Hello? Hi? Bonjour? Guten Tag?

Estella Cadogan

New Member
OOC First Name
Hello there :) I've been pulling up this site a lot lately, and just recently decided to register. It seems to be decent and I'm excited to get going.

1. I've RPed before on other sites.
2. I'm a Canadian girl named Erika.
3. I live for Harry Potter.
4. I'm obsessed with anything vaguely Irish.
Hi there Erika!

Welcome to HNZ! I think you'll be doing great around since you have been RPing for a while and you're already used to it. I think I agree with you that I, myself, also live for Harry Potter. So, see you around!

And also, just inform me if you would like to RP! I have another character which is still unsorted, anyways. Enjoy!

Artemis xx
Well hi there!

I am Kaitlyn, one of the Global Moderators, around the board. I welcome you to our site (too formal, but whatev cause I am tired). I myself am from North America, but in the States.
We do have another Global Moderator that is very much Irish. She can tell you all about herself and her land if you want to bug her. xD I would have a look over our site docs for all of your needs, or throw me a PM, or any of our Administrators. We will be happy to help you.

I hope to see you around!
~ Kaitlyn
Welcome, feel free to join in my roleplay in the unsorted section. :cool:
Hey there Erika, welcome to HNZ ^_^ I love that your name is spelled with a K, so badass!
Hi there, Erika! :) Welcome to HNZ.
I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and I'm also from Canada. ^_^ (Though admittedly I cannot claim the title of "Canadian girl" :p )
I hope you enjoy your stay on HNZ - and if you have any questions/comments/concerns, feel free to send me a PM. :D

See you around the board!
Boozhoo, Erika. I hope you enjoy the site!
Welcome to HNZ, Erika! I'm Cyndi, one of the admin, and I hope you enjoy yourself here :)
Welcome to HNZ Erika! :hug: I'm Melissa, but everyone calls me Mel, and I'm from Australia. :) If you'd like to RP anytime, just shoot me a PM, I have a variety of characters that I could help you with. :D
Hi there :)

My name is Patricia (I'll go by pretty much anything that has 'Pat' in it xD ) and I'm one of the GMs on here...and Irish xD So yeah..you may love me :r

Hope you enjoy your time on HNZ and look forward to seeing you around the board :)

- Pat :hug:
Thanks for the all the welcomes :) I've been away, a bit, but I'll definitely be up to some RPs sometime.

Iiiiirish peeople! <3 <3 <3 I think Christmas just arrived early.

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