Hello :3

Jack Ridin

New Member
OOC First Name
Hello, I'm jack. I do like the way you have this site set up, every easy and informational. I understand that I missed sorting and was wondering how long it's going to be before it happens again. Not too long I hope.

In any case, I hope to roleplay with you all soon.
Hi Jack I'm madz :D

Welcome to the site! Well sorting will probably be listed on the calendar if I'm right =/ but I think its either in December or January I think :r

Anyways welcome to the site :D hope you like here as much as anyone here!
Wow, making people wait such a long time to get in to the role play , must do a number on the amount of new members you get, eh? Well, I'm going to do my background and what not and hopefully I'll be around when sorting goes through again. \V/
Welcome, Jack!

I am Sir Kaitlyn, a Global moderator. There are three others, Pat (Patricia Styx), Cyndi (Professor Cyndi Weasley) and Linda (Andromeda Fiorelli). :) If you need any help, you can throw us a PM, or our lovely Administrator, Livvy (Cecily Zhefarovich).
Be sure to read over our Site Docs for probably all the information you will need.

Hope to see you around!
~ Sir Kaitlyn
:woot: A new member! :hug:

Welocme to the wonderous online world of HNZ. Where the emebers a friendly and the characters are plenty :r
Anyway, I'm Teigan, but most of the people around here call me Teigs. So of course you are also welcome too ;)
Anyway, if youd like to get straight into role playing, I have a character that you can roleplay with in the unsorted section if you would like. Or if you make an adult character I have plenty of them too xD
So if you ever want to roleplay just pm me and I'd love to organise something with you ^_^ . I have so many characters one of them is bound to work :doh:

Anyway, again Welcome! :D And have alot of fun rping in the future :abby:


PS: I totally am not addicted to Emots :shifty: :wub:
Hi Jack and welcome to the site.

You don't have to wait until sorting comes around to roleplay here.
We have a special area for unsorteds to go and roleplay and get to know other unsorteds.
Your character can also roleplay in the shopping areas and world areas - it's only Hogwarts that you can't until after sorting.
So there is still plenty for you to be able to do.

When I first started I roleplayed on the express with my unsorted student and that was tons of fun.
We have a plot development area where you can post seeking someone for certain types of roleplaying ideas you have and a character / roleplay developing area as well. All of which can be found in the site documentation that Sir Kaitlyn linked you too. ;)

We also have a OOC area where you can pop along and chat with the rest of us, we're all friendly and respectful of one another. There are games and competitions to enter as well. So lots to keep you busy until sorting which is around January 10th or thereabouts. The school year is broken into 6 week increments with holiday time inbetween. Classes and exams all are part of it. The wait for sorting seems long but on this site, it is very much worth it.

Hope you have lots of fun here with us and once again ...

Hey there, Jack! :)
Welcome to HNZ! :D (I've technically left the board right now - but hey! Who can resist welcoming new members? ^_^ )
I hope you enjoy your time on here. :)

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