. Damn. Cas would just have to steal more hoodies then. He yawned, half asleep by the time Linden had found what he was looking for. He yawned, shifting to look down at the sketchbook. "I'm going to make my bedroom up in the loft." He offered gently. "I have some preliminary design sketches on the next page." He yawned, turning to hide his face back in Lindens neck again.
Linden liked the warm weight of Casper cuddling next to him but as he kept forming he was starting to wonder if maybe they should move from under the the tree to somewhere a little more comfortable. that looks so cozy.” he said once he had turned the page and looked at the sketch as he Idly started playing with Caspers hair.
As cas yawned for a second time he held him close cas, how much sleep have you been getting” he asked kissing the top of his man’s head where he could reach it.
Cas smiled and nodded. "We're Hufflepuffs, Snowflake. Cozy is what we do." He teased. At Lindens question, he avoided the obvious answer. "I have projects," he offered defensively. "I'm totally fine." He tried, hoping the yawn that followed didn't betray him too much.

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