Closed Hide And Seek

Soren Gates

Rin- Stylish- Brave
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Poplar Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
4/15/2044 (19)
Soren was bored. He'd done his hair three times and he'd finished his book he'd been reading. Bored, he decided that it was time to bother his brother instead. Soren went back over to his brothers side of the room, and after very little consideration, he hid under the bed. His brother was so easy to scare, and Soren couldn't always resist. He settled in, waiting for his brother to come back into the room. He was pretty sure he wouldn't be waiting long. He smirked, impatient and ready to go.
Slate had just finished a late breakfast and was going back to the bedroom he shared with Soren. Sadie was still downstairs chatting with the folks. After picking up the book from Atkin, he went straight to the bedroom, his nose already on the book. He merely glanced at Soren's side which was empty. He sat on his bed, his feet dangling, unaware of the figure lurking underneath.
Soren was not disappointed, and he did not have to wait long. He waited several moments, staring at Slate's feet, before with a sudden yell he lunged forward and grabbed his brothers ankles and pulled. He immediately burst into laughter, insanely pleased with himself. He lay there, half under the bed, holding his gut as he laughed hard, tears in his eyes as he looked up at his brother. "I so got you!" He cackled.
Slate flipped to another page fully engrossed in his reading when out of nowhere, an ear-splitting scream broke the silence. The next thing he knew, his legs were pulled making him jumped into his bed screaming, "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!" His face was almost white from the horror. He sneaked a peek only to see his twin laughing his heart out. "So! Why- you-?! Moooommmm!!!!", he stuttered as he hugged his book while calling for their mother. "Don't you do that?! it's scary!", he grumbled, sliding down to his mattress, crossing his legs to keep them away from his brother.
Soren couldn't stop laughing. He didn't care if their mother grounded him, he would absolutely do it again. He moved out from under the bed and shifted to sit on the bed by his brother. "Aw, come on, Slay, that was hilarious," he wiped the tears from his eyes. "Besides, we need to break you of being such a scaredy-cat," he told his brother, leaning back on the bed.
Slate harrumphed at what Soren said. His eyes were still on the book as Soren sat on his bed. "Aw, come on, Slay, that was hilarious,", he mimicked his brother. He snapped the book shut. "I'm not a scaredy-cat!", he reasoned. "You just spooked me, that's all.", he added looking at Soren trying to look brave.
Tyra had been on her way back from the twins' room when she heard an ear-splitting screech followed by one of her sons yelling for her. She could tell by his tone that it was Slate, and she knew already that Soren must have done something- again. She hurried to the boys' room, throwing open the door and sticking her head inside. "Is there blood? Is anyone dead?" She asked, looking between the boys before walking over to Slate. "Are you okay, sweetness?" She asked, holding up one arm and motioning for him to come closer for a hug.
Soren snorted, rolling his eyes in an obvious way. "Right, yeah, you aren't a scaredy cat," he replied sarcastically, looking up as his mother came running in and smiling innocently. "Hi, mama!" he greeted, crossing his ankles. He smirked a bit as she checked up on Slate, winking at his brother. "I just scared him, Mama, he's fine," he responded easily.
Slate stuck out his tongue at Soren in response. He stretched out his legs on the bed when their mother came in. He immediately went into his mother's arms, hugging her around the torso. "He was hiding under the bed and pulled my legs.", He told her, ignoring Soren's wink.
Tyra wrapped an arm around Slate, rubbing his back gently. "Aw, baby." she tried to soothe him, raising a brow and looking to her other son. "Soren. What have I told you?" She asked, her voice gently chiding. She squeezed Slate gently, looking down and bringing up her other hand to brush his hand back.
Soren pouted as his mother chided him and Slate hid in her side. "Play with peoples hair, not their feelings," he quoted dutifully, pouting. "But mama, I'm just trying to help him! If he's this scared at everything when we go to school, he's gunna be bullied," he defended himself.
