

OOC First Name
My name is Colette and i am from France. I moved to the USA when i was 3. I have never actually visited NZ but i plan to :)
Hi Colette! :) :)

Welcome to HNZ! I recommend that you read the site documentation to better familiarize yourself on the site.. I hope you have a good time here :)
Bonjour, Colette! :)
Welcome to HNZ!

I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and I'm from Canada. ^_^ I haven't been to NZ, either. (I don't think many people on the site have. :p ) Though I can't profess that I have any particular plans to visit, either. :tut:

Do you speak French much at all? I figure if you moved when you were 3, you had some French basics down. I had to take French for 10 or 11 years of school here. xD

At any rate, I hope to see you around the board and get to know you more. ^_^ If you ever have any questions or concerns about the site, feel free to PM me. :)
Hey there Colette, what a pretty name!
I'm Donna, one of the Global Mods here, and I'm from New Zealand - it is a nice place, so you should definitely visit sometime!
See you around ^_^
Welcome to HNZ Colette! :hug:
My name is Jessye! I hope you enjoy your time here and whatnot!
Welcome to the site, Colette!
I hope to see you around :)
Hey Colette! :D

I'm Nicole and I come from the Philippines. Hope you enjoy it here and welcome to HNZ! :)
Hey Colette! :D

I'm Melissa and I am from New Zealand.

Hope to see you around, if you are ever in need of an rp shoot me a pm, I heaps of characters that could rp with you.

Colette! I've seen you a lot of times now around the board! I hope you are enjoying it! ^_^

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