
Rosalind Cross

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ebony Wand 15 Essence of Phoenix Talon
Hi. I'm new here. I'm fourteen years old and I'm female. I've roleplayed before, but nothing as big and amazing as this. It'd be nice for someone to give me pointers. I'm looking through the site documentation right now, so, yeah. I hope to be around for a while:).
Welcome to Hogwarts New Zealand! Hope to RP with you some time. ^_^
If you ever need help you should just ask one of the global mods or admins. So basically, purple people help.
Anyway, hope you enjoy the site! :)
Hello, Rosalind[sup]?[/sup], welcome to the site! :woot: :woot: :woot:
Congratulations on getting passed the first level- navigating your way around xD
Anyway, my name is Beth, I've been on the site for a couple of years and it really is brilliant.
I love it when we get new members ^_^
If you have any queries about the site, you can ask them here, check through the FAQ or PM a moderator or even me :p
I'm on nearly all the time, and I often lurk about in our Out Of Character chat topic, here.

I hope you enjoy your time here ;) :) :D
Welcome to HNZ!!
Your going to have a blast here, I promise. ;) Anywhoodles, I'm Jessye and I have a gazillion characters on here so once your all set and everything I'd be all too willing to RP with you sometime! It seems that Ilana and Beth have covered on who to contact and where to go.

I hope you enjoy your time here!! ♥
Hi there, Ebony.
Welcome to HNZ! I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and I would encourage you to peruse our Site Documentation if you haven't already as they can be quite helpful in getting started on the board. :)
If you have any questions or concerns about the site, just post in the FAQ forum and somebody will help you super quickly, or send me a PM. ^_^

See you around!
Hey Ebony,
My name's Patricia but everyone calls me Pat and I'm from Northern Ireland and one of the GMs here ^_^
Just want to welcome you to the board and hope you enjoy your time here. If you need any help with anything feel free to PM me :)

See you around :hug:
Hey guuurl ^_^
Welcome to HNZ! I hope you enjoy your time here, I know you shall :)
Hey Ebony,

First off, love your name :)
I think they've said everything already so all I'm really going to say is welcome, have fun and hope to roleplay sometime.

Welcome to HNZ, Ebony! ^_^

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