Hey, everyone!

Casper Skygge

OOC First Name
Straight 13 Inch Rigid Ebony Wood Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
My name's Tray, and I'm joining up for the Hogwarts NZ website for the first time today. I guess I'm just supposed to give a little bit of info about myself real quick!

I'm kind of new here, so I apologize for any inconsistency or awkwardness radiating from this post.

Anyways, as I said before, my name's Tray and I've been roleplaying for at least 4 years now. I've been a Harry Potter fan since the 5th grade and I'm extremely happy to find a roleplaying community solely dedicated to a spinoff of the books.

I'm free almost always so I'm hoping to be as active as possible on the site. Whenever doing any sort of work I like to occupy myself with roleplay or writing to keep my mind stress-free.

Honestly, there's not much more to tell, so I'll just try to leave it at that. If anyone would be willing to give me a hand and guide me through how things work around here, that'd be fantastic, though!

Thanks for reading, and I'm glad to be here!
Hello Tray and welcome to the site! You may call me Tenilee, and I'm super happy to say hello! :woot:
If you ever have any questions, do feel free to either PM one of the Site Staff, as they are always happy to help, or me if you like and I'll do my best! ^_^ The Site Documentation's a good place to check out if you already haven't, as there's a lot of information about the site plot, and applications, rules, etc, all there for your viewing pleasure. You're joining in a very busy time, as it's sorting! So, everything's all happening, and everyone's a little nervous, excited, and busy all at the same time! Don't ever apologise for being new and a little nervous, we're happy to meet you and have you here.

I hope to see you around the board. :)
Hey, a new person! :woot:

I'm Kaye! I haven't been around here for as long as most of the other people on here but I'm very excited about a new member ^_^ Tenilee basically told you everything you need to know. As Tenilee said, sorting is happening right now so you're just in time if you wanted to sort your character! There is information on doing that here and if you ever need to RP I'm free to do that whenever you like :D

I hope you have fun around here. Everyone is nice and fun to talk to but I will warn you that this website can get a bit addicting :p

I look forward to seeing you around,
- Kaye ^_^
Hi! Welcome to HNZ ^_^
My name's Donna, feel free to PM me if you have any questions :)
Hey there Tray! Welcome to HNZ!
I'm Emzies! If you have any questions about anything feel free to shoot me a PM!
I hope we can RP at some point!
Welcome to HNZ Tray! You've joined up at a great time. ^_^ Hope to see you around a bunch.
Thanks, everyone, for the warm welcomes! :wub:
Welcome to the site, Tray! Hope to see you around! :hug:

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