Hi, Hello, and How do you Do??

Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Hey all, I'm Amber. I currently handle student Gabriel Neidhart and hopeful Professor Sage Woods. I am new to the boards though have been RPing on Harry Potter rpg forums since May of 2009. Looking forward to meeting new people and hoping to have a stay at HNZ. The site looks absolutely amazing :D

I also make sets (I made Gabe's current set) so shoot me a PM anytime if you'd like me to make something for you xD
Hey there, Amber! Welcome to HNZ. :) (I just welcomed you in reply to your PM, but multiple welcomes never hurt anybody, did they? :o )

I hope you enjoy your stay on the board. ^_^ When you get settled in, you might consider joining our banner makers group (a group of awesome people who make signatures/avatars at request and sort of manage a section of the board for it all, too).

At any rate, if you have any questions or concerns about the site at all, feel free to PM me or post in the FAQ section of the board. ^_^
Awww thanks for such a warm welcome guys :D

I'm sure it'll be great fun and I'd love to join the banner making group! I'll check it out once I get my charries settled and find my niche on the site!

Thanks again :p
Welcome to HNZ, Amber! I hope you enjoy things here! Please call me Amanda. :D
Hello Amber! :)

Welcome to HNZ, I am Zach. I have 487489476 other characters on here. :r Though, you'll most see me on little Justin here. :r

I would LOVE to RP with you sometime, very much so. :) So shoot me a PM if you have any questions, or just wanna talk. I'll always reply. ;)

Once again: welcome.
- Zach
Hello ^_^ I'm Donna, welcome to HNZ! Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or anything!
P.S. your set looks fantastic, I'm probably going to be hitting you up sometime in the future :r
Welcome to HNZ! :hug:
I'm Jessye and if you ever want to Rp sometimes shoot me a PM! Your graphic skills are really talented too! :o I hope to see you around the board or in spam sometime!

- Jessye!
Welcome Amber! I'm Claire :hug:

I love you sig, it's pretty ^_^ :wub:
Hope you have fun here xx (I do) :p
Hi Amber,

I'm Cyndi and I just wanted to welcome you to HNZ!
I hope you enjoy yourself around the site ^_^

See you around!
Riley Sparkles said:
I'm probably going to be hitting you up sometime in the future :r
Donna! :o
No beating the new members! :glare:
Welcome to HNZ Amber. ^_^

Hopefully you will find this place to be very comforting and an enjoyable environment. Hope to see you around the board.
Thanks so much guys! I feel soooo welcomed :hug:
Hey Amber,
Welcome to the site.
If you ever want an Rp let me know I have loads of characters that I can use...
Hope you like the site,
Love Melly xx

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