- Messages
- 2,356
- OOC First Name
- Jesse
- Blood Status
- Pure Blood
- Relationship Status
- Single
- Sexual Orientation
- Bisexual
- Wand
- Straight 11 ½ Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Ashwinder Dust Core
- Age
- June 20 2038 (24)
Lysander had been inside the Forbidden Forest enough times to pull off entering with a casual air and practiced ease to avoid anyone taking any notice of him, but this time was different. It was an effort to focus on anything but the sound of his heart thundering in his ears, or the fact that it felt as if everyone he'd walked past on the way from the castle to the treeline somehow knew what he was doing, like they'd all attended a mass-legilimency class a few minutes prior. He avoided eye contact the whole way, pretending he had a very important something to get to. Quidditch practice? An impromptu Wild Patch meeting? Excuses raced through his mind even after he'd safely crossed into the forest. He let out a long-held breath. He was being ridiculous. No one knew. How could they know? What would they find? What was the worst he'd done so far? Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing as brilliant as what he'd planned to do.
"Come on, Big D. We're gonna make history, you and me." Lysander murmured to the toad under his jacket, with a final glance at the fading castle behind him. He hadn't meant to steal Hester's toad as a part of his grand plan, it had just happened. Any toad would have done, but Big Douglas had just been sitting there, alone and in the open, as if he were waiting for him to come by and pick him up for an adventure. It was destiny guiding Lysander's actions, that was all. He was going to do something great. Something life-changing. It was a thrill, equal parts terrifying and exciting. People wouldn't have understood until he proved himself to them first. He knew he could do this. He had to do this.
Of course, he'd had the foresight to pick out the perfect spot beforehand. It had taken some scouting out, an area far enough away from the school that it wouldn't be bothered or disturbed by some younger students traipsing about. He knew the way by now. It didn't take long to find. A specific, unassuming tree, with just the kind of hollow in its trunk to comfortably fit a toad. Lysander had worked his charms to make it more hospitable for the amphibian. Big Douglas was going to be living there for a while, so naturally it had to be cozy. A luxury getaway. Yes, that's what this was. Big Douglas deserved a break from the castle, right? A damp, mossy home to keep warm in, and no shortage of insects crawling about the forest to eat. "Here we are." Lysander said, voice barely above a whisper, as if the trees themselves could hear him. He lifted the toad out and into the hollow, pausing before he could properly set it down. "Woops, almost forgot." He said. He fished around in his bag until he found it. The egg. Brown, plain, entirely unmagical. For now. He set it down in the bed of moss and foliage, nestled comfortably, safe. He lowered the toad over it with no small amount of care, every hair o the back on his neck raising in anticipation. Nothing could go wrong. He was here, it felt too late to go back a second time. It had to be perfect this once. "I need you to look after this. Can you do that for me?" He asked. He stared Big Douglas in the eyes, trying to convey his thoughts, as if the toad could understand exactly what he needed from him. Perhaps he could. He only got that same, blank expression back, but a singular croak, and the fact the toad seemed comfortable where he was, was enough to convince him for the time being. "Great. I promise, you'll love it here. I'll come and visit every day if I can." He reassured the small creature.
Lysander stood with the toad for a few minutes more, making sure it was settled in, until finally he withdrew his wand and cast his final enchantments. His hand shook with anticipation, a jittering feeling he'd not been able to shake. His heart refused to slow, and he had to steady his arm with his other hand long enough to finish casting. The toad, the hollow, both vanished behind a wall of bark that crept its way up the trunk of the tree, both part illusion and protection to keep Big Doulgas safe, and to keep anyone or anything finding him before it was time.
"Come on, Big D. We're gonna make history, you and me." Lysander murmured to the toad under his jacket, with a final glance at the fading castle behind him. He hadn't meant to steal Hester's toad as a part of his grand plan, it had just happened. Any toad would have done, but Big Douglas had just been sitting there, alone and in the open, as if he were waiting for him to come by and pick him up for an adventure. It was destiny guiding Lysander's actions, that was all. He was going to do something great. Something life-changing. It was a thrill, equal parts terrifying and exciting. People wouldn't have understood until he proved himself to them first. He knew he could do this. He had to do this.
Of course, he'd had the foresight to pick out the perfect spot beforehand. It had taken some scouting out, an area far enough away from the school that it wouldn't be bothered or disturbed by some younger students traipsing about. He knew the way by now. It didn't take long to find. A specific, unassuming tree, with just the kind of hollow in its trunk to comfortably fit a toad. Lysander had worked his charms to make it more hospitable for the amphibian. Big Douglas was going to be living there for a while, so naturally it had to be cozy. A luxury getaway. Yes, that's what this was. Big Douglas deserved a break from the castle, right? A damp, mossy home to keep warm in, and no shortage of insects crawling about the forest to eat. "Here we are." Lysander said, voice barely above a whisper, as if the trees themselves could hear him. He lifted the toad out and into the hollow, pausing before he could properly set it down. "Woops, almost forgot." He said. He fished around in his bag until he found it. The egg. Brown, plain, entirely unmagical. For now. He set it down in the bed of moss and foliage, nestled comfortably, safe. He lowered the toad over it with no small amount of care, every hair o the back on his neck raising in anticipation. Nothing could go wrong. He was here, it felt too late to go back a second time. It had to be perfect this once. "I need you to look after this. Can you do that for me?" He asked. He stared Big Douglas in the eyes, trying to convey his thoughts, as if the toad could understand exactly what he needed from him. Perhaps he could. He only got that same, blank expression back, but a singular croak, and the fact the toad seemed comfortable where he was, was enough to convince him for the time being. "Great. I promise, you'll love it here. I'll come and visit every day if I can." He reassured the small creature.
Lysander stood with the toad for a few minutes more, making sure it was settled in, until finally he withdrew his wand and cast his final enchantments. His hand shook with anticipation, a jittering feeling he'd not been able to shake. His heart refused to slow, and he had to steady his arm with his other hand long enough to finish casting. The toad, the hollow, both vanished behind a wall of bark that crept its way up the trunk of the tree, both part illusion and protection to keep Big Doulgas safe, and to keep anyone or anything finding him before it was time.