Slate poked his tongue out at Soren playfully. He then looked at his mother with an angel smile, letting her brush his hair. At Soren's defense, he suddenly went wide-eyed looking at his mother. "Is Hogwarts scary, mama?", he asked. "Will there be trolls under the bed and pull my legs?", his lips trembled.
Tyra sighed, shifting to sit on the bed and pull Slate down with her. She kept him in her side, rubbing his back. "Oh, no, Slate honey. The only goblins under your bed are your brother." She shot Soren a look. "Hogwarts... it's big. There are going to be a lot of people. The scary things stay in the lake and in the forest. If they're ever in the castle, they'll be guarded closely by the Professors." She promised. She had heard enough stories from Kira, the twins, and her husband to know enough to reassure her son. She looked to Soren then. "Rin, if you really feel so strongly about protecting your brother, why don't you keep the scary things away instead?" She asked him.
Soren rolled his eyes at his brothers comment, and smiled at their mother. "Aw, come on, Mama. I'm not Daddy. I'm not strong enough to keep away the scary things. I help him be braver, he can fight half the battle for me." He shrugged like it made perfect sense.
Slate snuggled even closer to his mother as she explained why he shouldn't worry. He was not quite worried because Sadie and Soren would be there although the thought of not being in the same house as them terrified him. As he listened to Soren's defense, the youngest triplet whimpered even more. "Can we be like in the same house when we go to Hogwarts?", he pleaded the woman despite knowing it was entirely out of their hands.
Tyra smiled softly as Slate cuddled into her side, rubbing her hand gently over his ribs. "Now, now, baby. There's so much more to you than you give yourself credit for." She ruffled his hair before turning his chin up with a finger. "I was going to wait to give you this, but I think you're ready for it now, sweetness," Tyra reached into her pocket and pulled out a small box, wrapped in a glittery sky blue paper with a white bow. She offered it to her son with a warm smile. There was a little charm inside it. "Now baby, this is a special charm. I made it, your daddy charmed it. As long as you keep this charm, nothing bad will happen to you." She promised, brushing his hair back from his eyes.
If there was was thing Soren loved, it was gifts. They didn't even have to be for him, he just loved watching people get gifts, loved watching people give gifts. It was just awesome. He laid out on his belly, propping his chin in his hands and swaying his legs above him. "Come on, open it," he encouraged his brother.
Slate just nodded, slightly reassured at what his mother said, although he was unsure as to what could be more to what he was now. He scratched his head, shifting in his perch on the bed as the woman reached for something in her pocket. His eyes brightened at the shiny gift box. Even Soren looked excited. The good thing he loved about the older twin was that he had always encouraged him even on the little things despite the pranks he pulled on him. He accepted the box, admiring the blue paper. Blue's his favorite color. He excitedly opened it and his face brightened at what was inside. "Thanks, Mom!" He handed it to Soren so he could inspect before he gave his mother a big hug. "I'll keep it with me all the time.", he whispered.
Tyra smiled, ruffling the boys hair. "Just remember, sweetness. Your brother and sister is going to be there, even if they aren't close. And Jordie is at school, I'm sure he'll look out for you, too," she told him, thinking of his cousin. She brushed his hair back, looking to Soren. "Rinny, baby, please, be nice to your brother at school." She scolded.
Soren grinned, pleased with how well his brother reacted to the gift. "Oooooh, nice work, mama," He complimented, studying the stitch work on the charm. "We could probably put this on your bag. Or on the belt loop of your pants?" He offered, looking to Slate. He looked back at his mom and winked playfully. "I'll try," he sighed dramatically, falling into his brothers lap.
Slate nodded at his mother despite the fear of the upcoming sorting ceremony. He was already preoccupied with the charm she gave him. "Alright, mama.", he said in a soft voice. He gently took the charm back, inspecting it closely. "Definitely belt loop.", he quickly replied, falling back slightly as Soren toppled onto his lap. "Thanks again, Mama.", giving her a toothy smile.

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