Harleigh is here :))

OOC First Name
Hello all! My name is Harleigh and I live in Oklahoma with my dad. I am 14 years old and have three dogs. I have a yorkiepoo named honey who is 10. Years old, a white westie named Kona who is like 3-4, and last but nit least fat dog! Lol Her nickname is fat dog but her name is Babe, she is a grey-black carin terrior, the same kinda dog as toto :). I am going into 9th grade next year and absulutly love harry potter and everything about it. I have a summer job that I make wands and sell them. I use a drimal tool to shape the wood then i tie a ribon around it with the length and collection name. I have not sold any because ive been set back on making them due to extreme weather. I sell them only in the U.S. Any questions for me post them here i am excited to meet new people!

Ps im on my phone so spelling and grammer issues sorry!
Hey there, Harleigh! :) I wish I had a dog. :( They're just so awesome.
Welcome to HNZ! I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and if you have any questions or concerns during your time here feel free to message me.

I'm from Canada, myself, and I just finished up my first year of university.

Sorry to hear about your business setbacks - but extreme weather, indeed! Were you directly effected by the storms/flooding/tornadoes?
Do you have a picture of the wands you make? :)
Hello! Nice to meet you *curtsy* I have a picture of the pre cut wood but not yet of a finished product :) i will show you one as soon as I get one though! We had 10 tornados the other day and our power was out and we had no damage luckily!
Welcome to HNZ, Harleigh! Feel free to call me Amanda ^_^

Yikes. I'm glad you guys are safe! Tornadoes are rotten <.<
I love my dogs! :D I recommend everyone get a dog lol xD
I have a question: Is there a place that you can like really RP to meet new people? or are unsorted students only allowed in that catagory..
Hi Harleigh!

I'm Cyndi and I just wanted to welcome you to the site.
I love dogs too, but they are not allowed where I live :(
I hope you have fun here. See you around!! ^_^
Welcome to HNZ Harleigh!! :hug:
I love Dogs and I just really love dogs, ooh a Carin Terrier!! Did I mention I love Dogs? :D
I'm Mintzy and I hope to RP with you soon Dear!! ^_^
Hey Harleigh :hug:

Welcome to the site, im Kate. I have a border collie called Toby and i think dogs are beyond awesome ^_^

Im not sure what you mean by the question, but the unsorted area is a great place to start. If you make a topic and then leave it open, you will have a lot of people post and can meet their characters. If you want to chat out of character, then go here and this is for everyone of every shape, size and awesomeness rating :p I jest :p

For rp practising though, i would personally suggest the unsorted area - thats where i started, and i will let you into the secret that i used to be awful at roleplaying. I pride myself that im a little better, but i may live in a dream world =))

If you need any other help or just someone to chat to though, send me a PM and im happy to help :D

Once again, welcome to the site and i look forward to seeing you around and rping with you :D

Take care,

Hello kate :) i used to have a border collie named Millie...i miss her my dad gave to my gma and then my gma gave her away

And ive had lots of experience roleplaying from Hogwarts Extreme ^.^ dont tell them but i think i enjoy this a tad bit better ;D
That sounds awesome then :) - the roleplaying not the dog being given away :( thats sad :(

(((I think this is better even though i haven't been on that site :r HNZ the whole way :woot: )))

If you would like to roleplay with me, just send me a pm and im sure to reply quite quickly - i was voted the most online :r :p
I see :D haha awesome..
I will def pm u...
Yea hogwarts extreme or hex as we called it wasnt really like all about the roleplaying experience and stuff so I got really borEd :/
Go for it :) The best account is on this one, but most of my accounts i regularly check ;)

Oh, thats a shame :( well i can tell you for certain that this is a lot about roleplaying, but with a great mix of community and fun. :D
Yes :)
Haha I made my family on here too...My brother, mother, father...I am trying to get my mum and dad all jobs right not lol...
Hi Harleigh,
I'm Annie, I'm glad you decided to come to HNZ new people are always appreciated. Hope to RP with you soon! :)
Welcome Harleigh! I am also 14 (Wootz!) And I have a whippet/terrier called Barney (I gives him cuddles, he hates them :r )

Anyway, great to meet you, hope we can RP some time. You sound pretty awesome :D We are all an interesting bunch here :lol:

So again, welcome. ^_^
I do! We have this male Shih-tzu (Princess, Liver Type) and two guard dogs both half Japanese spitz, Dachshund and askal (Filipino Dogs).
I really do hope to RP with you! ^_^

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