Hello Hello

Rigel Hamish

New Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Oak Wood, Essence of Mermaid Scale, Eight Inches, Sturdy
My name is Jake (I'm Beth's - Larissa Sedgwick's - real life other half), I'm pretty new to roleplaying (about 1 day's experience months ago), but Beth has promised to help get me into it. I've read the first 3 or 4 Harry Potter books, but hope to re-read them again before Fantastic Beasts comes out! :) I have seen all the films (BUT WONT STOP PESTERING BETH TO WATCH THEM AGAINNNNN *disgruntled Beth wrote this*) and would love to get to know more about the HP world, and HNZ in general. I hope to build up my confidence enough to start roleplaying with people other than Beth.
It's nice to meet you all, anyway. :D :party:
Welcome to the site, Jake! ^_^
Yay! Hi Jake! ^_^
Welcome to HNZ Jake!
Good to have you with us!
Hi hi! :D *welcomes welcomes*
Welcome to the site! I hope you have a fun time here - as most of us don't bite. That doesn't inclulde me. I do. Ask Beth.
Welcome! :hug:
Welcome to HNZ! :hug:
Heello Jake! :party: :hug: Welcome! I'm Claire, who you have met like a whole two times ^_^ it's awesome to have you here!
This is exciting! It's good to see you joining us, I look forward to role playing with you
Beth and I share the same birthday so I'm like her male, Australian counterpart :r
Hello, darling ;) :wub: Welcome to the asylum. <3 (Maybe Lily can join when she's older?)

@Jesse - Can confirm, 100% true. ;)

@Claire - Oh, come on, it's like, maybe three if you count three-second meetings. :p
Larissa Sedgwick said:
@Claire - Oh, come on, it's like, maybe three if you count three-second meetings. :p
I stand thoroughly corrected :correct: :teehee:

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