
OOC First Name
Hey, I'm new here, I'm Mia's sister, and she has finally forced me to make an account, introducing Charlotte Hurd-Wood!!!!! :woot: I love Harry potter too so, I'm looking forward to start roleplaying, Isla.
Hi there!

Welcome to HNZ! :hug: You really will have a fun time around here. I promise. ;)

Artemis xx
Heeeey Welcome to HNZ! :hug:

I love the name Charlotte! ♥ I'm Jessye! Although your can explain things for you, I'll just point you in the direction of the Site Documentation in case you need anymore information or anything. It's very useful! If you have any other questions or concerns you could always contact the Admins or Global Moderators. Or even your sister! I hope you have a nice time here, I'm looking forward to roleplaying with you one day!

See you around the board!
- Jessye
Hi there, and welcome to HNZ! :)
I trust your sister can help you get started with HNZ and answer any of your questions/concerns. But if you do need extra help at any time, feel free to PM me. :)
Welcome to the site! I hope you enjoy your time here :)
Welcome to HNZ ^_^

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