
Ben Marvy

OOC First Name
Alright, so my name's Ben. I've always been a writer, and have had some experience in using the Zetaboards' forum host. I have always been a Harry Potter fan. The series is an inspiration. Pottermore! Woop woop.
Once or twice I have role played via a forum. I understand the context and what you're supposed to do. I reviewed the rules, so I think I'm set. Just going to introduce myself.
So like I said, my name is Ben and I live in Wyoming. (I'm a tad bit cowboy) I do live on a ranch with my grandparents. Great place!
I'm 22! Going to college for Electrical Engineering, and currently work partially on my grandpa's ranch, as well as my actual job of an auto-shop. I used to live in Duluth, then moved here with my grandparents when stuff happened. WON'T GO INTO DETAIL! :p
Don't worry, nothing that had to do with my personal self. I'm not a serial killer, buy how would you know that? ;)
Okay, anyways great to start here. Direct me to a possible Character Development section?
ACTUALLY....I would like to know what kind of member you guys want more of! Example: Student, Professor, Ministry, that sort of thing.
Welcome to HNZ Ben! :hug:

My name is Jessye! Woootz for Wyoming! It's so pretty there! To get yourself started you should lurk the Site Documentation! There is all kinds of stuff there that can help you out with the site! Or, You can always contact the Admins and Global Mods if you have any other questions. They are an awesome bunch so don't be afraid to shoot them a PM if you need some help with anything! I hope you enjoy your time here on HNZ!

I'm not sure if sorting is still going on, but you can check and fill out the form if it is. We're happy to have any kind of member so what you want to do with your character is pretty much up to you!

♥ Jessye
Thanks Jessye. :)

Could you also perhaps direct me to where there is a character development section? :3
Welcome to the site Ben =] Hope you enjoy was you get use to this place ^^ See you around!

- madz
Hey! Welcome to HNZ. I'm Donna, one of the Global Mods, feel free to PM me or any other GM with any questions :)
That's super cool that you live on a ranch, I'm a little bit jealous of you. Must be such an interesting life! ^_^
Hi Ben,

Welcome to HNZ!
I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and I live in Canadaland. ^_^
What year of your degree in Electrical Engineering are you in? I'm in my second year of a third year degree in Dramatic Arts (after which I hope to go on to a Masters degree in Divinity).
To your question about what sort of characters we're looking for: always more students! xD (And sorting is still open, but not for long. :) )
Ben Marvy said:
Don't worry, nothing that had to do with my personal self. I'm not a serial killer, buy how would you know that? ;)
-Locks front door- :r</COLOR>

Welcome to HNZ Ben! I think it's awesome that you live on a ranch! I live in suburbia, so no ranches nearby :erm: this might be a cliche question, but do you have horses? :wub: I love horses! (How girly of me) anyway you can call me Tenilee and I'm from Australia.

It's nice to see someone else lurking about ^_^ hope you start roleplaying really soon, if you ever want to roleplay, just shoot me a PM and we can get started.

~<COLOR color="#2F4F4F">Tenilee
Welcome to HNZ Ben! :)

Nicolas King said:
What year of your degree in Electrical Engineering are you in? I'm in my second year of a third year degree in Dramatic Arts (after which I hope to go on to a Masters degree in Divinity).
Well last semester I finished my generals, so I was glad to get that out of the way. Now I'm just starting my first year in Integrated circuits and solid state devices which will last for four years. Then I'll continue to get a 2 year internship at my uncle's business called Electrofab. I'll be roughly making 70,000 a year from this with a good year of work. :)
Dramatic Arts? Wow! I believe a cousin of mine is pursuing something of that sort. Could you enlighten me on Divinity?

Thanks again Jessye! :D

Tenilee, They own 3 horses, one named Star, one named Sugar, and one I named McSnuffles.(It took an insane amount of begging for that) Otherwise our main animals are Llamas! We have 13, but one just died actually, so now merely 12. Sad day!

Madz, thanks!

Donna, it's a wonderful life! :3

Thanks Raze!

Mintzy, we'll have to accomplish such a thing.

So now, I believe my ambitions are to become a student! :p
Start from scratch!
I suppose I better get a move on for the sorting though, came just in time!
Welcome to HNZ Ben :hug:
If you want to rp any time just shoot me a PM xD
Welcome to the site, Ben! Sounds like you have quite a bit of schooling still left ahead of you, but the pay sounds great once you're all done ^_^ I'm done with school (thankfully :correct: ) but I'm thinking of going back next year to get a more advanced degree.

It must be nice to have all of that nice, open space to ride horses and tend to the llamas. I'm from a city, so open space is only just a dream for me :p Anyway, I hope you enjoy your time on the site and feel free to send a PM my way if you have any questions.
Ben Marvy said:
Could you enlighten me on Divinity?
Funny that you should phrase it as such. :r It's the business of enlightenment! xD
A Master's degree in Divinity is the prerequisite for becoming an ordained minister in my denomination (and generally most protestant denominations, really).
Ben Marvy said:
I suppose I better get a move on for the sorting though, came just in time!
Wow! Wasn't intentional either. :p
Thanks Cyndi, and Johanna for the welcome! :D
Hey Ben!

I know this seems a little outdated by I might as well go for the obvious. Welcome to HNZ :D There I said it. :p Anyway, I hope we could rp sometime.

Nicole :D

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