Hello everyone!

Hannah Lange

OOC First Name
I actually stumbled across HNZ a month or so ago, and managed to come back at the perfect time! So, hello! Elizabeth here. ^_^
Hello Elizabeth and welcome to HNZ.
I am Mia, and i think i already said hello to you in the shout box but here is your proper hello from me.
you're right it is the perfect time, and its nice to see you have already got sorted into ravenclaw (they often win the house cup)
if you need a hand with anything feel free to send me a PM, or ask Nick and Cyndi the admins or Kaitlyn, Donna, Pat and Kait the global moderators. the site information is here and can be accessed at the top of the page (it looks like a red book).
I hope you have a good time here
see you around
Welcome to HNZ Elizabeth! :hug:
You seem to know you way around pretty well, but if you ever need help finding something on the site the Site Documentation is a very useful place to go!

If you're ever in the mood to plot or roleplay feel free to drop me a PM!

See you around the board and stuff! ♥
Hi, one of the GMs here.
Welcome, Elizabeth! ^_^
Hey Elizabeth, welcome to HNZ! :)
Super timing to come back, indeed. Sorting is the best time of the year (or so I hear). :p
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.

I look forward to seeing you around the site!
Welcome to the site, Elizabeth :)
I hope you enjoyed being sorted, and I hope you enjoy your time on the site.

See you around ^_^
Hei Eli.

We both new here. *hi five*

Regards, Alan.

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