Closed Headache

Elio Boneheart

your exception to your rule
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 8 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
31st October, 2045
He had checked everywhere, but nothing was working. Madam Puddifoots was full of students this weekend from some weird speed dating thing he thinks is really dumb, everyone goes to the three broomsticks and the thought of seeing Mikael in Hogs Head just sent him into a fit go laughter he was worried he might hyperventilate from for a moment there. In the end the only really valid option was Taakarokaro Park. He made sure to mention to Mikael that he wanted them to go to Brightstone together this weekend, and hopefully his boyfriend has picked up on the subtle hints he has been trying to give him because whilst Mikael can be incredibly observant of some things, he's also famously oblivious to other things and he sort of wants to try and make up for what went down at the dance. He had not realised that Kael would take it so seriously, and so now he feels as though he owes him. Hopefully this sort of impromptu picnic date will serve to remind Kael that he actually is in this relationship willingly despite how much he seems to complain about it. Not that he really complains either, he just enjoys giving Kael a headache to complain about. Look he's being helpful. Mikael without a headache is even worse to deal with than Mikael with a headache. Mikael will be with him soon, he notes as he sets up the blanket and the picnic basket on top of it. There isn't really much in the way of food, mostly what he was able to bribe from the house elves, because they wouldn't let him into the kitchen and he has to live with what they gave him. But a variety of sandwiches and some butter beer is not a bad choice either.

@Mikael Nightray
When Elio had told him that he wanted them to go to Brightstone together, Mikael had thought he wanted them - as in the two of them - to go to Brightstone together. And so it was a bit of a surprise when he was stood there waiting outside of the Gryffindor Common Room, for an absurdly long time before Rose finally stepped out and helped him find out that Elio had already left for Brightstone. So when he’d thought he’d been early, Mikael was now running late.

It was annoying that he’d had to run just to not be even more late than he already was. It was hard to remain annoyed when he’d finally found his boyfriend in Takarokaro Park. By the time he saw Elio, he slowed his pace from a run, to a jog, to a casual walk. Thankfully, the Gryffindor had his back towards him so he probably didn’t see Mikael running all over the place. It was hard to truly be annoyed when he could see the picnic that his boyfriend had obviously set up and he’d been subsequently late to. He inwardly sighed as he could feel the usual headache Elio tend to bring about. “I kept you waiting,” he says by way of greeting as he moves to settle himself down on the blanket, but not before leaning in to give Elio a kiss on the forehead as an apology that he would not verbalize. “I got held up unexpectedly,” he says as he looks at the picnic basket in curiosity. “How long have you been planning this.”
Zennon walks past and then just keeps on walking.
Mikael is later than he expects. As he's waiting he begins to wonder if he had perhaps forgotten to mention what time Kael should head down. He definitely remembers telling Kael he wants to go to Brightstone, but then as he's said before, Mikael is not... observant. And it's at really odd times too. Like when he thinks he should be observant, Elio often finds that Kael is not and then he will turn around suddenly rattle off something that Elio would normally consider inconsequential. It's this trait in him that Elio admires the most because sometimes he too wishes he would only know things that are important for him to know. He turns and looks up though when he hears Kael's voice and smiles. "It's okay, I wasn't worried," he lies. He accepts the kiss on the forehead before sitting back on his knees on the blanket, pulling the basket between them to open it and show Kael the food he has in it. "Since the dance, I felt bad about my... well you kept referring to them as pyjamas and they weren't pyjamas, but I wanted to make it up to you somehow anyway with like a proper sort of date - I didn't like any of the usual places people go, so this was what I came up with - is it okay?"

