Hay look everyone Kingy's got a girlfriend!

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Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather
Camilla Chose the Title
Having dressed in his best dress robes Nicolas made his way to Martine's quarters within the castle, where he found himself waiting on her putting the finishing touches on herself for the ball - which is actually a fairly time consuming affair. Waiting patiently for her Nicolas smiled as she emerged and took his arm. Commenting on how truly gorgeous she was Nicolas lead them down to the Great Hall.

Entering the Great Hall a little bit later than he was accustomed to Nicolas turned to Martine and smiled, "Well, if people didn't already suspect things they will now. I'm just hoping this doesn't make The Prophet." He began, recalling his bad experiences with the Dail Prophet before quickly shoving such thoughts from his mind and refocusing his attention on the wonderful woman he'd brought with him. "I feel like I need chaperoning more than I am a chaperon."
((Dear God, I can't believe you actually went with that.))

Martine was a bit uncertain about going to the Yule Ball as a chaperone, considering she was only a librarian, but the fact that she was going with Nicolas was nice. They'd managed to keep things a secret so far, but now she supposed everyone was going to find out. Oh well, she thought. It didn't really matter, she was dating Nicolas and that was the important thing.

She couldn't help but chuckle at Nicolas's comment on the Daily Prophet. "Hmm. Maybe I should negotiate softer penalties for Death Eaters in exchange for killing Daily Prophet reporters?" Martine asked innocently, a wicked smirk on her face as she looked at Nicolas. She truly was lucky to be here with such a wonderful man. "Hah, well as the adults here, I believe our chaperoning duties can be done by causing as much embarassment to the students as possible, oui?" she joked, feeling quite light-hearted, as she lent over and gave Nicolas a quick peck on the cheek.
"Martine!" Nicolas began in playful exclamation, "I didn't think you were capable of such thoughts. Why, if Scott knew about that you'd be under investigation in a heartbeat." Nicolas continued on, leading Martine further in to the hall before stopping suddenly "But that is a rather grand idea, put those prone to killing to work for us, why not?" He chuckled at this last thought before Martine commented on their true responsibilities as chaperons. "You really do look at things differently, don't you?" he commented before he received her peckish kiss.

Not prone to embarrassment (or much visible emotion at all, for that matter) Nicolas' face flushed slightly after Martine's kiss. He smiled kindly toward her, then glanced out over the room of students and chaperons. "I think we're fortunate in that there are enough other adults that we can just enjoy the evening." Nicolas remarked, moving even closer to the dance floor before stopping and offering Martine his hand instead of his arm. "Would you care to dance?"
(Gee, I suck at this. =( )
"Ah, but what Scott doesn't know can't hurt him, right?" Thinking about it, Martine gave a soft chuckle. "Well, maybe it can, considering our line of work," she added very quietly, so only Nicolas could hear. Maybe his occupation was known to the general population, but to most, Martine only appeared to be a humble librarian, and she was happy for it to stay that way. "Thinking outside the square is what got me in to the department," Martine stated, with a grin.

Martine took the hand that was offered to her, and smiled gently at Nicolas. "Goodness, it has been so long since I last danced." Thankfully, Beauxbatons had given the students dance classes, as well as general etiquette and deportment, so she was still well equipped for the task. As they began to dance, she looked around curiously at the students in the Great Hall, before looking back at Nicolas, with a smile. "Speaking of enjoying the evening, I see that a lot of the students seem to be doing that quite, erm, well, wouldn't you say?" There were romantic scenes on the dance floor, to put it one way, as well as rather...interesting...behaviour from one or two students. With the slightest shrug, she looked back to Nicolas, happy just to be here with him. It was much more exciting than shuffling paper back in the Auror office.

((apologies for godmodding and NO YOU DON'T SUCK stfu. =P))
Nicolas smiled as Martine took his hand and nodded with her comment, it had been quite a long time since he had danced as well. Leading Martine out on to the dance floor Nicolas followed the procedure for formal dance as well as he could, bowing to Martine and all, before they began their dance. He smirked with her remark, "They're bags of hormones, I've heard, Muggles seem to say that especially. If that's the case, then this is all understandable" Nicolas replied, glancing out across the room for a moment and spotting many of the scenes Martine had been referring to, including one which seemed to entail completely uncharacteristic behaviour from Andromeda Fiorelli.

Nicolas watched with a furrowed brow as the scene unfolded just beyond them, his attention only being half with Martine as Andromeda made her way to where the band was playing and took the microphone from the lead singer and started to sing her own tune. Needless to say, Nicolas stopped dancing when Andromeda took the mic over and looked at Martine apologetically. "She's certainly not being herself this evening." Nicolas stated, hoping his concern would be reason enough for Martine as to why he'd only half been dancing with her and why he'd broken off their dance so abruptly.

When Andromeda finished her piece Nicolas stared blankly for several moments, forced to wonder why not a single professor had bothered to get her off of the stage and to the Hospital Wing. The fact that she'd completed the whole song and was now returning to her group was more than disconcerting. What if other things were happening at the ball that needed attention? Would they be ignored, too? Of course, Nicolas was partly to blame for his inaction, but so was every other staff member in attendance, and if her were to get technical Nicolas would know he wasn't schedule to chaperon this event at all.
Martine, too, was a little concerned about the girl's behaviour, and while she tried to concentrate on dancing, she found that the scene before her was taking more and more of her attention until she completely lost focus on what she was attempting to do. "You're right about the hormones," she muttered, raising her eyebrows as she scanned the room. Young students - as young as second years, by the looks, were kissing on and off the dance floor. "Anyone would think that the punch was spiked with a love potion," she added, with a light smirk.

"Or something else," Martine mused, with a furrowed brow. But no, nobody else seemed to be acting up in the same way, so it was surely just the girl. Nevertheless, she'd be sure to check the punch in a minute or so. For now, all she could do was watch the car crash that was happening before her eyes. This was certainly turning in to an interesting evening, to say the least.
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