Closed Hiding Behind the Book

Slate Gates

ᴏɴᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʀɪᴏ 🅻🅾🆆 🅿🆁🅾🅵🅸🅻🅴
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Reed Wand with Boomslang venom Core
(15 April 2044)
It was after lunch and Slate's mother was upstairs making the twins take their afternoon naps. Slate went downstairs with the Hogwarts: A History book in his hands. He looked around at the diner, a few guests having a late lunch. He waved hello to Atkin before making his way to his usual corner, visible only from the front desk. He opened the book and started to read where he left off. He wondered whether @Lorelai Gates was already asleep. He knew how stubborn his sister when being put to nap.
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Lorelai wasn't tired. Why did she need to nap when she wasn't tired? She waited until Lyra was asleep and slipped back out of bed. She peeked out the door, glancing both ways. Her mother was nowhere to be seen. Lorelai snuck down to the diner, sneaking past Atkin. She saw Slate reading a book. She snuck under the table and crawled up into his lap, putting herself between him and the book and pretending to read it. "And then da pwincess ran away to live wif da dragon," she read aloud dramatically.
Slate just got to chapter ten when he thought he saw a figure pass by. He looked up to see who it was but it was gone. The hair on the back of his head started to stand. He contemplated moving to another table, closer to Atkin when he felt something crawl up his lap. "So-!", he started to shout Soren's name when Lorelai's face came out from under the cloth and climbed up his lap. Wide-eyed, he calmed his beating heart as he leaned back, giving his sister space to settle on his lap. At her childish, Slate could not help but just laugh. His book was nowhere near about dragons and princesses. "Lai-Lai, you're supposed to be napping.", he cooed, giving her a small tickle on the side.
Lorelai giggled, squirming in his lap and shaking her head. "No nappie," she declared, settling in his lap and running her fingers over the page of his book. "Wead to me, big bruver," she ordered, looking up at him. "I firsty. Dwink?" She smiled toothily up at him, her two missing teeth causing the slightest lisp to her words.
Atkin was going through the books whenever the diner was slow. That way, he would be more focused on it without the interruptions from guests. He looked up just in time to see Slate walked by, the book in his hand. He waved back at the boy as he watched him go over to the corner table. For sure, he was hiding from his sisters since it was just a few minutes ago when Tyra ushered the twins to take their nap.

It was just barely five minutes from when he saw Slate that he heard the boy scream that made Atkin stand to see what happened. What met his eyes made him chuckle. Apparently, Lorelai slipped out of bed and found her brother. The man heard her asking for a drink to which he approached with a juice box. "Lai-Lai, you're giving your brother a heart attack.", chuckling as he set the drink on the table. "You're supposed to be sleeping, young lady. Shall we?", he said, hand held out.
Slate just chuckled, shaking his head. There was no way Lorelai would go back upstairs since she found him here and not napping himself. He wondered where Soren and Sadie were since their sister wandered downstairs instead of the others' bedrooms. "I don't think you would like this book, Lai-Lai. It's for school and no unicorns in here.", he replied. Just before he could get them up to grab some drinks, Atkin already brought her one and even offered to bring her back upstairs. The boy looked down on his sister to let the girl decide.
Lorelai looked up, pleased when Atkin brought her a juice box. "Tank you," she took it, sipping on it and looking up at the man. She shook her head and settled more into Slate's lap. "No, I okay," she replied, turning her attention back to Slate and ignoring Atkin. "Wead a better stowy then, siwy," she giggled, pushing Slate's book over.
Atkin chuckled at the lispy response of Lorelai. She may be two but she could act like a grown-up especially when she wanted something. "Alrighty, then.", he ruffled her hair. "Just holler when you need anything.", he said, his gaze jumping from Lorelai, already ignoring him, and Slate before he gave them a smile and went back to the desk.
Slate loved his sister but he deeply hoped she would agree to go with Atkin. He did not want his mother to chastise him for not making his sister go back to bed. Lorelai bumped the book, telling Atkin that she was staying. His eyes sent a silent message to the man to call their mother while opening the book. "You know Mama might come in and see you here, Lai-Lai.", he said before beginning to read again, this time out loud for his little audience.
Lorelai paid no mind to Atkin, sipping her juice and leaning back against her older brother. Despite all her protests that she wasn't tired, Lorelai could feel her eyes getting heavier. She slowly sipped her juice, shifting to curl up better in his lap. After a little bit, her eyes drifted shut. She leaned into Slate, her juice in her hands, and fell asleep with her head against his chest.
Slate continued reading from his book, now already on the subject of the four houses when he noticed Lorelai became more relaxed and heavy on his lap. He paused from his reading, checking if his sister would protest but he only heard silence and even breathing. He looked down to see her peacefully asleep. He shook his head, chuckling softly. Lorelai did not want to nap and yet, here she was, sleeping soundly. He waved his hand to Atkin and asked the man to call their mother. The man just laughed before going to the inn's garden where Tyra was having some alone time, oblivious to what transpired in the dining area.
Tyra was enjoying her time outside reading. She had finally gotten the twins down to nap and the triplets were all accounted for. She should have known it wouldn't last. She had five children, when did peace ever last? She was in the middle of the book when Atkin came out to get her. She narrowed her eyes at the sight of him. That couldn't be a good sign. She was right, of course. Sighing, she snapped her book shut. She passed it off to Atkin before heading inside. "Hi, baby," She greeted Slate, reaching out gently to extract Lorelai from his lap. "Why don't you go get yourself a good snack? Unless you want to help me tuck her in again?" She teased him, straightening with the sleeping toddler in her arms.
Slate had to put his book down to get a better hold of his sister. Lorelai may be young but she sure was heavy. Not a moment longer, his mother came in with Atkin trailing behind her. He just smiled sheepishly as the woman approached him. When she suggested either a snack or help to tuck Lorelai in, he knew what his choice would be, his eyes widening. "Uhm, I'll just have a snack, Mama.", he quickly replied. His mother knew well that when it came to tucking, Slate would get trapped with the twins. They instinctively reached out to him when they sensed he was nearby.
Tyra chuckled, shifting the toddler in her arms. "I'm sure if you say please Kinny will get you something, " she winked at her son, before turning and shuffling carefully back out and to the twins room to tuck her mischievous daughter back in bed.
Slate smiled sheepishly, nodding at his mother. "I will, Mama.", he promised, giving a small wave at the woman's retreating figure. As soon as the woman was gone, he skipped to the front desk to politely ask the man for some cookies.

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