@Mikael Nightray
Mikael nods, though doesn’t quite believe that his boyfriend hadn’t worried at all about his tardiness. He’s made it a point to always be early ever since he’d gotten together with Elio, so it might have been a little jarring. But if his boyfriend didn’t want to say anything, Kael supposed he could let it go. He adjusts his position so he could face Elio while they sat as he looked at the Gryffindor’s loot. It was a decent spread, and he’d obviously asked the house elves for help, but the fact that he’d done this just for Mikael was… he did not have words for it. He snorts though at their ongoing debate. “They were pyjamas,” he said as he takes a napkin and grabs a sandwich from the basket. “And I don’t see why you’d want to make up for a nice evening, but this is more than okay,” he says before taking a bite from the sandwich. The pyjama thing had given him a headache, but Kael had already known that dating Elio would result in recurring migraines. And they’d had a dance and a nice evening. But he definitely wouldn’t be saying no to any proper dates that Elio deems they should have.
"They can't be pyjamas because I don't sleep in them," he says pointedly, as if that should be the end of the conversation and honestly it should be since it means they weren't pyjamas. He's not entirely sure how the long jumper he was wearing could even start to be categorised as pyjamas, but apparently Mikael wears woollen jumpers to bed, so maybe that's the crux of it. "Okay then let's not call it making up, let's call it in addition and leave it at that, yeah?" he asks, taking a sandwich himself as he watches Kael bite into it. There's something about having a picnic that he enjoys and he's always liked to do them with his mum. He remembers a few times when all they'd done together was picnics. They're nice to get out into the sun and just have that time together. There's something intimately private about them when you're with your boyfriend though that makes it so much different. Probably because when it was family he'd run around chasing after Beau or Rhys. He's not intending on chasing after Kael today. "I'm glad you came out here today, I wasn't sure what to do and nowhere else really worked, so this was the best I could come up with."
Hinata passed by but didn’t notice the two lovebirds.
Mikael hummed as Elio insisted that he wasn’t wearing pyjamas during the Valentine’s Dance. He didn’t agree of course but he also knew when to pick his battles. Wasn’t there a muggle saying about happy lives? Besides the pyjama thing was harmless enough. Not to mention he was not going to say no to an additional date planned by his boyfriend so he was not going to disagree with the whole “not making up” scenario. In his opinion, Elio worried and thought about stuff too much that it’s a wonder he ended up in Gryffindor. He could be quite reckless so he supposed the shoe still fits. “I didn’t think I did anything to make you think I wouldn’t come.” Aside from being late. But he really hadn’t known that they weren’t going to Brightstone together and instead just… be in Brightstone together. “This is enough,” he says as he takes another bite of his sandwich. “There’s not enough time in the day I suppose,” he says instead. Between spending time with Elio, Hinata, and his OWLs, it’s turning out to be quite the busy semester. Though it’s surprising that Eurydice has barely sought him out lately. “You said Eurydice knows we’re together now,” he vaguely recalls Elio mentioning something about a tug of war.
"Maybe not specifically, but you were late and you're not usually late, so... I was a little confused, that's all." He says as he sits back and looks up at the sky a little. Hopefully the weather will hold out, because it's been a little cloudy for a while and he doesn't want it to suddenly rain on them. They could probably deal with it, considering they are both older students, and they probably know a couple of spells, but that's not really the point. He's really enjoying his time with his boyfriend and he doesn't want to ruin the time they have at the moment. "Yeah," he says when Mikael mentions Eurydice knowing they're together now. "There was a game, tug of war, some of the girls got annoyed because Eury came over to play for our side after they had a go at her for cheering for her family, me and Jonah, you know, she clarified that she was just cheering for her family, Rose wasn't playing so she wasn't cheering for anyone on the girls side." He says, shrugging. "Anyway, they got annoyed and called her a traitor - well, one girl, I don't know her name. But Eury came to play for the boys because of that, and then they started having a go at her, so I stepped in. They didn't understand why I was getting involved, so I told them I was dating her brother so they could just... you know, f#ck off. I mean I didn't say that specifically, but I was definitely thinking it."
"I got held up. Likely won't happen again," he said seriously. Mikael would probably never admit that the reason he had been late to meeting Elio was because he'd been waiting for Elio at the wrong place. It was... unbecoming. In any case, it would not happen again because he will now make it a point to either reconfirm with Elio where they would be meeting or remind the Gryffindor that he will be picking him up, so do not head anywhere. That was the plan anyway. He had to stop thinking about it for a second though, because somehow, his asking about Eurydice knowing about them escalated into a convoluted story that he had to keep up with. Okay, first, he sort of heard about tug of war. He just didn't expect Eurydice of all people to actually be involved in tug of war. And someone called his sister a traitor? And Elio didn't just tell Eurydice? He told 'them' as in plural. Multiple people. And defended his sister while at it. What? What kind of tug of war happened? "To be clear. Eurydice. My sister Eurydice Riko Nightray played tug of war with boys willingly. And people attacked her for it. And you defended her and announced our dating status at the same time," Mikael was pretty sure that was the summary for it. "Do I need to get involved or is it resolved?" Because he needed to know if he needed to make some people's Hogwarts life quite unpleasant. Maybe he could even involve Horror and Terror if they were up for a little terrorizing..
Zennon just casually walked by, enjoying the scenery.
Elio grinned at Mikael, glad to hear that they were communicating on a level that seemed to be working for them at the moment. He frowned a little when he went back over the story he'd just told, trying to reconfirm it. It did sound a little convoluted now that he was hearing it said back to him, but it was also true, the whole experience had been a little confusing to be honest, and he didn't know how to tell it in a way that sounded any better than the way he'd already told it. That was just something he said and it seemed to work well enough at the time. Eury had willingly come to play tug-of-war with the boys and somehow it had resulted in... something. He still wasn't happy with the way Penelope had stood by and practically let it happen. Bailey had stood up for Eury in the end, but Penelope was basically useless during the whole thing. She clearly just hadn't wanted Eury to be involved and she was probably going to push out Rose too, since Rose only attended when she was with Eury - he couldn't have blamed Eury if she'd decided she didn't ever want to go back, he almost didn't and he wasn't in the girls club. "I can't say for sure, I haven't had a proper chance to talk to Eury about it, but, I think it was eventually sort of resolved. I will say in general that Penelope Marshall was bloody useless though. I liked her for a whole second there and I'm really upset about how she handled things. No one attacked her boyfriend for switching sides, but she just let those two bitchy Slytherin's attack Eury. The game ended not long after though and I was too focused on staying with Eury to bother talking to her about it."
Mikael hadn't really wanted to be involved with Eurydice's school life all that much. His sister could handle herself just fine around most people, if not all, in the school. Some tend to forget that Eurydice was also an heir to a Pureblood family despite being considered a half-blood. Their parents had done their best, but vitriol and dislike were easy to come by in the Nightray family. So Mikael hadn't really worried about Eurydice entering Hogwarts. Except for the little Gryffindor miscreant who had somehow managed to charm his sister and was grating on Mikael's nerves. His sister was twelve and a boy did not need to enter the picture until she was forty. This was different though. Potentially older students attacking his sister was not something Kael would be letting her deal with alone. Perhaps he should start attending the other school things his sister gets up to just to make sure that things have been resolved. He did appreciate though that Elio had been there when he wasn't. And that he'd put his focus on Eurydice more than he did anything else. And so he reached out and placed his hand on Elio's cheek to have the older boy face him before leaning in to plant a soft kiss on his lips.

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