
Jessica Tenterfield

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Swishy Maple Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Hello everyone! I'm new and looking for some friends! I have been roleplaying for quite a while in mostly forums that relate to Harry Potter. I am a huge Potterhead so when you talk with me mostly all our conversations will relate to it. I am also a Hunger Games fan.

I had been browsing through different Harry Potter related forums because the forum that I usually went on wasn't working anymore and found this wonderful forum! I'm hoping to improve my roleplay skills and make lots of friends in the process.

Thank you for reading! That was just a little bit about me. If you would like to roleplay just send me a message! :D
Hey there! ^_^
I'm Jessye! Woo for another Hunger Games fan! You excited for the Catching Fire movie coming out? To get you started you should check out the awesome Site Documentation to help you get started! It has tonnes of useful information for you to lurk! If you have any other questions feel free to contact one of the Global Moderators or Admins as I'm sure they'd love to help! Are you looking to be sorted? I think Sorting is still open at the moment, Here so if you'd like to be sorted and join the new batch of First Years, you may want to do so before it closes!

If you'd ever like to RP or would just like to chat or something, my PM box is always open! Hope you enjoy your time here!

♥ Jessye

Welcome to the site! I'm Cyndi, one of the admin here. Jessye has given you all of the starter information, so that should keep you busy for a while. If you have any questions, I'm only a PM away. :)
I hope you enjoy your time on the site, and I hope to see you around often!

Hi! Welcome to HNZ! I am Khushi and started here four months back. You will love it here :) Yay for Hunger games (I have only read the first book and watched the movie yet). I am one of the two people on the site from entire continent of Africa (the other being my sister). Where are you from? Feel free to PM me with anything :D
Yay, replies! :wub:

I'll definitely be sending you all a PM soon. Thank you for welcoming me :D

Welcome to HNZ. :) I hope you enjoy your time on the board. ^_^
Hey, hey, hey! ^_^

Name's Marga and welcome to HNZ!! You're gonna have lots and tons of fun here!!

Haha! If you wanna strike a conversation or start an RP with me, just shoot a PM in my inbox... I'm welcome for just about anything, (especially if its crazy!)!!!

See ya around! ^_^

Hi, you can call me Tenilee and I hope you have a great time here. I think you'll settle in quite nicely. Hopefully I'll see you around the board some time! ^_^

Hey! Welcome to HNZ!

Yay, another Hunger Games fan! :D Who's your favourite character? :) You'll fit in here fine if you love both Hunger Games and Harry Potter. :D I like you already. :p

If you ever want to RP, or just want to talk as well, feel free to send a PM. :D Hope to hear from you soon!

whoops. Forgot to introduce myself... I was just so excited, :p My name's Melissa but everyone calls me Mel. :)
Hey there Kaye! :D

Welcome to the board and I hope have a great time here ^_^
I'm Payal and if you wanna RP just pm me cause me loves hufflepuffs :)

Happy RPing :D
Hi Kaye, it's nice to meet you! I'm Sara Charlotte Laker - you can call me Sara. I think we have the same middle name, hahah! :p Shall we be friends? I'm sort of new too, maybe we can get along fine! I'm looking forward to being friends and maybe hopefully RPing with you! :woot:

Just PM me if you want to set a RP. It's once again nice to meet you, goodbye for now!

~Sara C.L.

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