Heya Folks! ^^

David Pike

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Hello! I'm Snowz or David, you can honestly call me either, I have no preference. I'm new here, and look forward to Roleplaying with each and every one of you. So, now to tell you a bit about myself. I'm American, though at times I'm not proud of it. I've been roleplaying for about 4 years now, but never once have I roleplayed in the Harry Potter universe. I read Harry Potter for the first time about 9 years ago, when I was but a wee lad. My favorite house is Slytherin, and I'm a big fan of anti-heroes and un-traditional characters, so you can expect some interesting things from me.

My other interest include, Fantasy Literature, the film industry, and the walking dead.
Also, do I have to apply for pureblood for my character to be in Slytherin. If the answer is yes, which it probably is, how do I go about doing this? When I go to the Pureblood application section is says that "Unsorted Students can't apply/access this area."


Hi David/Snowz!
Welcome to HNZ, it's a really great Harry Potter site! If you look through Site Documentation which I've linked here. You find the Pureblood information. It should be what I've linked you too!

My name is Stephanie, though here I go by Steph because it's just easier to type, haha. You'll see me around on a few characters on the site. Most likely what you'll need to do if unsorted characters can't apply for purebloods is decided on if you want your character to enter Hogwarts as a first year. Which if so then you just need to go to the Great Hall section in the forum and apply to be sorted :) If you'd rather have 'David Pike' skip school and be an adult that is also fine! He can also go to Beauxbatons or Durmstrang and be placed into the special groups there. Most people start with a character going through Hogwarts with, but it is your choice :)

If you wish to not go through sorting just go to the Application Page under Site Documentation which can be found on the Quick Links on the side bar. On there you can see the many choices for your character to be placed into. The Standard Group Change is most likely the one you would be looking for.
Hello David! Welcome to HNZ! :hug:

My name is Jessye! I'm also from the United States. I'm always proud too! Four years is quite a bit of time! I can't wait to see some of your writing! To get you started, . Here is the Sorting and Transfers forum. If you follow the directions and fill out the application you can have your character sorted or transferred if you would like them to start out as something higher than a first year. Once sorted or transferred in you should be able to access the pure blood application. I hope you enjoy your time here. If you'd ever like to roleplay or have just shoot me a PM.

Also, you can contact one of the Admins or Global Moderators for help. They'd love to help you out.

- Jessye
Hi David, welcome to HNZ! :)
I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and if you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me.

I look forward to seeing you around the board. ^_^
Welcome, welcome to the site ^_^

Though I would point out, you don't have to be a pureblood to be in Slytherin at all. They accept all types, from muggle-born (though Salazar probably just rolled in his grave) to pureblood to part-veela even. xD
So if you have any questions, I'm here to answer them :)

~ Kaitlyn
Thanks! ^^

How much background information would you say you need from me on the application, I have about 4 paragraphs backstory done at this point.
Uh for sorting? I didn't type out that much. xD
Hi David!

Welcome to the site. I'm Cyndi, one of the admin and I'm also a fan of The Walking Dead (tv show and comic books ;) ). I hope you enjoy your time here. The background information should be as long as you think it needs to be to get the information across. :)

I'll see you around.

Welcome to HNZ David/Snowz! :woot:

It's wonderful to meet you, and I look forward to roleplaying with you too. I'm from Australia and I'm not entirely sure how long I've been roleplaying for, a couple of years I think, I'm pretty bad with time, but four years of roleplaying sounds like four years of fun! Anywho my favourite house would probably have to be... Ravenclaw (though I don't have many of those. :p )
Hopefully you'll get your transfer application, and we can roleplay sometime. See you around! :)


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