Hi ya'll

Diana Pelled

OOC First Name
Hey there, y'all! My name is Mari, and I'm new to this site. (Well that was a bit redundant...)I'm an American and I live in the South. Right off the bat, let me say that I am a Ravenclaw. My interests? Well, they extend to writing, knitting, beekeeping (a very, very painful profession which is not for the faint of heart), historical reenactments and volunteer work. I play the cello. And... Well I cant wait to get started here! :woot:
Hi Mari!

Welcome to the site. I'm Cyndi, one of the admin. You beekeep as a hobby? :o You are a brave person!

Here is a good place to start: http://hogwartsnewzealand.com/pages/site_docs/#Introduction
It has the site rules, applications, documents, etc. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. I'm always happy to help. :) I hope you enjoy your time here!
Hello Mari
Welcome to hns. I hope you enjoy your time here. You have joined just at the right time as we are just coming to the end of the year that means that sorting isn't going to be far away if you want a new student.
I am Mia and I come from Australia I too feel like I am a rave claw a heart (with a fair dash of hufflepuff) beekeeping? Now that sounds like an interesting profession/hobby it makes me think of the tradition of telling the bees. If you have any questions or fancy a rp just send me a pm and I am sure I can help you out, and/or find a charicter for you to rp with.
Hiya! :woot:

You can call me Tenilee, and I'm from Australia. I think it's super cool that you play the cello. I've always wanted to learn how to play, but I'm more of a piano person. And working with bees must be... interesting, but I'm more of a caterpillar person, you know, the insects that don't tend to try and sting me to death... :r Guess it's safe to assume that you're not allergic? :lol:
Anyway, I hope you enjoy yourself here and decide to stick around, if you ever want to roleplay or something, I'm a PM away! ^_^

Hi there Mari!
Welcome to HNZ. I'm also from the south. :o ...of Canada... So I guess it's not "the" South - but it's southerly... relative to say Iqaluit. xD

Anyway, I hope you enjoy your time on the site and if you have any questions or concerns feel free to send me a PM.

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