Arisa smiled "im sure my grandpa would love to have us help" she said grabbing a jug of juice from the fridge and putting it on the table. Every thing looked great, hot dogs no more fancy food like at hogwarts, Arisa was relieved. And salad to thank goodness, she would have to tell her grandma Viv and Ari didnt eat meat. "Kida's brother looks just like her" Arisa comented. When Viv mentioned horses Arisa grinned "of course, we have a couple, we could make a day out of it" she said with a smile. Thats when she looked out the window and saw the tents, of course there wasnt enough room in her house for all her friends. Arisa began to feel self cautious again. All her friends had so much and she had so little. She sighed and looked away from the tents, they had enough camping gear for every one, she douted Kida or Viv even had camping gear. "its looks like we get to go back yard camping" Arisa whisperd hoping no one would hear.