Hello! ♥

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OOC First Name
Katie ღ
What is three x three? Katie! Yup, I'm Katie, a new person here.


Here is some cookies. You might need them with me here. >.<
Alyssa Chevalier said:

Those cookies make me really hungry! They look so good! My name is Jessye!
I totally agree! I just simply :wub: cookies.

Anyways, hi Katie! Welcome to Hogwarts New Zealand, by the way. I hope you enjoy it here. ^_^
Thanks ^.^

I have a question: When it comes to member groups, etc, I know sorting is over.

What if we want, like, an adult? Do we have to wait still ??

Hi Katie,

Welcome to HNZ! :)
Since you're new here, we really should be the ones to give you cookies. However, I fear the other admin here went and ate them all. :( I've been meaning to go out and pick up some more.

At any rate! I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and if you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me. :)

I hope you enjoy your time here, and I'll see you around the board. ^_^
Hello Katie!

Lovin' the cookies you got there. I sure do hope that those are enough for all of us in the site to share. Anyway, I am Nicole. Welcome to HNZ!
As I said through PM via another, welcome!
Have any more questions, just PM me. :)

~ Kaitlyn
Hi Katie,

Welcome to the site! I hope you enjoy your time here. If you have any other questions about HNZ, feel free to send me a PM just like the one you sent me earlier :)

And, I didn't eat all of the cookies by myself. I'm sure I spied Nick taking a bunch. That's why he has to pick up some more :p
So, I thank you for your cookies *takes one* ^_^

Enjoy HNZ!

Thank you both :) And I sure can get some more *runs off to shop to pick up more for the website*


Haha! ^_^ Fortune cookies.
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