
Warren Hewitt

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4 Essence of Phoenix Ash

I'm new here. Kind of obvious with the whole... posting here and all... Haven't been much an a RPG person in the past. And the one that I have done was nothing like this RPG. Anyways I figure I'll just be lurking around a bit until sorting starts.

Out of curiosity I've noticed some people have been given a Durmstrang and Beauxbatons tag instead of Hogwarts house. How does this work? Like how did that happen and is it the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons located in Europe?

That's all for now,
Welcome to the site, Warren!

Here is the Site Documentation and people have always found that useful.
As far as the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang question goes, if you want your character to go to that school, you simply PM an Administrator (Nicolas King or Nick, Cecily Zhefarovich or Livvy) asking to be put in that group. :) Though it might take a bit since our Admins are both very busy. ;)
If you have any other questions, my PM box is open

~ Sir Kaitlyn
Welcome to HNZ, Warren! :)
I'd never been part of an RPG before I joined HNZ, so I know what it's like to be a non-RPG person coming in to one. xD I hope HNZ is different in good ways. xD

Anyhow, I'm Nick - and I see that Kaitlyn's already pointed you to the site documentation - so I encourage you to read through those things at your leisure. :)
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to post in FAQ or PM me. ^_^
Welcome Warren :)

You won't have too much longer to wait until sorting ( another month or so), so I hope you enjoy the lurking that you do until then.

See you around the site,

Heyy warren

If you want to get used to rping drop me an inbox. As i would be more than happy to help as i have an unsorted student too but shes left school now.
Hope to rp in the future
Hiya there Warren :) Welcome to the site. When I first started on here I had no clue what an RP site even was. I was just lurking about for Harry Potter things on Facebook and VOILA! there I had HNZ. I registered with a very n00bish name and once I figured out just what the heck was going on I got the hang of it. So with that being said...welcome to Crackwarts and I look forward to chatting with you around the board.

Katie :)

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